
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

It’s okay if you don’t play well, I can point you

Xia Mengqi felt nervous in her heart.

She could not help but hugged Chu Chen, pretending to be an intimate couple.

She is praying, don't find yourself.

I hope that this time, she changed her mind and made the right choice.

According to common sense, people are generally chased by people and must want to escape as soon as possible. In this way, leaving by car is the best option, and slower bicycles are the first to be abandoned.

Xia Mengying changed her mind, stopped a bicycle, changed her clothes before, and wrapped herself tightly.

Hope not to be discovered.

Standing in front of the train station, a few big men in black clothes looked around.

"Find all the nearby cars."

A headed man spoke.

Soon, they checked the nearby vehicles in batches.

As for Chu Chen's bicycle, they were automatically ignored.

Looking at the train station gradually disappearing from sight, Xia Mengqi was relieved that her judgment was correct.

"Brother, what kind of bicycle are you?"

"Why do I feel that the speed seems to be faster than the others?"

Xia Mengqi is very curious.

"Of course, it's more than 4 million. If it can't even compare with ordinary bicycles, it's really a waste."

Chu Chen tells the truth.


"Your bicycle is more than 4 million?"

Sitting in the back, Xia Mengqi was very surprised.

"Cut, how can there be more than 4 million bicycles in the world."

She has also seen many big scenes, all kinds of top sports cars, but she has never heard of bicycles being so expensive.

Although she was far away from the train station, she was afraid of an accident. Xia Mengqi still did not dare to leave and could only stay in the car.

Ten minutes later, they came to the Wenhua Art Museum.

"Art Gallery?"

After getting off the car, Xia Mengqi was a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Chu Chen turned his head and asked puzzledly.

"So handsome?"

Because she was too nervous just now, Xia Mengqi didn't pay attention to Chu Chen's face value, and just wanted to escape there quickly.

Now, it was the first time that she noticed Chu Chen's appearance.

Compared with Chu Chen, the fresh meat of those entertainment circles, the tough guys and gods are simply weak.

"Let's go."

After a sentence, Chu Chen walked towards the Wenhua Art Museum.


Subconsciously nodded, Xia Mengqi followed.

Before entering, there was an elegant piano sound.

In the huge exhibition hall, only two pianos are placed.

The first one is located in the middle of the exhibition hall, and the second one is placed in the left corner.

Before the first piano, there was no cherry blossoms alone

Instead, in front of the second piano, six or seven girls gathered around, looking at the man playing the piano with admiration and admiration.

The piano sound just now came from here.

Sitting in front of the piano was a white-skinned man. He was tall, with long brown hair, and looked like a melancholy prince.

"Too handsome."

"This temperament, with the worrying song, I am in love."

"Is this the male **** born for music?"

Six or seven girls gathered around, discussing constantly.

After the piano music was played, the melancholic man got up and bowed very gentlemanly.

"very handsome."

Seeing this, those girls are even more excited.

got up, the melancholic man just saw Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi walking in.

Even though Xia Mengqi was wearing a mask and a beret, the melancholy man noticed her at a glance.

With the eyesight gained through years of titling and walking among the flowers, only seeing Xia Mengqi's eyes, he was extremely sure that this is definitely a big beauty, far surpassing these few onlookers.


However, when he noticed Chu Chen, he felt a strong threat.

Why is this boy more handsome than him, of course, just a little bit?

"Next, I will dedicate a song to this beautiful sister-To Alice."

Looking at Xia Mengqi, the melancholy gentleman was authentic.

Perhaps the appearance is not better than the man next to this beauty, but in terms of connotation, temperament, and piano level, he will never lose.

Looking in the direction of the melancholy man, several girls noticed Xia Mengqi.

"Wow, she is so lucky!"

"Anyway, I was sour that the boys were allowed to offer music on their own initiative."

A few girls looked at Xia Mengqi, jealous and envious.

The melancholic man began to play "To Alice".

To Alice is a famous song written by Beethoven in the world.

However, as soon as the melancholic man started to play, Xia Mengqi shook her head.

This melancholic man can also deceive girls who don't know anything.

As a singer and a big star, she has met many great performers, including very famous pianists.

Don't compare with those pianists, even she plays better than this melancholic man.

Thinking, Xia Mengqi looked at Chu Chen.

She is curious about what Chu Chen is doing here. Does he also play the piano?

[Arrive at Wenhua Art Museum, do you check in]

The voice of the system appeared in Chu Chen's mind.

Check in.


[Check in successfully]

[Congratulations on getting the master piano level]

With the rewards of the system, Chu Chen suddenly added countless music knowledge in his mind, as if he had studied piano for countless years.

Chu Chen closed his eyes, digesting the knowledge.

At this time, the depressed man also finished playing, and slowly got up.

He is ready to accept Xia Mengqi's worship and appreciation.

Thinking, a faint smile appeared on the face of the depressed man.

got up, he looked at Xia Mengqi.

The next second, he was stunned.

How did that happen?

There is a big gap between the development of things and what he imagined.

Xia Mengqi didn't pay attention to him at all, but curiously stared at Chu Chen next to him.

Falling sister failed?

how could be?

So many years of experience in making girls.

Even if this beauty is not impressed by herself, she should appreciate him very much.

The melancholic man does not want to believe that he has failed like this.

Thinking about it, he walked towards Chu Chen.

Since it doesn't work directly, change the method.

"Friend, do you also play the piano?"

The melancholic man asked Chu Chen curiously.

"Just can playChu Chen replied.

He does not know how to play the piano until he completes the task and gets the reward.

is just learned.

"Is that so?"

After confirming that Chu Chen's piano level is average, the depressed man sneered in his heart.

I don't know how to play the piano.

"Piano is a very noble art." The melancholy man said.

"It needs to keep learning and listening to your opinions, so that it can keep improving."

"The "To Alice" I played just now was also under the guidance of a master. I have a deep feeling for this piece."

The melancholic man suggested to Chu Chen.

"You have just learned to play a song, it doesn't matter if you don't play well."

"I can give you some pointers."

The melancholy man has just finished, and several of his fans agree.

"Does the master point others, so excited?"

"The male **** is a real piano master. He can guide you. You should feel very grateful and proud."

"This experience, you will definitely never forget it."