
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Xu Rongrong's horror and regret

This Xilan International Hotel is a famous five-star hotel in Jiangzhou, worth at least several billion.

Chu Chen is actually the new owner here.

The second largest shareholder of the entertainment group, the vice president, the owner of Xilan International Hotel...

How much is Chu Chen worth? I'm afraid it is more than tens of billions.

Thinking of this, Xu Rongrong felt even more complicated.

More than 20 billionaires, not in Jiangzhou, in Southern Province, even in the whole country is very rare.

In the past few years, what has happened to Chu Chen, how can he become a billionaire?

This is incredible.

Seeing his son slap in the face and apologize, Chu Chen did not forgive him.

Meng Zhe also came over.

"Meng has no way to teach his son, Mr. Chu, please forgive me."

President Zhang Zimo did not help Meng Zhe, but stood there coldly.

At this moment, Zhang Zimo hated Meng Yu very much, and even looked at Meng Zhe very unpleasantly.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It seems that he will return without success this time.

A few other directors of entertainment are equally cold-eyed, and even some are gloating.

For a long time, Chu Chen spoke.

"I am also a generous person."

"Let's let Meng Yu slap himself three hundred slaps here, and that matter is fine."

Everyone was taken aback.

Three hundred slaps?

Especially Meng Yu, who was kneeling in front of Chu Chen, almost cried.

Three hundred slaps, how generous?

I only smoked twenty or thirty, and my face was already swollen.

One hundred, I am afraid it is already the limit.

Three hundred, even if it is not disfigured, his half life is gone.

"Hurry up, thank you Mr. Chu."

Meng Zhe breathed a sigh of relief and quickly kicked his son on the ground.

"Thank you Mr. Chu."

Meng Yu can only express his gratitude.

"My generation doesn't understand the rules, let him remember this time."

Chu Chen waved his hand.

Generation, are you younger than me?

You really thought you were my father, no, my elders?

Meng Yu was vomiting in his heart, and wanted to cry without tears.

"You, pack things now and get out."

Fei Yongning also spoke, and sternly scolded the deputy manager Liu.

After this incident, Fei Yongning must change the hotel management.

I am afraid that only in this way will President Chu be satisfied.

"By the way, throw all of them out of me."

"You will never be allowed to step into Xilan International Hotel in the future."

Looking at several security guards, Chu Chen pointed at Qi Xin and Qi Xin's friends.


Several security guards nodded quickly and called for someone.

Just now, Qi Xin and the others clamored for throwing Chu Chen out, this time they were thrown outside like a garbage by the security guards.

Seeing this scene, countless passers-by stopped to watch.

"Hey, isn't that the son of Vice President Qi?"

"And that, Manager Zhao's son."

Soon, Qi Xin and the others were recognized.

"How did they get thrown out of the hotel?"

In an instant, Qi Xin and they became laughing stocks.

In the hotel, Xu Rongrong's face was pale, and her mind was blank at the moment.

She once thought that she had already taken the lead when she was admitted to the top prestigious university in the country, while Chu Chen from a regular university was destined to become an ordinary person.

But the fact is that Chu Chen quickly rushed, with a life span of tens of billions, and owning Xilan International Hotel, making the entertainment group the second largest shareholder...

She still knows this, and there must be something she doesn't know.

And he is the ordinary person who should look up at Chu Chen.

She also mocked Chu Chen for being eccentric, not aggressive and content with the status quo.

As a result, oneself is the ugly one.

Xu Rongrong showed a self-deprecating smile on her face.

Especially looking at Meng Yu, who was kneeling in front of Chu Chen and slapped herself severely, Xu Rongrong was even more emotional.

Before, she thought that Meng Yu was the dragon, and had a boundless future, while Chu Chen was a crawler on the ground, but the facts were just the opposite.

Chu Chen is aloft, looking down and pulling

Chu Chen wanted to fix himself and Meng Yu, probably without moving a finger, just a light breath.

She and Meng Yu are dead in this life.

In Chu Chen's eyes, I am afraid it is a neurosis.

Xu Rongrong's mood is extremely complicated, regretful, sad, self-deprecating...

She really regretted her intestines.


Xu Rongrong let out a long sigh, suddenly as if she was a teenager.

It turned out that the other half I had been looking forward to, my boyfriend, had already appeared.

It's just that she has a problem with her vision.

She once had it, but she voluntarily gave up.

I'm such a fool!

Xu Rongrong staggered out, and when she passed Xia Mengqi's side, Xu Rongrong stopped suddenly.


Why is this person so familiar?

Although Xia Mengqi was wearing a mask, as a loyal fan of Xia Mengqi, Xu Rongrong finally recognized it.

"You...you are...Xia Mengqi, Senior Sister Xia?"

Xu Rongrong said with a trembling voice.

Hearing this, Xia Mengqi was in a daze.

Unexpectedly, even though she was wearing a mask, she would still be recognized. Xia Mengqi took off her mask, revealing a face full of beauty.

After seeing Xia Mengqi, everyone present was extremely shocked.

is actually a big star, Xia Mengqi with potential as a queen?

was present, especially Zhang Zimo was the most shocked.

As the president of the entertainment group, he certainly knows Xia Mengqi.

Xia Mengqi is a hot singer at the moment, and has the potential to be after the song.

It will be well cultivated in the future, and one person can definitely support a huge entertainment company.

I didn't expect Xia Mengqi to be a pair with Mr. Chu?


Zhang Zimo was extremely shocked.

"you are?"

This girl actually calls herself Senior Sister Xia?

This made Xia Mengqi very puzzled.

"I am also a student of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, and I am your fan."

Xu Rongrong was extremely surprised.

She has admired Xia Mengqi for a long time, and this is the first time she has seen real Xia Mengqi.

"Hello there."

Xia Mengqi's polite answer, because of what happened just now, Xia Mengqi's impression of Xu Rongrong was not good.

"Sister Xia..."

Xu Rongrong said excitedly but she swallowed her words before she came out.

She noticed Chu Chen next to Xia Mengqi.

Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen?

Looking at the two standing together, Xu Rongrong stayed.

"Is it?"

A terrible guess that she could not imagine appeared in her mind.

Are Xia Mengqi and Chu Chen together?

Thinking of this, Xu Rongrong's body trembled, and she almost fell over.

How could this be?

How did that happen?

Xu Rongrong's mind was roaring.

Her idol, unexpectedly walked with Chu Chen.

Has Xia Mengqi also been conquered by Chu Chen?

Perhaps, only idol Xia Mengqi is qualified to be with Chu Chen.

As for yourself, it's just a joke.

Xu Rongrong's face was pale, her eyes were dull, and she walked out like a walking dead.

"Mr. Chu."

Everything is over, Zhang Zimo hurriedly walked up and spoke very politely.