
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

Show your strength and frighten Chu Chen?

() You can search for "I am the richest man at a showdown ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

"I also thought he was a big man?"

"As a result, the kid actually drove an Audi that cost 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, I'm!

Yan Yingrui said disgustingly.

He was worried that he might provoke a big man before, but he turned out to be an Audi driver.

At the Villino International University, where sports cars are like clouds and luxury cars are like rain, Audi drivers are indeed hard pressed.

"So this is ah."

"It's a poor man."

As Yan Yingrui's friends, these people are also rich second-generation, and they drive no less than two million cars.

"Sit down, let you see the mansion my dad just bought at Tomson Yipin in a while."

After saying a word, Yan Yingrui accelerated and went straight to Tang Chen Yipin.

The closer they are to the Tomson First Product, the more excited these rich second generations are.

"I really don't know what Tomson Yipin's mansion looks like."

"I'm also curious, I haven't entered the Tomson first product yet?"

"Ge Rui has money in his family, so he actually bought a mansion in Tomson Yipin."

Although these people are the rich second generation, their family usually only has a few hundred million in assets. It is impossible to buy a house with Tomson Yipin, which is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.


Yan Yingrui looked indifferent and pretended:

"This is something my dad bought for me. I only live for a few years. If I get tired of living, I change the house."

"I go!"

"The trench is inhumane, the trench is inhumane!"

"Brother Rui, you don't want to live, I do, if you give me a Tomson first-class mansion, I can live for a lifetime."

Yan Yingrui's words aroused the emotion and envy of these friends.

The gap between people is really too big.

"Rui Ge is awesome!"

"Rige is mighty."

With the praise of these friends, Yan Yingrui and others came to Tomson First Product.

Looking at the big battle before Tang Chen's first rank from a distance, Yan Yingrui and the others were extremely surprised.

What's wrong?

Who are you welcoming? !

Before Yan Yingrui could drive in, he was suddenly stopped.

"Sorry, sir, please wait a moment."

A security guard stopped Yan Yingrui.

"I am the owner of this place."

Yan Yingrui explained.

"I know you are the owner, but our Tomson Yipin has an important ceremony today. Please wait three minutes."

"I'm sorry for the delay."

The security guard said politely.

Yan Yingrui was very angry and wanted to get angry.

But that anger was finally suppressed by Yan Yingrui.

In the university, he could do whatever he wanted, in front of the rich, handsome, and dude, but Yan Yingrui didn't dare to mess around with Tomson, a class of big men.

"It looks like it should be a welcome ceremony. I don't know who they are welcoming?"

"Who has such a great ability to make Tomson Yipin perform such a laborious welcome ceremony?"

In the car, Yan Yingrui's friends murmured.

"Hey, isn't that the person in charge of Tomson Yipin, Manager Wei?"

Suddenly, looking at the middle-aged man in a suit in the distance, Yan Yingrui said in surprise.

"Even Manager Wei came out to greet you, it's not easy."

Even his father would be polite when he met Manager Wei.

But now, Manager Wei is actually welcoming others in person.


Yan Yingrui's eyes lit up when he noticed the security guard next to him.

"Brother, who is your manager Wei meeting?" Yan Yingrui poked her head out and asked the security guard.


The security shook his head.

"Not to greet, our manager Wei is sending off a super client."

The security explained that, specifically, in his capacity, he was not qualified to know.

"Farewell to a super client?"

The super clients are at least those who have bought more than ten luxury houses in Tomson Yipin?

Yan Yingrui guessed by himself.

Only with this kind of person can Manager Wei personally send him off.

"Big shot, absolute big shot!"

Yan Yingrui said with emotion and envy.

Buying more than ten luxury houses in Tomson Yipin is at least several hundred million, or even more than one billion!

The people who can take out one billion casually are definitely inaccessible to them.

"Shall we go and take a look?"

Yan Yingrui suggested that he wanted to look up at the big man.

Several other people also agreed. They also want to see what the big people look like?

Except for Yan Yingrui and the others, there are still a few cars waiting in front.

Several people got out of the car and moved closer.

"Mr. Chu walk slowly."

"Mr. Chu walk slowly."

"Mr. Chu walk slowly."

A uniform voice came. Twenty sales lady and thirty or forty security guards all shouted together and respectfully Wang Yao.

In the next second, an Audi car slowly drove out of the Tomson First Product under the attention of Manager Wei.


"Why do I look so familiar with that car?"

Yan Yingrui was dumbfounded at the Audi car going away.


Yan Yingrui tremblingly took out the phone and found it an hour or two ago. The photo sent to him by the younger brother.

That is the photo of Chu Chen leaving the university in Audi.

Compared with the far away Audi, the license plate number is exactly the same.

"What they called just now, Mr. Chu walk slowly?"

Thinking of this, Yan Yingrui covered her mouth, astonished to the extreme.

That Mr. Chu, Professor Chu, turned out to be a big customer of Tomson Yipin?

The super client who bought more than ten luxury houses.

Who he thinks is the big man who needs him to look up? !

Yan Yingrui was shocked.

Did you threaten and provoke such a super man before? !

Oh my God! !


Yan Yingrui swallowed fiercely, her legs had lost consciousness and she was frightened to death.


He is dead!


"This super customer, the big man is that Professor Chu?!"

After learning about it, Yan Yingrui's few fox friends were also dumbfounded.


Chu Chen drove back to the Hilton Hotel where he had stayed before, and simply packed up and bowed.

After choosing a mansion, he also chose a set for Mo Yuwan.

Mo Yuwan didn't want to go home, but saw the hateful stepmother Huang Biyu, so she lived on the opposite side of Chu Chen.

Chu Chen talked to Mo Yuwan, and Mo Yuwan also cleaned up and bowed.

The two walked out of the Hilton Hotel together, preparing to move to Tomson Yipin.

At this moment, a Maybach with tens of millions stopped in front of Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan.

The car door opened and Mo Yuwan's father, Mo Aoqun, chairman of the Vientiane Group, got out of the car President Chu, Laimo didn't even say a word to me. "

Mo Aoqun greeted Chu Chen.

"You girl, it's too shameful. You have returned to the magic capital and don't know how to go home."

After saying hello, Mo Aoqun questioned Mo Yuwan angrily.

"Since President Chu has come to Hangzhou, as a landlord, I will host a banquet for President Chu tonight."

Mo Aoqun said to Chu Chen.

That was Chu Chen's territory in Hangzhou, and he returned home unfailingly, this time in the Demon Capital, on his territory.

Mo Aoqun is ready to show off his strong connections and strength, frightening Chu Chen!

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 287 Shows your strength, frighten Chuchen? (Seeking monthly ticket)) to read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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