
please reset the booktitle Nndubuisi_Rosemary 20231218092329 23

Anna,a carefree girl who was oblivious of the fact that she had powers was enrolled in a magical school by her dad to undergo training , on her first day of school she met a boy called Alex who she thought was a total jerk due to his behavior . Alex is an narcissistic guy who feels that his charms can smitten everyone easily until he met Anna who isn't smitten by his charms and character ,Alex feels angry by the fact that she thinks he isn't charming and plans to make her fall for him and then dump her.alex finds out that her life is in danger and he is the only person who can help her. what will he do when he falls for her in the process of helping her " Hey jerk, come here we are not done with the training" she said to him I glared at her and asked "did you just call your trainer a jerk "ooh, I forgot you are my trainer, sir are we done for today" she said to me smiling " Do I look old to you , don't call me sir okay" I said to her "And if I do what are you gonna do about it" she said to me with a challenging look "well , am going to use my charms on you"I replied grinning "Do I have to tell you over and over again that doesn't work on me sorry" she said to me while packing her bags "it does you, you Know that to because your heart beats faster when am close to you" I said to her "what, so you can listen to my heartbeat ,can you also read my mind "she said to me with a shock expression "I can't but I will find away to"I replied "you will never I promise you"she said and ran out "I wonder how I became a teacher to this kind of person who can't even fall for my charms "I said to myself and also left the hall

Nndubuisi_Rosemary · Teen
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12 Chs

chapter 6.

"what do you mean by something bad will happen"dawn asked me

" you don't understand, when I was little whenever I had this pain it's a sign that something bad will happen"I replied her with a worried face

" Do you have an idea of what usually happens"Mike asked me

" No but it's always disastrous" I said staring at Mike

"something disastrous like what" dawn asked me


"Anna ,Anna come back here " my mom called me

"No mom I won't"I said running towards the door and then all of a sudden I felt a pain in my chest and fell down

"Anna, what's wrong" my mom shouted when she saw me laying on the floor ,she ran to me and sat on the floor with me in her hands

"Anna are you okay" my mom asked again in a worried tone

"Am fine but I don't feel good" I said to my mom

"it's okay go to your room and rest" my mom said as she helped me back on my feet

"okay Mom see you later" I said and went to my mom

A while later

"Anna, your dad is back" I heard my mom shout . I went downstairs still feel the same pain in my chest

"Anna,your mom said you aren't feeling to well" my dad said to me with a worried look

" yes dad I feel pains in my chest as if something bad will happen"I said to my dad

"Anna don't think that way okay nothing bad will happen" my mom said to me reassuring me

"But mom I fee...I got interrupted by my Mom when she said "Anna it's enough should I say this over and over again nothing will happen"

"Stephanie it's enough"my dad said to my mom and turned to look at me "Go to your room Anna " my dad said to me

"okay Dad"I replied and went to my room when I went inside my room I heard my mom and dad arguing

"it's all my fault I could have kept it to myself" said to myself .

I picked up my phone to call my best friend when I heard a a voice beside my window like as though someone was singing

"Who is there" I stood up to check who it was when I saw my door knob move

" I said who is there " I said again my door opened and my dad came to my view

"Anna,we need to leave here" my dad said to me I could here nervousness in his voice

"Dad what's going on" I said staring at my dad

"Anna let's go" my dad said and dragged me with him

when we went downstairs I saw our kitchen on fire "Dad what's going on where is mom?"I asked my dad

' Your mom is in the car, let's go"my dad said and took me outside we went into the car and drove off

" Dad , mom what's going on I heard someone singing beside my window earlier"I said to my parents

"Anna don't ever listen to unknown voices okay "my mom said to me and patted my back"

"okay Mom "I replied and smiled surprisingly the pain had stopped suddenly we heard a thud at the back of our it's looked like someone had hit us

"Mom are people after our lives" I asked my mom

No dear, they are ju.... before my mom could complete her statement the car behind came in contact with our's causing our car to turn upside down

" Anna, Anna wake up" I heard my dad say as I slowly opened my eyes

" Dad where is mom" I asked my dad when I opened my eyes and realized my mom wasn't there

"your mom is gone" I heard my dad whisper

"what do you mean by mom is gone" I asked my dad

I heard a lot of voices and saw people running around

"what's going on" I asked Dawn and stopped my story cause I saw people running

"I don't know'she replied me and stopped someone "why is everyone running" dawn asked the student

" There is a fire in the cafeteria" the student replied and ran with the others

"Not again " I said and ran towards the cafeteria

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