
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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With the garbage bag, you just came back from begging, right?

"If you don't have any money, let's prepare the funeral for him earlier."

Ning Lixuan said harshly.


The fat man can't help but clenched his fist, it's horrible!

"Do not."

The fat mother was in grief, Han Shishi was crying while helping her up, helpless.


Even the nurse couldn't stand it anymore, and she sighed, but she was helpless.

Ning Lixuan is notoriously mean and ruthless in the hospital. He is not a qualified doctor at all, but who made him the cousin of Vice President Qian?

How can she be a little nurse?

Many nurses and doctors in the hospital are very disgusted with Ning Lixuan. Someone reported to Ning Lixuan more than once, but it turned out that Ning Lixuan was safe and sound, and the reporter was directly fired!

This is society.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Chu Chen carried the black plastic bag and walked over.

"what's happenin?"

Looking at the desperate fat man and the helpless Han Shishi mother and daughter, Chu Chen asked.

Fatty told Chu Chen what happened.

"You are not worthy to be a doctor."

After listening, Chu Chen said to Ning Lixuan coldly.

Chu Chen still has a good feeling and respect for doctors. Of course, it is for real doctors, not beasts!

Looking at Chu Chen, Ning Lixuan sneered, his face full of disdain:

"A kid who doesn't have all the fur."

"Isn't it half a million, I'm out."

Chu Chen spoke.


Ning Lixuan didn't believe Chu Chen's words at all. A 20-year-old kid, at most a college student, could he just give out 500,000?

"Take a garbage bag, didn't you just come back from begging?"

Ning Lixuan sneered.

The nurse next to    also shook her head, and she didn't believe that a young man in Chu Chen could give out 500,000.

500,000, this is not a small amount!


Chu Chen threw the black plastic bag in his hand in front of Ning Lixuan.

Use garbage bags to fill money?

Who believe it, this is money, is there anyone who is not serious? !

"There is money in it, who believes...huh...?"

Ning Lixuan sneered, but halfway through his words, the corner of his eye suddenly saw a corner of the garbage bag.

Watching, Ning Lixuan suddenly opened the garbage bag, and saw the contents inside, he was completely stunned.

I saw that the big trash bags were full of money. These add up to less than five or six hundred thousand.

"how come?"

Ning Lixuan's eyes were round and his face was shocked.

Use trash bags as money, how don't you treat money as money!

The little nurse next to    stood on tiptoe and looked this way.


The next second, she screamed directly.

A bag full of money, is this the first time she has seen so much money?

Local tyrants, local tyrants who put money in garbage bags!

The evil rich man.

At this time, a group of people came here mightily.

"Mr. Zhang, our operating room is in front of us. They are all the most advanced instruments. Treating patients and saving people is our purpose."

Zheng Yunfeng, the director of the Airen Hospital, led a group of high-level officials from the Airen Hospital, and surrounded by a middle-aged person.

"That is?"

The middle-aged man pointed to the scene in front and asked in surprise.

Looking forward, the expressions of the senior staff in the hospital changed. Why was the doctor in their hospital staring at a garbage bag in a daze?

And still in front of the operating room?

Deputy Dean Qian recognized Ning Lixuan at a glance, and hurried over.

"what are you doing?"

Vice President Qian scolded his cousin.


Ning Lixuan reacted. At this moment, the high-level and middle-aged manager Zhang of the hospital had already walked over.

"He humiliated me with money!"

Ning Lixuan immediately beat him down.

"Delay my surgery."

Hearing this, Vice President Qian looked at Chu Chen with cold eyes.

"Use money to humiliate the doctor, you are an insult to us."

didn't want to talk to these people, Chu Chen turned around, and said to the high-level staff in the hospital:

"Please ask the best doctor for the operation."


Hearing this, the high-levels of these hospitals were all stupid. How could the tone of these words seem to order them?

Is this kid crazy?

"What are you, why..."

Vice President Qian was even more furious, Chu Chen actually ignored him, so he sternly scolded.

It's just that before he finished his words, he saw the middle-aged man who was surrounded suddenly and respectfully speak:

"You... are you Chu Chen, is President Chu?"

I saw that Mr. Zhang came to Chu Chen very respectfully and said politely.

"I am the department manager of Lingyun Capital, Zhang Kaile."

"Have you heard that yet?"

"Hurry up and let the best doctor perform the operation."

Seeing that Chu Chen did not speak, Zhang Kaile instantly understood, so he yelled.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

What's wrong, especially Vice Dean Qian stunned in place.

Finally, the director Zheng Yunfeng entered the operating room.

Zheng Yunfeng, a veteran expert, has been in the industry for more than 30 years. No one in the entire hospital has spent more time on the operating table than he has.

More than forty minutes later, the operation was successfully completed.

In the dean's office, Chu Chen was sitting, and all the high-level hospitals and Zhang Kaile stood there respectfully.

"President Chu, do you think we should divest our capital?"

Zhang Kaile asked.

This time Zhang Kaile came to investigate on behalf of Lingyun Capital whether he would continue to invest in Airen Hospital.

As the fourth largest shareholder of Lingyun Capital, Chu Chen naturally has the right to make this decision.

And Zhang Kaile has already reported the news about his encounter with Chu Chen at the Airen Hospital www.mtlnovel.com to the president Zhao Guangji. Zhao Guangji immediately asked him to listen to Chu Chen in everything, no matter how big or small.

This is a good time for Zhao Guangji to make friends with Chu Chen.

After knowing that Chu Chen was in Jiangzhou, Zhao Guangji was even ready to go to Jiangzhou to meet with Chu Chen and let Chu Chen stand on his side.


After listening to Zhang Kaile's words, Chu Chen looked at the dean who had just finished the operation.

Seeing Chu Chen's gaze, Dean Zheng immediately understood.

"Ning Lixuan, Qian Zong, you two have been fired. I know everything about you in the hospital these years."

"Just wait for the court's summons!"

Dean Zheng said sharply, the evidence in his hand was enough for them to close for ten years.


Hearing this, Ning Lixuan was directly frightened to the ground, shaking all over.

"Do not!"


Vice President Qian also shouted.

is over, everything is over.

"You can take care of the rest."

Chu Chen was not interested in other things, and said to Zhang Kaile, Chu Chen left the dean's office and went to the ward to see Fatty and them.

When I saw Chu Chen, the fat mother thanked him again and again.

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

Han Shishi hugged Chu Chen even more. Without Chu Chen, I'm afraid his father would leave.

"Thanks, brother."

The fat man didn't say much, he will always remember this love.

"It's okay."

patted Han Shishi on the shoulder, and Chu Chen said to the two of them.

At this moment, Chu Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Chu Chen picked up the phone and looked at the strange number.