
The beginning

I was in class being goofy as always. My name is Antonio Bailey. I currently go to Gateway STEM Highschool. I was righting a story when the sky grew dark and eerie. My ELA teacher was staring at us with a demonic look. I wasnt scared because i thought he was playing. Someone scream the moon is red. Then i got nervous and ran to the back of the class. He attacked and killed everyone but me who managed to break a desk and stab him in the head. I didnt know what was going on but my first thought was to get home.

I got out of the school and thats when i noticed its was spreading but i wasnt getting effected so i was confused. Then i started being chased and ran. I ran like i never ran before then i fell. I was out of breathe and i couldnt breathe. I limped all the way home to see that my dad was gone. Hes usally sleep on the couch but he wasnt there so i sat and put it on my self to save the man kind... First thing i needed was a crew so i went to the nearest highschool and save as many kids as possible. I asked who want to join me on this adventure? At first no one answered but two nervous guys and one girl raised thier hand. I said are you ready to hunt and kill monsters and be legend. The said yes and we were off on our adventure.

As we walked out the school a thing came and attacked us i was pinned to the ground with no strength to get free. I thought i was a goner by the girl stepped up and killed the thing. I thanks her and ask for her name she said my name is Scarlet. (Scarlet: 5"4, blue eyed, black hair, skinny, and smart). I said nice to me you. She help me up and smiled at each other.i wasnt dumb and i knew exactly what we needed to do. I said gather material and craft weapons. I crated a makeshift spear, Scarlet made a makeshift sword and the two guys made made a bow. We were all set and ready to kill.