
please reset the booktitle Phantom_Vanquisher 20231218092329 4

Amidst the grand stage, where good and evil engage in a captivating dance, their performance commands the attention of both the enraptured audience and the unsuspecting players, entwining all in a tapestry of chaos and despair. From our earliest days, we have revered the heroes, admiring their virtuous deeds and unwavering moral compass, embracing the light they embody. Yet, as we journey through the labyrinth of adulthood, we come to understand the villains, their motivations, and the profound truth that heroes and villains are two facets of the same intricate coin. Each is bound by their own set of morals, forged by the crucible of their experiences and beliefs. In this interplay of light and shadow, our collective morality, once seen as an immutable beacon, reveals its fragile nature. It exposes the latent capacity for darkness that lurks within us all, a reminder of the depths to which humanity can descend. Within the realm of Eternum, a world steeped in magic and technology, the disparate races converge, united by a common adversary—the enigmatic force known as "The -----------------." As survival becomes the sole moral imperative, the bonds of trust and unity strain against the relentless tides of uncertainty. Yet, amidst this unyielding backdrop, a singular existence defies convention. Untethered by goals, ambitions, or attachments, it stands apart, embodying a mysterious and apathetic neutrality that challenges the very foundations of this turbulent world. In the tapestry of Eternum's narrative, the fragility of life unfolds, illuminating the darkness that can encroach even upon the brightest stars. It beckons us to contemplate the intricacies of our existence and confront the profound questions that lie dormant within us. Laughter, cold and sinister, echoes through the void. "Hahahaha...ha...ha...haa." "Is this the game you wish to play? So be it," whispers the author, undeterred by the threats of a defiant character. "Foolish author, I shall dismantle the very fabric of your precious creation," the character seethes, vowing to shatter the narrative and leave the author drowning in a sea of shame and regret. "I shall make you writhe in despair, yearning to choke on the remnants of your shattered dreams, and then..." A malevolent pause lingers in the air. "...then, I will deliver the final blow, eradicating not only your existence but the world you so fondly crafted. Prepare yourself." "JUST YOU WAIT!" A heartfelt message to all those who may question their resolve in the initial chapters: I implore you, bear with me through the first twenty chapters, for it is within that transformative span that the story unfurls its true essence. Discover whether to continue or to relinquish the narrative's grasp, for it is an odyssey that promises to challenge and captivate your very soul.

Phantom_Vanquisher · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The mysterious curse [2]

While Cyrus was explaining the basic concept of curses to Zephyr, Lucus was observing Zephyr.

Although Zephyr was more mature than most children of his age, Lucus's mind was still in turmoil.

'How just how, no that's not the real question, just who is this kid?'.

First off his injuries and memory loss, for someone to experience such a thing at such a young age and still being able to remain calm and collected, what's more he's been absorbing the information I have been giving him like a damn sponge.

Then comes his scars and his muscles, hell his overall physiological structure all the way from his skeletal structure to his musculature everything has been honed to an unbelievable degree.

No, it will be wrong to say that, it's more like this guy is a born fighter, then comes his scars, although I have not asked him whether he remembers something about combat just yet but after this I need to do that, with haste.

And then comes the mysterious curse of binding, a curse which has only existed in stories and rumours, and now is placed on some lost brat.

Shaking his head inwardly he couldn't help but wonder, 'what's his story'.

At that moment.

"Now, mana is the energy that lingers in all living beings naturally and also in the atmosphere, and what do you think is the most potent source of such energy?"

With an indifferent look Zephyr said.

"Life Essence"

'Huh~', Lucas was a bit taken aback, 'what's with the sudden change in demeanour?'

He clearly saw Zephyr's expression change from one to another but just now what he saw was a cold and emotionless face devoid of any empathy or warmness, his eyes shone with a cold glint and the aura about him changed completely.

'Just what was that?'

Taking a glance at Cyrus and definitely, he also noticed.

Looking back at Zephyr he thought, 'He's definitely not a normal boy.'


After abruptly stopping for a moment, Cyrus looked at Zephyr and with a wry smile he said, "That's correct"

"Life essence or the energy contained by one's soul is the most potent and pure form of energy in this universe, and the curse of binding uses exactly that."


Taking a deep breath Cyrus said, "and that means in order to activate said curse, one needs living sacrifices, and mostly these are humanoid creatures with high intelligence"

With an indifferent look Zephyr nodded.

"As you already know, there are currently five races living on our planet "Eternum"

1: Humans: the natives of Eternum

2: Elves

3: Dwarves

4: Demons

5: Vampires

With the exception of humans all other races are not natives of plant Eternum"

"Really~", Zephyr was genuinely surprised, he hadn't learnt the history of this world from Lucus just yet.

Walking past Zephyr, Cyrus sat on the couch gesturing for the other two to take a seat as well.

As soon as Zephyr and Lucus sat down, Cyrus gave them a nod and continued.

"Roughly 1500 years ago, wormholes opened near every isolated place on Eternum"

"Eternum is basically divided into 5 major continents, each continent being separated by the vast ocean"

Looking at Zephyr, just to make sure he was following, Cyrus continued.

"In the North there is the 'Northern realm', also known as the frozen frontier,

In the East there is the continent of 'Isels', also known as the ocean frontier,

In the South there is the 'Great Desert', also known as the baron frontier,

In the West there is the 'Western Realms', also known as the Land of resources,

And finally,

In the centre there is the 'Central continent', also known as….."

Taking a deep breath Cyrus said in a solemn tone, ".....The humans last stronghold"

Suddenly an eerie silence ensued in the room.


With a dry cough Cyrus once again gained the others attention, "and we are currently in the country of 'Arathia', one of the only two remaining human countries"

"Actually we are not even in the country, we are currently in a region called, 'The mystic forest' a no man's land between Arathia and the country of Nocturia"

Listening to his explanation Zephyr was a bit overwhelmed but still he tried his best to understand everything.

"So, where do the other races live? And why are they here?"

"Right", Cyrus nodded, "about that–".

But cutting him off kid sentences Lucus started speaking.

"Now, 1500 years ago when the wormholes are speculated to have appeared for the first time, races such as Elves and Dwarves emerged out of the said wormholes and the places they appeared were none other than the Eastern continent and the Western continent respectively"

"And as for why they appeared, there is a looming threat that endangers all, no matter which planet they belong to, and that is, the 'Demon Invasion'."

"I see, but why did the humans only live on the central continent, by that I mean the elves and the dwarves are now inhabitants of the eastern and the Western continents, so why do humans not go there?"

"Haha..", chuckling slightly Lucus said, "Do you really think that the elves and the dwarves will share the land with some strange race which is much weaker than them and also cannot use magic, that too just after escaping from their own planets which was overthrown by demons"

"No", Zephyr shook his head.

"So, the intruders totally wiped out the human population from the said continent erasing their existence all together, annexing the continents for themselves"

"Wait, didn't you say that for them humans were weak and also that they couldn't use magic, what's with that?"

Nodding Lucas answered, "Indeed prior to the invasion humans didn't have access to magic or rather, the magicules and Psyons were in a dormant state, after the wormholes were created slowly but surely magicules from the plants they belonged to seeped into our planet disturbing the balance of magicules in Eternum"

"Hmm, I see", Zephyr nodded.

"Anyways, it took humans over five centuries to be able to properly utilise magicules and use magic, prior to the intrusion humans were using what was called fossil fuel, which apparently damaged the environment quite a bit and it even adversely affected the magicule density in Eternum's atmosphere"

"But only after a decade of human magical revolution,another wormhole opened in the northern continent, but this time the ones coming out of the portal were neither elves nor dwarves but rather, 'Vampires'.


I swallowed my saliva as Lucas was about to continue.

"Luckily or unluckily, humans never inhabited the northern continent because of its extreme cold conditions which was unfavourable for human inhabitation"

"For 7 whole decades the vampires lived in the northern continent, but unbeknownst to them on a fated day, a stealth drone send by humans for surveillance caught the glimpse of their inhabitat, they first thought that it was just a lost human country but the way the vampires lived wasn't viable for humans, and so their covers were blown"

"But humans weren't stupid seeing how the vampires could live so comfortably in such a harsh climate they instinctively knew, this existence was nothing to scoff at, it was just a matter of time before humans will be attacked on the two fronts, the elves and the dwarves, if that was not enough….."

"...internal conflicts among human countries and the struggle for power was a never ending phenomenon, and now there was new race to deal with all together"

"But the worst was still to come…."