
please reset the booktitle Purple_luv_3177 20231218092329 66

Warning:Novel is rated 18* No rape,No major misunderstanding. *************************** In her arms,he found his home and he wanted to stay in that home forever but his home is far away from her arms. He stood up put on his shirt and toss $20,000 dollar s notes at her and walk out of the room. He had never cheated before maybe that is why his heart grew heavy.

Purple_luv_3177 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

My Best Friend

Earlier that day..............

      After I was done with all my piled up work at the office at around 8pm in the night, I called my friend to ask him where we might link up today.

   "Hello Xerxes".

" Yes."

" How are you doing?."

   " Fine! friend what about you?" Xerxes asked me and I signed at the other end of the call.

   " Not fine bro, alot of shit happening in my home and my family right now". I told him.

   'No matter what I am going through, I had alway like to share it with my friend because he was just like my companion. The both of us had been friend since our high school days, attended the same collage but got a job at a different business firm.

    My friend got a job in an entertaining industry and quit the job last year. Due to his well off parents, he opened an hotel  and clubhouse called the 'XerX pop up!'. He had since then been maintaining a low profile and running his business on a low key. Up to this moment that I speak to him now Xerxes is yet to marry! Because he got to find out from my marriage life that there is pain in  Marriage and it is not just a bed full of roses.

       " Need to talk?, Can you come to the club right now ?." Xerxes voice brought me out of my merry land.

         " Yes. I think I need some few shots. I will be there in the next thirty minutes." I hang up the call, packed my stuffs and rearrange the documents I had completed work on then placed it on my secretary table for her to summit it to the boss the next morning, since working hours ends 6.00 pm in the evening.

  I hurried to the park lot retrieve my keys from the security guard and drove out of the building. I drove down the street in silence till I reached the ' Xerxes pop up hotel and club house'.

   I got down from the car before I realized that the outfit l had on does not benefit this place. I took off my tie and toss it in the car, losses two button on my shirt free and fly out my shirt. I can't come here looking like an angry employee that was threatened at work to be fired and came to pour out my frustration in a club house.

   I used my hands to mess with my hair causing it to curly down my face before entering the club.  Of course I wasn't new here and was familiar with the staffs as their boss friend , so immediately they sighted me they directed me to where my friend was.

     I walked up to Xerxes in the pub house were he was slowly making out with a beautiful young lady. I need to make this guy realize that he is getting old, I decided to ruin his show.

      " Hey Xerxes! Wat up man?." I walked up to them giving him a handshake.

     " Wat up buddy?." He responded.

" Am great, and who is she?." I turned to the young lady standing beside him.

  " Humm...... She is....." Xerxes was short of words.

         " Ohh! I understand. Hey! ." I looked at the young lady in the eye.    " This  man can't have anything to do with you because I am his wife brother and my sister work with the cops, so what do you think will happen if she caught you flirting with her man?". I asked the lady as I made a poker face, leaving Xerxes speechless.

              " Oh am sorry." The lady manage to say and walked away.

     " Thanks man, you were my knight tonight, I have wanted to excuse myself since but she never gave me the chance. She kept on blabbing about her family and stuffs. She is just like your wife you know?." Xerxes said trying to make jest of me as l had alway make sure to defend Mia whenever he makes jest of Mia, but today I wasn't in the mood for that. I simply nod my head and went to seat on a sofa that over see the dancing floor ahead.


" Care for a drink?." Xerxes asked me.

         " Yes. A tequila please, I had like it in shots. You can have it mix with a vodka or light beer."

                      " Looks like someone wants to drink away his sorrows?" Xerxes tease me jokingly.

     " Yes!" I responded as I watched the waiter bring in the first three shots of the drink.

    " Want to talk about what happened?". Xerxes asked me.

   " Just the usually argument about child and stuff." I responded as I took a shot down my throat and poked my face from the burning sensation.

   " Ohh that I see jing, I might not be married but let me give you advice  from a bachelor's point of view. Let Mia go, divorce her and find a better woman that will have kids for you". Xerxes suggested.

   "No, I simply can't do that, it is going to make Mia heartbroken and I can't stand her being heartbroken nor  in pain because I love her". I retorted  feeling an heavy weight in my chest. That is caused by love".

    Xerxes signs and think for a while before talking." Then ....... You guys can adopt a child, or get a surrogate mother or simply have a baby mama that will give you kids".

   "No! I don't want any of these ideas, I want a baby that my wife can carry for nine month and we will both watch and nuture it together and we can both call our child ours. Don't you get, I want it naturally!".

  " Fine, If that is what you want, you can easily wait for fifteen years by then she will be ready. By that time you will be forty-five years old and she will be forty-three years old and you can then welcome your first child and many more to come!". Xerxes said mocking me and Mia and at this point I was speechless. He had a point there but Mia was so adamant.

  " How can I get her to change her mind "  I asked.

   "You know mia before you marry her that she is unchangeable and is so stife- headed that she got anything the wants. So if you can do that then I will see you as a real husband!" He said laughing at me.

  "Whatever!" I manage to say because I also know it is like [98%] ninety eight percent impossible to conceive Mia about her decision.

  The both of us maintain silence for some while before Xerxes phone beeped in his pocket.

   "Hey! pick that up. it's coming from your pocket". I said slightly drunk.

   " Oh! My hook-up has arrived at my place".  

   I had Xerxes exclaiming with joy but I was already giving in to the ninth shot of tequila  I had.

  " I got to take my leave buddy, don't get too wasted and if you get drunk, don't create a scene Okay?. I will ask my assistant to prepare a room for you to pass the night, I can't let you drive in this manner". Xerxes said slightly tapping me on the shoulder.

   "Whatever! I am not drunk, I can find my way home, but I will have a few more shots?". I said opposing Xerxes word's.

   "Okay, am off!" And zoom he left before I could say the word "Wait".

    I have decided to get myself drunk and probably spend the night here today. I just do not feel like going home anymore!.

     Author notes💜💜💜💜

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