
No fashion sense

"Take a deep breath okay and stop being nervous,you are lucky she didn't ask you to write a list of all the girls you've had sex with, now pull it together and play your part." Dwayne's inside voice said to him. He put a smile on his face as he walked beside his boss, something about her changed the moment she walked out of the elevator, although most people didn't know about her position but seeing her you would know she isn't the type to mess with.

Dwayne watched as the employees whispered among themselves, some of them were his old colleagues, he could guess what they were saying. Getting to the door of the building, Sky pulled out her sunglasses from her bag and turned back to face him...."Go get your car Mr Teffa, we'll be using your car, I'll wait here for you."

" Ok ma'am." Dwayne said as he hurried away.

Although some of the employees thought she was the P.A of Mr Jide, some didn't know where she worked but they were afraid of her because of Mr Jide and she was scary ....never once have they seen her smile...imagine their surprise when they saw her with Dwayne, jumping into conclusion most of the employees said she and Dwayne were a couple while a few said they were colleagues, they even placed a bet and the majority hoped they were right.

As Dwayne drove into Palmera Resort he couldn't help but say wow, it is breathtaking. Palm trees were arranged beautifully creating a path that led to the Resort, the Resort was decorated with trees, the owner must really love nature, Dwayne thought to himself. Getting to the front of the Resort, Dwayne passed his key to the valet and hurried to get the door for his boss.

The resort had a place you could relax, with nice soft music, nice scenario, karaoke and a bar. The first person Sky saw as she walked into one of the VIP room was Amaka, she froze, praying she was in the wrong room....she stopped to check the address on her phone.

Walking behind his boss, Anton stared at everything in the resort ...this place was really made for the rich, he thought to himself, he didn't notice Sky stop abruptly and he walked into her back...."sorry ma'am, are you ok?" he asked.

Of all the people I could run into ....it had to be Amaka Chimdi.....they attended the same college, she was a pain in the ass, full of herself and did all sort of things in school just to be among the rich, she was a runs girl(girls who sleep with rich men for sex especially married men) She heard Amaka got married and that her wedding was the bomb but she didn't pay attention.

"It's my old Schoolmate, I don't like her. "Please Dwayne look around that table and tell me you haven't slept with any of those ladies." Dwayne looked at the three ladies sitting at the table with a fat man who seemed to be in his early 50's. "I can't recognise any of them ma'am, I'm sure I haven't had sex with any of them."

" Ok good Sky said. ...let's go."

Amaka saw Sky walking towards their table and waved...."Hey Maggie(pretending not to know Sky's name) is this really you? what are you doing here."

Sky put on a fake smile on her face as she walked over to the table. "Hi Mrs Amaka...I have a meeting with Mr Akin and it's Mena. how do you do Mr Akin? I'm Sky from Jaydite, we have a meeting concerning the new mall at the Central area."

" I asked for the CEO not a little girl, Mr Akin said to Sky rudely, I personally told mister Jide that I want to speak with the CEO."

" I'm sorry Mr Akin but as you know, the board chose Mr Jide to run things at the company as the new CEO is still in training. I'm the closest person to the CEO and i can assure you that I have the answers to all your question and you won't regret picking Jaydite Mall. just go over the plan with me. This is Mr Teffa, he's in charge of the marketing department."

"You are bold let's see what you have to offer." Mr Akin is the CEO of kokolite fashion house, they have, cosmetic from top brands and also clothes from different designers all over the world, if you need a cloth or cosmetic from the world top designers, go to kokolite. If kokolite can take a part of the mall, they plan to build, it will bring other investors and alot of people will visit the mall thereby making Jaydite more popular.

Mr Akin is an arrogant business man and is also known for his womanising, she knew he got married recently to a young girl, Sandra Chimdi. Sky sat down in the big table with Mr Akin and his guest, she really hoped they will excuse them.

"It"'s Sandra now Mena and I see you've had a name change too, I can't believe it's you, I remember back then in school, you always wore big polo and Jean, you were such a geek, remember that time I couldn't recognize you cause you wore a dress." turning to her two friends she said, "she had no fashion sense then, she wore cloths without name, she even walked around without any make up on, she braided her hair mostly."laughing Sandra and her friends turned and looked at Sky.

"You haven't changed much, yes your hair is nice but you still wear clothes with no names."

" Hold on Sandra her friend said to her, don't you recognise that jacket, it's from that popular designer who's cloths are always difficult to get." One of Sandra's friend said.

"I am sure you are seeing things wrongly Jane I know her. Anyway Mena I'm glad you are working with Jaydite now, it'll change your life."

All the while Sandra was talking, Sky tried her best to control herself, the whore had the guts to embarrass her publicly in front of a client...taking a deep breath, Sky was about to talk when Dwayne squeezed her hand under the table, and said, "nice to meet you Mrs Sandra, although I know you as Amaka, removing his hand from under the table, he took Sky's hand in his as he said, "my fiancee here have mentioned you more than once, that you once stayed in the same hostel and that she used to help you with school work since you weren't always around."

Sky smiled brightly as she turned to Dwayne and said "enough about our personal lives, can we get to business Mr Akin?"

" Meet my wife Sandra and her friends Jane and Priscilla. Go on with your plan."

" Sweetheart can you and the girls go to the Karaoke bar, I'll join you soon." Mr Akin asked his wife.

" Ok dear, standing up, Sandra kissed her husband on the lip and said...don't stay to long honey...you know I cant be away from you for too long."

Sky watched the drama in front of her....wife? what the fuck....she is in trouble. Amaka has always hated her....how was she going to seal this deal with the witch lurking around😶.