
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

Stop pretending, I have a showdown!

"Have you heard that someone in the square used a Lamborghini worth more than five million, plus 9,999 roses!"

"What, such a big scene, go and see!"

Jiang University, an explosive news spread all over the campus, and more and more students hurriedly headed towards the square.

When they arrived, they unexpectedly discovered that things were fundamentally different from what they thought.

It is not the boys who confessed, but their famous beauty-Su Chuqing!

At this moment, Su Chuqing is holding a bunch of red roses, looking at the handsome boy opposite with admiration.

"Senior Sister Su, what are you?"

Chu Chen spoke politely.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Su Chuqing's face changed, and she said with a shy expression: "Senior Brother Chu, how many times have I told you, don't call me Senior Sister Su, we are all students of the Department of Finance, just call me Chuqing That's it."

In an instant, the surrounding students were dumbfounded!

My god, when did their famous glamorous beauty in Jiang Da turn into a little woman!

As a well-known beauty in the school, Su Chuqing didn't know how many suitors there were, but they were all rejected by Su Chuqing.

But now...

Chu Chen sighed lightly.

is another layman who covets his appearance!

Ordinary learning, ordinary family background, except for being handsome and good-looking, there is nothing special about it!

Why are there so many suitors?

It's really hard for me.

How can there be someone who pays attention to him?

"I'm sorry, Brother Chu, I haven't told you the truth for so long. Today, I have a showdown."

Without waiting for Chu Chen to speak, Su Chuqing spoke again:

"Actually, I was collecting rent. My parents gave me ten buildings for me to exercise."

Su Chuqing said amazingly.

The scene immediately went silent!

Ten buildings!

is not ten suites!

Jiangzhou is a quasi-first-tier city, even the cheapest house, the house price is almost 20,000 yuan.

Ten buildings, how much is that!

Everyone's eyes are lost, Su Chuqing is probably worth hundreds of millions at this moment!


"Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will support you!"

Su Chuqing finally said what was in her heart!

Before meeting Chu Chen, Su Chuqing always thought that she was not interested in dating and boys, and even doubted herself...

But when she saw Chu Chen, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She knew that feeling was called "love at first sight"!

She is Yan Gou, what's wrong? !

Hearing this, countless boys burst into tears, and they want to fight for 20 years less!

And the other party is not "Auntie", but the beautiful Su Chuqing!

"Promise her!"

"Promise her!"

"Promise her!"

In the square, the sound of mountains and tsunamis resounded.

Facing Su Chuqing's sudden confession, Chu Chen was also very dazed.

Although the doctor said he has a bad stomach, is he the kind of person who eats soft food?

Before he could answer, a mechanical voice suddenly came from Chu Chen's mind.


[Choose one, promise Su Chuqing and get 10 million asset rewards! ]

[Choose two, reject Su Chuqing, start the strongest and richest man system, since then, there is no limit to the power! ]

Hearing this, Chu Chen decided!

took a deep breath, Chu Chen looked at Su Chuqing:

"I'm sorry, sister, I don't want to fall in love for the time being."

He refused Su Chuqing, definitely not because of the richest man system!

He is a positive person, so he can't eat soft food?

Yes, exactly.

As Chu Chen's voice fell, all the shouts immediately disappeared, and everyone looked at Chu Chen with a dazed expression.

Is this kid really having a problem with his brain?

actually rejected the confession of a Bai Fumi who owns ten buildings? !

"He is absolutely crazy!"

"This guy is too capable of pretending, want to have fun?"

"If you don't agree, I promise, give me a chance, Goddess Su!"

There were countless voices, most of them satirizing Chu Chen.

A poor student who refused such a big happy event is definitely a brain problem!


"This kid is a little self-aware, knowing that he is not worthy of Miss!"

Inside the villa, an old man who looked like a housekeeper spoke.


In front of   , a middle-aged man who was not angry and pretentious nodded slightly.

Everything that happened in Jiangzhou University just now appeared on the computers in front of them.

"This little boy is still smart."

The middle-aged man is Su Chuqing's father. Recently, his daughter behaved very abnormally, which attracted his attention.

After knowing the reason, he investigated Chu Chen's information, and finally came to a conclusion—Chu Chen was just a nice little white face.

is not good enough for his daughter!

If Chu Chen agreed to his daughter's confession just now, he would never admit Chu Chen.

Their Su family's son-in-law, not everyone can be!


Jiangzhou University, Su Chuqing trembled and was emotional when she heard Chu Chen's words.

took a deep breath, Su Chuqing spoke firmly again:

"Chu Chen, I won't give up!"

Hearing this, countless onlookers exploded instantly!

How could this be?

"Goddess, why is like this?"

"Chu Chen won't promise you, can I promise? Please promise me, don't be a dog!"

Countless boys are deeply saddened.

At the same time that Chu Chen refused, the system's voice sounded again.

[The task is completed, the strongest and richest man system is being installed! ]

[ding, the system is installed successfully! ]

[A new day is here, do you check in! ]

Looking at the system page, Chu Chen chose yes without hesitation.

[Successfully punched in, congratulations on your acquisition of the tens of billions of Kingland Group! ]

The King's Landing Group with a market value of tens of billions?

Chu Chen felt like a dream. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a poor student to the boss of a tens of billions group? !


Only these two words can describe Chu Fan's mood at the moment

Looking at Su Chuqing who was a little sad, Chu Chen couldn't help but speak:

"Since the elder sister has a showdown, then I won't pretend, I'll have a showdown too!"

"I am actually the richest man and I don't have time."

The richest man?

Chu Chen is the richest man?

A series of reversals almost suffocated countless onlookers.

Soon, they reacted.

The richest man?

The richest man in Jiangzhou is not surnamed Chu, let alone a 20-year-old college student!

"Blow, just keep blowing."

"Yeah, you are still the richest man, are you the richest man in your village!"

"Hahaha, I think he is the negative of debt!"

Everyone present, none of them believed Chu Chen's words!

At this moment, there was a roar in the sky!

In the distance, six helicopters galloped from far to near!