
please reset the booktitle Phantom_Vanquisher 20231218092329 4

Amidst the grand stage, where good and evil engage in a captivating dance, their performance commands the attention of both the enraptured audience and the unsuspecting players, entwining all in a tapestry of chaos and despair. From our earliest days, we have revered the heroes, admiring their virtuous deeds and unwavering moral compass, embracing the light they embody. Yet, as we journey through the labyrinth of adulthood, we come to understand the villains, their motivations, and the profound truth that heroes and villains are two facets of the same intricate coin. Each is bound by their own set of morals, forged by the crucible of their experiences and beliefs. In this interplay of light and shadow, our collective morality, once seen as an immutable beacon, reveals its fragile nature. It exposes the latent capacity for darkness that lurks within us all, a reminder of the depths to which humanity can descend. Within the realm of Eternum, a world steeped in magic and technology, the disparate races converge, united by a common adversary—the enigmatic force known as "The -----------------." As survival becomes the sole moral imperative, the bonds of trust and unity strain against the relentless tides of uncertainty. Yet, amidst this unyielding backdrop, a singular existence defies convention. Untethered by goals, ambitions, or attachments, it stands apart, embodying a mysterious and apathetic neutrality that challenges the very foundations of this turbulent world. In the tapestry of Eternum's narrative, the fragility of life unfolds, illuminating the darkness that can encroach even upon the brightest stars. It beckons us to contemplate the intricacies of our existence and confront the profound questions that lie dormant within us. Laughter, cold and sinister, echoes through the void. "Hahahaha...ha...ha...haa." "Is this the game you wish to play? So be it," whispers the author, undeterred by the threats of a defiant character. "Foolish author, I shall dismantle the very fabric of your precious creation," the character seethes, vowing to shatter the narrative and leave the author drowning in a sea of shame and regret. "I shall make you writhe in despair, yearning to choke on the remnants of your shattered dreams, and then..." A malevolent pause lingers in the air. "...then, I will deliver the final blow, eradicating not only your existence but the world you so fondly crafted. Prepare yourself." "JUST YOU WAIT!" A heartfelt message to all those who may question their resolve in the initial chapters: I implore you, bear with me through the first twenty chapters, for it is within that transformative span that the story unfurls its true essence. Discover whether to continue or to relinquish the narrative's grasp, for it is an odyssey that promises to challenge and captivate your very soul.

Phantom_Vanquisher · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Nightmare

Opening his eyes slowly Zephyr's gaze wandered around, around him was a world devoid of any colours but still radiating with a spectrum of colours.

The world was still yet moving, it was lonely yet lively, the hallucinogenic feeling of standing in such a world made him a bit nauseous, but strangely his eyes didn't waver.

Looking down he saw his hands, moving around he could see a vast plain stretching out for miles at end, yet the world seemed limited to his own consciousness.

Yes, this was the world of his own consciousness.

As soon as such a thought crossed Zephyr's mind he wondered, "So, am I sleeping or passed out or am I dead?".

Thinking back at the fight he had with Cyrus he thought it wouldn't be weird if he really died.

"So am I dead?"


Exhaling out loud Zephyr's shoulders slumped down in disappointment.


"No, you are still alive"

Suddenly a sound came from behind Zephyr's back.


Startled Zephyr jumped and turned back, only to see an upside-down face inches away from his own.

Deep golden eyes with slanted pupils akin to one of a snake's, flawless porcelain white skin which seemed to glimmer, white hair and a devilishly handsome appearance.

The boy seemed to be of the same age as Zephyr 12-13 years old and he was floating cross legged upside-down in the air.

Their faces were inches away from each other, the boy just had a calm expression on his face, while Zephyr looked extremely flustered, his eyes experiencing miniature earthquakes as his whole body froze.

"No need to look so shocked, I know I am too handsome for you to handle"

The boy said with a knowing expression and in a tone which sounded awfully confident.

Zephyr's brows twitched.

'This kid's crazy', he thought inwardly.



Distancing himself from the Zephyr the boy rotated in mid air, he unfolded his legs and stood straight on the ground.

Now that Zephyr took a closer look at the boy he was shocked to say the least.

The boy was handsome, a chiselled face with a prominent jawline, and a perfect physique, but what shocked him the most was his clothes and what lies beneath it.

'That somehow sounded very wrong', Zephyr coughed inwardly in embarrassment.

The boy was looking at Zephyr with an emotionless face, as though he was looking at an object rather than a human.

The boy was wearing just a long white cloth which was wrapped around his waist, it fell down till his ankles and completely covered his whole lower body, the cloth was white in colour with black embroidery with a golden chain hanging around the waist area giving it a noble look.

The upper half of his body was open for the world to see, a well defined chest and a set of 8 pack abs, there were no scars or natural marks rather…..

…..a huge crimson tattoo-like mark of a crimson coloured snake with the body which seemed to be made out of chains and its head resembling one of a basilisk.

The snake was coiling around his whole body from his waist to his neck to his shoulders to his back to both his arms and legs and finally stopping at his arms the head of the basilisk was beside his neck giving an illusion as though the snake was wrapped loosely around the boy's neck and resting on his shoulders.



The boy had crimson shackles on both of his wrists and ankles and the chains attached to the shackles were broken, dangling in the air each chain was just short to 2 metres in length.

Zephyr's eyes were shaking as his body unconsciously started to quiver on the sight of his figure.

Zephyr's eyes were darting around the boy's body, from the familiar yet unfamiliar snake tattoo to the crimson shackles and then finally to his shadow…..

Two deep crimson eyes, and the sillovet of a demonic looking figure, that was his shadow.

A wide bloody grin which sent shivers down Zephyr's spine, that was the boy's shadow.

A cold sweat trickled down Zephyr's cheek as he looked at the boy with caution.

"Wh-Who?", Zephyr asked with a shaky voice.

The boy looked at Zephyr apetically.

Zephyr's vigilance towards the boy increased as he took a step back and asked in a stern voice.

"I asked who the fuck are you, answer me!"




The boy took a step forward, Zephyr took a step back at almost the same time, but the very next moment the boy's body disappeared.



"My identity should be the last thing you should be worried about, the question you should be asking is…."

"...who are you, the boy named Zephyr, who is Zephyr actually"

A familiar voice whispered in Zephyr's ears, sending shivers down his back as every hair in his body stood on its end.


With a shrill Zephyr turned around just to see no one was actually behind him, he covered his ears.





Loud sounds of heavy footsteps along with clanking of chains resounded in the world of Zephyr's consciousness from all directions.

Zephyr's head was hurting, he looked all around him, but what he saw was just an empty landscape.

His brain was in a turmoil, his legs lost its strength as he fell on his knees, his head started to spin.


Zephyr let out a blood curdling scream as he covered his ears and curled up in a ball, as if hiding from something.


A cold hand touched Zephyr's head as his eyes shot open, he abruptly looked up only to see Cyran and Lucus's faces which were flashing with concern.

"Did something happen Zephyr"

"Oy brat, why were you screaming like you have seen a ghost"

They both expressed their worry, in their own ways.

But it all fell on deaf ears as Zephyr's eyes were hollow and his mind blank, all he remembered was…..

..."I will definitely destroy this story….."