
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Oriental Hanhai No.1 Sea View Villa

Five minutes later, Su Chuqing came.

"Excuse me, I'm too tired to collect rent."

Su Chuqing complained that collecting rent is really hard.


Chu Chen agreed very much. He only took the rent for one street, but Su Chuqing had to take 10 buildings, which was too hard.

After strolling with Su Chuqing for a long time, Chu Chen waited outside the mall, Su Chuqing went to drive, Su Chuqing wanted to take Chu Chen to a special restaurant.

"It's him?"

At this time, a young man also walked out of the mall and was taken aback when he saw Chu Chen.

This young man is not someone else, it is the young man who wanted to please the beautiful woman and scolded Chu Chen before.

Just now, he wanted to step on Chu Chen to win the favor of beautiful women, but in the end he was reprimanded by the beautiful women, which made him ashamed in front of countless people.

"I'm looking for face."

Yuan Liangzhe made up his mind, thinking of him walking towards Chu Chen.

"Brother, are you waiting for the bus too?"

glanced at Yuan Liangzhe, and Chu Chen nodded.

"I was also waiting for the car, but I was waiting for my girlfriend. She went to drive."

Yuan Liangzhe has a bragging look.

"What's your job?"

"no job."

Chu Chen replied.

"I don't have a job, hey, I really envy you. I can only work in a Fortune 500 company as a deputy supervisor."

Yuan Liangzhe said very "humbly".

"The annual salary is not much, only two or three hundred thousand."

Around   , a few passersby stopped when they heard this.

Two or three hundred thousand is not much?

Seeing the envy of everyone, Yuan Liangzhe became proud.

Just as Yuan Liangzhe was about to speak again, the phone rang suddenly.

"What, Manager Ma, I have changed my plan seven times, so I need to change it?"

"And to be finished tonight?!"

Yuan Liangzhe suddenly collapsed. For this plan, he got up early and greedy for work, but his boss kept vetoing it.

It will take at least five days to change this plan. It will be more painful than killing him if he finishes the change tonight.

"If you can't finish it, you won't have to go to work tomorrow."

There was a scolding sound on the phone.

Without waiting for Yuan Liangzhe to say anything, Manager Ma directly hung up the phone.

Putting away the mobile phone, Yuan Liangzhe, who was still triumphant just now, suddenly had no love.

"Why is I so unlucky? After a few years, I became a deputy director, but my boss kept running on me, and my girlfriend always disliked me as a waste."

Yuan Liangzhe complained.

Hearing this, people around kept talking.

Chu Chen also said:

"Actually the most important thing is to be a casual person. Do what you want to do, that is the happiest thing."

"I had an unpleasant job before, and I was squeezed out by my boss, so I quit my job, and I am fine now."

Before getting the system, Chu Chen used to work part-time outside, but the boss targeted him, so Chu Chen resigned directly.


After listening to Chu Chen's words, Yuan Liangzhe suddenly understood:

"Yes, life is short, so you must be casual and not restrained."

"Go to Te Mo's work, to Te Mo's girlfriend."

Thinking, Yuan Liangzhe picked up the phone and dialed Manager Ma's number:

"You rubbish, trash, bald, to your uncle, needless to say, I resigned."

cursed again, Yuan Liangzhe felt very comfortable.

Yuan Liangzhe put down his phone and saw his girlfriend stop the car. Yuan Liangzhe looked at his girlfriend and suddenly thought that she complained about herself many times, and even committed domestic violence against him.

"Yang Xi, I want to break up."

Yuan Liangzhe shouted to his girlfriend in the car.

"Happy, happy!"

Yuan Liangzhe took a long breath, feeling particularly comfortable.

"By the way, what about after you resign?"

Yuan Liangzhe spoke curiously.

"After resigning?"

"I live in Yuetan Garden."

Chu Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Yuan Liangzhe was stunned.

Moon Tan Garden, isn't that a famous villa area in Jiangzhou?

Feelings This brother is a rich second generation?

"Chu Chen, we are gone."

When Yuan Liangzhe was stunned, a conspicuous red Lamborghini stopped in front of Chu Chen.

In Yuan Liangzhe's dull eyes, Chu Chen got in the car and walked away with Su Chuqing.

"The best beauty, Lamborghini?"

Yuan Liangzhe's mentality exploded!

It turns out that he is really a rich second generation, and there are beautiful friends of Bai Fu!

"No way, no way!"

Yuan Liangzhe suddenly thought of a terrible thing.

Chu Chen is a rich second generation who can do whatever he wants and doesn't want to resign directly. Anyway, the family has hundreds of millions of fortunes waiting to be inherited.

But he is different!

He resigned, and there was nothing left.

"Yuan Liangzhe, my old lady told you that I didn't break up here, only widowed!"

At this time, Yuan Liangzhe's girlfriend Yang Xi also reacted, and got off the car and walked over aggressively.

You know, Yang Xi is a boxing coach!

"Aren't you going to break up, my old lady will fulfill you!"

said, Yang Xi punched Yuan Liangzhe.

"Do not..."

Yuan Liangzhe screamed and fell to the ground.


Su Chuqing invited Chu Chen to dinner, and Su Chuqing chatted with Chu Chen at the dinner table.

"I will go to the beach with my girlfriends in a few days. I haven't swim in a long time?"

Jiangzhou is a coastal city, and the seaside scenery is pretty good.

"Well, by the way, Chu Chen, do you want to be together."

While talking, Su Chuqing acted like a baby to Chu Chen.

"The beach, I think about it."

Chu Chen spoke.

Are you going?

Suddenly, the sound of the system sounded.

[Check-in task]

[Task content: sign in to the Oriental Hanhai Villa areawww.mtlnovel.comtask time: 2 days]

[Sign-in reward: Dongfang Hanhai No. 1 Sea View Villa (known as the No. 1 Sea View Villa in Jiangzhou)]

"A sea view villa?"

"Or Oriental Hanhai Villa District?"

Chu Chen said in surprise.

Chu Chen now has a villa to live in, which is really short of a sea view villa for leisure and entertainment.

Sea view villa, quite comfortable.

"To be with Sister Su, of course I will go."

Chu Chen nodded.

What villa is not a villa, these are not important.

The important thing is to hang out with Sister Su, have fun.

"that is really good."

When Chu Chen agreed, Su Chuqing was extremely excited.

Although they agreed, not to bring boyfriends or other people.

But when Chu Chen agreed, Su Chuqing immediately forgot all the promises.

If you see Shiu Wangyi, see Shiu Wangyi.

"At that time, we can rent a sea view villa for a few days of fun."

Things after Su Chuqing started planning.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, just live in my villa."

Chu Chen spoke.

I went to Dongfang Hanhai Villa to check in, so Villa 1 is his own, so I don't need to rent any villa.

"You have a sea view villa, where is it?"

"Dongfang Hanhai No.1 Villa."


Hearing this, Su Chuqing was shocked.

East Hanhai is very famous in Jiangzhou, it is the best sea view villa area in Jiangzhou, where any villa there, the price is more than 100 million!

Dongfang Hanhai No.1 Villa is even more terrifying!