
please reset the booktitle Petra_Stone 20231218092329 42

Warning!!! Matured contents. Dawn Hemlocks, a fashion design student tries her hand on hacking and gets caught in a web that might take her life. She negotiates her options and signs an unknown contract given to her by the well known heartless billionaire Stephan Klar. Will she be able to break free or find herself tangled into a web of love, murder and deceit?

Petra_Stone · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 11

"What do you want Olivia? I heard you didn't go back home yesterday."

"I wanted to see you urgently," Olivia explained. She rushed to Stephan's side and knelt down holding his leg which startled Stephan, what was this woman up to? He wondered.

"Please, If I did something to upset you, please forgive me," she pleaded bowing her head and Stephan could hear her sobbing. "You have been acting weird to me of late, I don't know what I have done wrong to deserve all this."

"What are you talking about? I don't recollect me behaving a certain way to you."

Olivia sobbed some more, didn't he know he had been acting weird to her off late. Maybe that was where she got it all wrong, she thought Stephan was intentionally avoiding her but it turned out he wasn't. He was probably just occupied with work.

Stephan was irritated by her sobbing, he raised her head and smiled at her as she smiled back.

"Sit down here." He tapped his legs as she obeyed joyfully wiping away her fake tears.

She was glad to hear that Stephan wasn't mad at her, and that it was just in her head all along. She looked at him as he turned to his tab and continued reading. She didn't know what to say to start a conversation, and Stephan wasn't much of a talker. He was a very reserved man and that was one of the things she loved about him.

She raised her hands up to the collar of her dress and pulled it down revealing a glimpse of her bra, if they were not going to talk, there were other things better than talking. Things she knew Stephan was good at. She kept on playing with her neck line.

"Is your neck hurting you?"

What? She was trying so hard to seduce this man and the first thing he could utter was if her neck was in pain.

"No," she replied still trying harder by dropping her hand to her boobs and back up to her neck. Stephan seemed to have understood as he dropped his tablet on the table. He reached for the neck of her dress turning her around so he could loosen the zipper in the back.

She was super excited, she had thought she had lost her magic touch.

Stephan had not been moved by her moves, but he had noticed something unusual when she had adjusted her dress. He wanted to see it to be sure.

He dragged the zipper down and heard a light moan from Olivia, even the sound of her moan irritated him right now.

"Stand up and take off your dress."

Olivia smiled inwardly at the sound of that, she slowly stood up and faced him taking down her dress slowly and seductively until the gown touched the floor. She stared at Stephan whose eyes were wide open staring at her.

Yes! She had him where she wanted.

"Get out."


"I did not stutter," Stephan couldn't believe his eyes, she was wearing the lingerie that he had sent to Dawn, just seeing it on her body annoyed him so much. Was she mad?

He pressed a number on his phone as the bodyguard entered.

"Get her out of here," he ordered.


Olivia couldn't believe her ears and the situation on ground, she had been so stunned she didn't know when the bodyguard had badged in. how could Stephan just call his men inside when she wasn't properly dressed, she quickly picked her gown off the ground and wore it quickly, as the impatient bodyguard held her by the arm and dragged her outside.

She struggled looking at Stephan at interval but he seemed to be really angry and calling someone on his phone.

"Let me go!" She kept struggling, hitting the bodyguard hand but he seemed stronger than her. He pulled her through the corridor, tapped the button on the elevator and threw her inside as the elevator door closed in her face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dawn came out of the house with the contract in her hand, she had gotten a message from a lady, she claimed to be Stephan's secretary and wanted to remind her about the meeting they had today.

She had called Olivia twice today but as usual, no answer. She was getting pissed off from the way Olivia was handling the situation. She decided she was just going to go see Stephan and talk to him about it once and for all.

She opened the door of the car and was about to enter when she spotted Olivia come out of a taxi and walking towards her with teary eyes. She looked a mess, her gown looked like it was rip at the side and she was holding one of her heels in her hand.

"What the hell happened to you?" she hoped Stephan didn't do anything crazy to her.

"I don't want to hear it." Olivia still couldn't believe what just happened to her some minutes ago. She had never been embarrassed in her life like that before, did she do something wrong? Everything had been going so well.

She was about entering inside when something caught her eyes. She noticed a file with Dawn and she seemed to be heading out. She turned around staring at the file.

"Where are you going to?"

"I am going to Stephan's office, I think it is only right that I end this once and for all."

"Get back inside right this minute," Olivia ordered.

"Did you wear the lingerie?" Dawn couldn't believe this nonsense, she thought Olivia's plan was to go and talk to Stephan about the contract but it seemed she had gone there with a mission to seduce him. She could see the sheer bra from the part that was ripped out of the gown.

Was she that stupid? Dawn was sure that Stephan was really pissed at the sight of it, anyone in his right sense would be mad at something like that. It was an intimate gift.

"I did, and so what? Go inside right this minute."

"I really can't believe you, you actually went all the way to seduce him."

"What did you expect huh? He is my man."

"But are you his woman? What did he do to you?"

"It's all because of you, if you hadn't come into my life."

"I can't believe you, you are mad at me? Seriously?"

Olivia was mad at Stephan but more at Dawn, why had she come back?

"Can't you see that he is just using you, he doesn't care about you or anything that has to do with you."



Olivia had slapped Dawn but she hadn't expected that Dawn would retaliate, the impact from Dawn's slap was so hard. Olivia stumbled and nearly fell down.

She tried to hit Dawn again but her hand got caught by someone.

"Okay ladies," It was Damien. How did he get here?

Damien had wanted to pay Dawn a surprise visit after Olivia had told him that Dawn was back home, but he hadn't expect to see them like this.

He had to rush out of his car to stop the situation before it turned into something worst.

"Let me go." Olivia yelled trying to remove her hand from Damien's grip. She wasn't going to accept defeat just like that. She had always been in control of Dawn, how could she slap her back?

She bit into Damien's hand and before he could get hold of the situation she slapped Dawn again, this time really hard than the first that her own hand sting from the slap.

Now she was satisfied.

She stared at Dawn who was fuming like a mad dog.

Dawn didn't even care about Damien or what the hell he was doing there, she was really angry right now.

"Roman." Dawn shouted.

Roman didn't seem to answer her, he only stood next to the car. Dawn knew he reported to Olivia only. She sighed deeply and jerked the keys from his hand rushing into the car, she started the engine as Olivia chased after her.

She reversed the car and zoomed off, she adjusted the rearview mirror and she could see Olivia yelling while Damien stared with a puzzled look.

She shouldn't have agreed to allow Olivia go there in the first place, Olivia had only ended up complicating things and now she had the audacity to hit her again for this useless Stephan. She knew Olivia was hot tempered but this was too much for her to handle. She was angry at herself, at Stephan and at the fact that she had even hacked the stupid computer in the first place.

If she hadn't hacked the computer in the first place none of this would have happened.

She accelerated the engine more, she just wanted to get to KLAR Company as soon as possible and the annoying thing was Olivia had gotten a house not too far from his company.

It didn't take her thirty minutes and she was there, she opened the door and slammed it still angry as she walked hurriedly inside and straight to the receptionist.

"I want to see your stupid boss right this minute."

"Ma'am we…."

"Do not waste my time."

"Right this way Ma," a bodyguard said signaling the receptionist not to worry about it. Dawn followed behind as they went into the private elevator that led straight to Stephan's office.

The elevator was only used by Stephan, Matteo and if they had urgent business and didn't want to delay their clients.

Dawn tapped her feet impatiently in the elevator as the door flared open. She went in not even waiting for the bodyguard to motion her inside.

"Take your stupid contract," she yelled and threw the contract at Stephan but it missed and instead hit the man sited next to him.

Stephan had seen her entering the company, and had told his men to bring her directly to his office.

"Are you mad?" Mr Gomez yelled. Who was this crazy woman that just walked in, not only did she interrupt their meeting, but she also had the audacity to throw something at him.

"Do not be offended Mr Gomez, I will see to that paperwork personally." Stephan reassured him to put him at ease.

"Very well." Mr Gomez replied getting the hint took his leave as the bodyguard motioned him to the elevator. He tried to intimidate Dawn with his stare but when he had looked at her, he had instantly looked away. She had some killer stare. Very deadly one. Where did Stephan find such a feisty woman?

"What did you do to Olivia?" Dawn finally spoke when Mr Gomez was in the elevator. "I don't want anything to do with your stupid contract, are you not ashamed of yourself playing with two sisters. I don't want to have anything to do with you. Or do you intend to force me as well to do it with you? Maybe you did even force me, because you are nothing but a monster. That's what you are, a stupid, self-centered monster."

Stephan leaned back on his seat listening to this woman call him all sort of names, he had never seen anything like it, she had not only nearly injured one of his shareholder, she was shouting at him, but something was unusual about her face.

"Come here," he ordered.

"Are you deaf? I said I don't want any part of this and now you are telling me to come to you." Was this arrogant man even listening to her?

"If I come to you, you won't like the outcome. Now come here." He warned.

Even thou she was trying to be brave a part of her still felt that Stephan could do something crazy to her. It was best she listened to him and if he tried anything funny she could always just kick him in the balls hard enough to send him to the hospital.

She walked up to him and stood a little bit close to him, he dragged her by the wrist as she came crashing into him. What was he trying to do?

He held both of her hands by the wrist in one of his hand, and placed the other to her cheek where Olivia had slapped her twice.

"Who did this to you?" he asked angry at how her face looked up close. Her face was swollen on the left side and really red. Dawn tried to break free from his grasps, but the more she tried the more painful it got, as Stephan grip on her wrist tightened.