
please reset the booktitle Miyakoysi 20231218092329 66

Getting rewritten

Miyakoysi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Girl with no Cube





'Teacher's pet' 

All of them the names he had grown accustomed to. And they all followed him from grade school to this day. High school 2nd grade, one of the most peaceful years in his hectic school life. 

  No more confusion and mistakes of the junior year but not as stressful as the senior year. 

A calm, peaceful period of his teenage years. 

  But still, the decade of being bullied by his peers were not easy. Even now, he still gets talked about behind his back, bullied and it is still embarrassing for him. 

  One thing was clear thought, Kazue never held anything against his bullies, not for a long time anyway. 

  After All they are just like him and trying to fit into the society around them. They don't truly mean what they say, they are afraid too. From what they are afraid of, Kazue knows. That's why he never hates them, not when their soul is laid bare, showing Kazue everything he wants to know. 

(And if small part of him hated them, he squashes that part viciously and hides it into the darkest part of his very being. No needs to know about it.)

 Harukami Kazue was an average kid with good grades and not many friends. Only thing going for him were his grades and his exotic look.


(That was what the teachers said. It was not his fault he doesn't interact with others. How can he? When they look at him so distastefully while their souls scream in guilt and wish to get away.)

  Sometimes his powers, his ability to see the souls of people around him felt like a curse. He wanted to hate them, hate the people who makes his life so unbearable. But he can't! There are some people that means it everytime. But that's only because they have been hurt too! 

 So Kazue endures.Every scathing remark, every word written in his desk, every glare sent towards his way, he endures. He may flinch away and the tears threaten to fall from his eyes any minute, but he never tells anyone on them anyway. 

 It was the same as usual today. 

 His classmates whispered behind his back, his teachers just scoffs at him everytime he catches their line of sights, some people glare and throw things at him.

  Look, there are new words added on his desk. They were unsavory and very rude to say them loudly. How they come up with this kind of things, Kazue will probably never know. 

 He glanced at the clock, counting the minutes until the bell rings. He wanted to go home soon and fast. 

 The clock said 12:55, still 5 minutes before the bell rings. Kazue sighes and stares out the window boredly. He had already finished the assignment but didn't want to show it. If he did, his classmates would probably whisper behind his back again. 

  Maybe Kazue was passive and just a little bit of a nerd. But even he doesn't want to always get insulted. 

  Just as he was about to start daydreaming again, the bell rang. Loudly indicating the end of the lesson and school for the 11th graders. 

 Their high school was a strange one. It went by two schedules as both high and middle school were combined. 


 High schoolers took the morning classes and middle schoolers the afternoon one. But it worked well for everyone and as long as it worked, everything is fine. 

Kazue stood up, packing away his belongings quickly as possible and ran out of the door as soon as the teacher went out. 

 He did not want to remain in that classroom anymore than necessary. 

Running down the stairs, Kazue quickly reached the school entrance and changed out of his school shoes. In a recorded speed so far, he ran out of the school and didn't slow down even by a little until he reached the bus stop. 

Kazue panted as he came to stop, slightly out of breath from all the running as he slumped into the empty seat. After taking a few calming deep breaths, he took out his phone and gazed through the new messages. 

 There was only one and it was from his mother too. So Kazue opened it, only to be bombarded by emoticons and a single line of text. 

^Get some cake from the mall please Kazu-kun? Mama has been craving sweets all day. There is a shop that mama likes so much! It's names Angel's smile^

He smiled slightly and sent a quick agreement. 

 Looks like he'll have to walk since the market street is only a block away. 

Kazue stood up and started walking,he'll have to find the store now and just pray that he won't get lost. Honestly thad place was a maze and no one  can convince him otherwise. 

 The mall was absolutely bustling with people and Kazue avoided much contract as possible because he did now want to disturb anybody and getting hit by those cubes and the chains were not a good idea. 

  (Even if they will just go straight through him. But who cares?) 

 He looked around trying to find the store his mother mentioned in his text when his eyes caught sight of a girl with no cubes. 

  Kazue cursed silently under his breath and followed after her, avoiding people and apologizing when he bumped into some. He did not take his eyes off of her. 

Last time cubeless person was out, they attacked the people around them and was arrested. Kazue did not want any of that happening again. 

 The girl quickened her pace as if she knew that Kazue was following her. She dodged around people expertly, making it hard to keep her in sight. 

 Maybe he was just being a creep, but he was worried. What if the girl did something!? She might get sent into mental ward! He bumped into one guy, causing him to almost fall. 


"I'm sorry!" 

Kazue quickly apologized and turned back to the girl. Only to realize that he had lost sight of her. 

"Damn it!" Kazue cursed and looked around frantically. He needed to find her! Find her and get her away from the people! He cursed again and started walking around looking for her. 

He walked past an alleyway looking through it. Luckily there were no darkened cubes around. 

 Unluckily, he was now pinned down on the ground in a dark isolated alleyway with a strange green and white wolf with clover markings, green gem on his head snarling on top of him menacingly. 

Kazue felt his whole body stiffen, was this his end? He shuddered at the thought of not death but the idea of leaving his family behind. 


Just then the cubeless girl stepped out of the shadow. With a cold, ruthless glare she asked him. 

"Who are you? And why are you following?" 

Kazue could only think one thing. 

'This day couldn't get any worse could it?'