
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Want to pretend in front of Chu Chen?

Especially now I heard the blind date man——Ding Jiaguang said that his two million Porsches are ordinary cars.

After that, he had to change to a better one, which made Zhong Shuyao even more worried.

At this moment, Zhong Shuyao couldn't do anything but pray in her heart.

I hope A Yuan, and A Yuan's friends can beat Ding Jia.

After Zhong Shuyao and his mother got in the car, Ding Jiaguang drove straight to Wangjiang Pavilion.

"I went to Wangjiang Pavilion for the first time. I don't know what it looks like inside?"

In the car, Zhong mother said very much.

"Auntie, regardless of the environment and the food in Wangjiang Pavilion, they are all top-notch in the magic city."

"Auntie must be satisfied."

Driving the Porsche, Ding Jiaguang said confidently.

After half an hour, they came to Wangjiang Pavilion.

Stopping the car, Ding Jiaguang came down for the first time, opened the door, and looked like a gentleman.

Seeing this, Zhong's mother was more satisfied with Ding Jiaguang, and was a considerate young man.

Zhong Mu and Zhong Shuyao got off the bus.

At this time, a dazzling Ferrari slowly drove over.

Han Yuan stopped the Ferrari directly next to Zhong Shuyao and Chu Chen came down.

Seeing Han Yuan walking down from Ferrari, Zhong Mu, and Zhong Shuyao were all dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Because Chu Chen kept the fat man secret, Zhong Shuyao didn't know the specifics either.


Looking at the Ferrari logo, Zhong's mother looked unbelievable.

This kid drives a Ferrari?

Mother Zhong rubbed her eyes fiercely, unable to believe what she was watching.

Although I don't know how much this Ferrari will cost, it must be more expensive than Ding Jiaguang's Porsche depending on the appearance!

"Xiao Yao, okay auntie, did you expect to meet you here?"

Han Yuan took the initiative to say hello.


Zhong Shuyao nodded to Han Yuan, eyes full of admiration, and he was also very excited.

Unexpectedly, A Yuan really crushed Ding Jiaguang. This friend of A Yuan is so amazing.

"Hello there...."

Mother Zhong answered subconsciously.

Looking at the abnormal expressions and movements of Zhong Mu and Zhong Shuyao, Ding Jiaguang roughly guessed the identity of Han Yuan.

"Auntie, let's go in."

"This time, I specifically booked a position by the window to enjoy the view of the Bund."

Ding Jiaguang spoke, acting forcefully.

The location of Wangjiang Pavilion is also divided into several levels.

Private rooms are the most expensive, and they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Other locations, the best by the window, are also very expensive, and are not affordable for ordinary people.

Ding Jiaguang deliberately stated his pre-position, just to pretend to show off his wealth!


"Where is it by the window?"

Mother Zhong was attracted by Ding Jiaguang again.

Under the pull of Zhong mother, Zhong Shuyao also walked in helplessly.

"Reservation, yes, this kind of high-end restaurant needs to be reserved."

Hearing what Ding Jiaguang said, the fat man suddenly realized that to eat in such a high-end restaurant, you need to make a reservation.

Things are too anxious, he forgot about it for a while?

What to do, what to do?

"It's okay, come with me."

Chu Chen patted the fat man on the shoulder and walked forward.

With doubts, the fat man followed closely.

Not far away, they found Chu Chen and Fatty coming in, and Zhong Shuyao also looked over.

Mother Zhong looked like she was watching a play. She wanted to see where the person she had denied before would eat at this moment.

Ding Jiaguang was incomparably crying, looking at Chu Chen and Han Yuan proudly.

For this meal, half a month ago, the trustee got this excellent position.

He didn't believe it, Chu Chen and the others could get a better position than him.

Seeing Chu Chen appear, a staff member of the restaurant hurriedly walked over.


The staff member just wanted to be called "Mr. Chu", but was stopped by Chu Chen's eyes.

He didn't want Zhong Mu and Ding Jiaguang to know their identities.

"Mr. Chu, hello."

The staff understood what Chu Chen meant, so he changed his words quickly and asked respectfully:

"Don't know if I can help Mr. Chu?"

"Let's go to private room 3."

Chu Chen spoke, and the third room was the closest to Zhong Mu and Ding Jiaguang.

Private room three?

Hearing this, Zhong mother was dumbfounded.

Is there a private room here?

The first time she came to Wangjiang Pavilion, she naturally didn't know that there was a private room here.

As for Ding Jiaguang, his eyes widened.

"Private room, do you still have a private room?"

Ding Jiaguang sneered in his heart, could you two enter the private room?

Ding Jiaguang didn't believe that Chu Chen and Han Yuan could enter the private room.

The next moment, what he never expected, the staff member listened to Chu Chen's words and directly made a request.

"Okay, please follow me."

Soon, under the leadership of the staff.

Chu Chen and Han Yuan passed by Ding Jiaguang and Zhong's mother and walked into the third private room.

got inside?

Did the two of them really enter the private room?

Ding Jiaguang looked like he had seen a ghost.

Is it so easy to enter the Wangjiang Pavilion private room to eat?

One sentence thing? !

Ding Jiaguang's chest was up and down, and he was very angry.

He managed to get a place by the window, but the two of them entered the private room.

Isn't this obviously overwhelming yourself?

Dissatisfied, dissatisfied!

Ding Jiaguang was very unconvinced in his heart, but he had to admit that now, he has lost, and he has lost badly.

Beside, watching Ding Jiaguang's expression, Zhong Mu judged it.

The private room is definitely better than where they sit.

How can a poor boy with no background and no money go to the private room?

Mother Zhong didn't figure it out for a while.

Did that kid lie to himself?

Zhong mother had doubts.

Forget it, isn't it just a meal? It's nothing.

Although this time Han Yuan won, but in other respects, Han Yuan must not be Ding Jiaguang's opponent.

Zhong mother guessed in her mind.

Zhong Shuyao ate but was very happy, Ayuan won!

Zhong Shuyao is very grateful to Chu Chen.

In the private room, the fat man was dumbfounded to see the various delicacies that Lu continued.

He came to such a high-end restaurant for the first time and saw this level of cuisine.

"By the way, we didn't have an appointment, how did you come to the private room?"

Thinking of what happened just now, Han Yuan couldn't help asking.

"Come to your own restaurant and make an appointment?"

Chu Chen answered casually while eating.

Come to your own restaurant?

Is this famous high-end restaurant in the magic capital from Chu Chen?

"The trench is inhuman, and the trench is inhuman."

The fat man said with a sigh.

How long did it take to come to the Magic City? Chu Chen actually bought a high-end restaurant in the Magic City.

How much does it cost?

The fat man couldn't believe it, he could only say that Chu Chen was too "inhuman".

Outside, while eating, Ding Jiaguang was thinking about the next thing.

This time the restaurant showed off its pretense and he overturned.

Where to go afterwards?

"Does Auntie like to play golf?"

"In the afternoon, we went to the Guanlan International Golf Course. How about playing?"

Ding Jiaguang spoke.

He is very familiar there, and there is absolutely no problem going there to pretend to be.

"Guanlan International Golf Course?"


The Guanlan International Golf Course in Magic City is one of the top golf courses in Magic City. She has only heard of it, but never visited it.

It is said that there is a place where the upper-class people of the magic capital often go, and the consumption is terrible!

"Is it a bit extravagant?"

Zhong mother asked.

"Luxury, not extravagant, it is very cheap there, I often go there to play."

Ding Jiaguang said indifferently, with a bragging appearance.

Zhong Shuyao still wanted to convince her mother, but Zhong Mu still wanted to go. In desperation, Zhong Shuyao could only send a message to the fat man.

In the private room, Chu Chen listened to the fat man's words.

"Go to Guanlan International Golf Course it's okay."

"I haven't played golf for a long time, just to go play."

Chu Chen spoke.

After half an hour, Ding Jiaguang finished the meal with several people.

Under the leadership of Ding Jiaguang, the three went straight to the Guanlan International Golf Course.

Afterwards, Chu Chen and Fatty also went.

When he arrived at the Guanlan Golf Course, Ding Jiaguang did not begin to pretend, but waited.

Ding Jiaguang waited for a while, and saw Chu Chen and Han Yuan approach, with a smug sneer on his face.

They are finally here, it's time to pretend to be forced! ! !

This time, he was going to pretend to be in front of Chu Chen and Han Yuan, and crush Chu Chen and the fat man!

As Chu Chen and the fat man walked in, Ding Jiaguang took a few steps forward, ready to perform.