
please reset the booktitle Kiki2buns 20231218092329 77

There I was sitting there trying to find a fanfic where someone reincarnated as Gaara. Alas it brought me to a reddit page where a lot of people would actually like to see a novel like that. So I figured I should write one and so I started but then suddenly a truck came crashing through my window? At least 1 chapter every day, well, I'll try at least.

Kiki2buns · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Id create?

[As a reward for reaching level 10 you have gained a random skill/technique]

[Skill obtained Id Create/Escape]

Observe that skill now, is that what I think it is?

[Id Create/Escape] (Active) Lvl: 1

Create: creates a dungeon the higher the level of the skill the more dungeons

Escape: leaves the dungeon

Lvl 1: Empty (Village)

Lvl 2: Zombies

I use the empty one, its the whole village except there's no one here and it's only the buildings it would definitely be a good place to train very good in fact

time skip 1 hours

Finally after 1 hours I leveled it up let's go take a look at these zombies then shall we?

"Id create zombies"

I'm in what looks like a ruined Sunagakure with some, oooo a zombie let's inspect it

[Zombie civilian]

Lvl: 5

HP: 300/300

CP: 1/1

... It's honestly pretty slow as expected I suppose

Sand starts moving up from the ground and forms a casing around the zombie like a casket

"Sand coffin"

I squeeze my hands closed

"Sand burial"

[Skill Sand coffin and Sand burial obtained]

Neat, I really don't think I need to read what they do.

[50 exp and 10 ryo gained]

Freakin' sweet I get cash and exp from them

Oh? is that a zombie ninja?


[Genin zombie] (newly graduated)

Lvl: 8

HP: 500

CP: 300

I sand coffin bit he just runs away from it tch, and he's holding a kunai but that just might prove to be a fatal flaw.

The zombie runs at me he attempts to stab me I flip it's kunai around right into it's skull

[Critical Hit!]

[100 exp and 20 ryo obtained

(2 week time skip) with very frequent breaks outside as to not get caught

Finally level 14 ahhh I began to say in a relaxed manner until...


I hear a deep and gravely voice, have I killed so many that the boss is gonna come out now that's a huge ass mother fucking zombie, it walks out Infront of me.


[Bloated Chakra Mutated Zombie]

Lvl: 14

HP: 2000/2000

CP: 1000/1000

Oh shit were the same level right now this is gonna be pretty hard without using Shukaku I float some shuriken in the air with my magnet release and throw them at him with little sand particles surrounding them he doesn't dodge perfect

I start running at him he reacts and spits chakra ... balls? out at me I quickly put 3 points into agility and dodge all of them

I put 3 points into strength and vitality then 4 into intelligence I save the other points in case I need them for later.

I create a sand clone the zombie doesn't know which one is actually me, stupid thing

I charged at his right side and my clone charged at his left side he focused my clone, I created a whole bunch of small sharp grains of sand and then

"Wind release: Great breakthrough!"

"Combined technique"

"Wind release sand buckshot!"

The technique pierced hundreds of holes through the zombies head and body.

I looked at his hp, 800/2000 nice, 1 more ability should kill him here. First of all

"Wind release: infinite sand cloud!"

I blinded the zombie, I insert my chakra into the sand cloud and find out where he is, now!

"100 Sand Arm funeral!"

"You die now, insolent bug, hmph!"

I close my fist

The already half dead zombie gets buried in my sand

Some of Shukaku's got out for a second there, I gotta make sure not to over do it next time.

[6000 Exp gained and 12,000 ryo"

That's a crazy amount I guess it does make sense, 1 hit and I would've been dead


(plus 1 to all stats cause of his birthday that's happening today, this was a very early Id create)

[Name: Gaara]

Title: Jinchuriki of the 1 tail, Shukaku

Lvl: 14 6000/15000 exp

Age: 5 years old

Hp: 900/900

Cp: 4690/6600 (He gets 1050 chakra every birthday because every birthday Shukaku's chakra is purified as his own, honestly I'm just making this shit up as I go lol, I just changed this btw so the chapters before this have the wrong chakra points)

Str: 11

Vit: 11

Dex: 11

Int: 25

Cha: 2

Attribute points: 45

y'know what I'll put 25 points into intelligence, boom that makes 50, wait i don't get perks for getting it up to 50 I really thought I would, god damnit.

look at that chakra control, I'm currently learning how to walk on quick sand with chakra and boy is that going up.

[Chakra Control] (Passive) Lvl 24

24% less cost to all jutsus and techniques

Basic Body Conditioning] (Passive) Lvl: 20/MAX

20% movement speed extra

20% strength in all physical ways

It capped at 20, I'm gonna have to find a more intermediate version and I need an actually taijutsu style, so much stuff to do.

[Name: Gaara]

Title: Jinchuriki of the 1 tail, Shukaku

Lvl: 14 6000/14000 exp

Age: 5 years old

Hp: 900/900

Cp: 7850/7850

Str: 11

Vit: 11

Dex: 11

Int: 50

Cha: 2

Attribute points: 20