
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

I am very poor too!

"Luxury? I think it's very ordinary."

It's all like this, but it's so average?

Bai Lingling and Zhou Qian began to doubt life.

Is their aesthetic problem?

Not right, just when the two shocked Chu Chen and said they were very common, they suddenly thought of Chu Chen's next sentence.

"This one is very general, not as good as the others."

It seems that this sentence is the point!

This one, the other ones, this is the key point, we need to draw it out!

Listening to what Chu Chen said, he seemed to have several other helicopters, and at least two or more, otherwise he would just say the other two!

The two little girls were completely shocked!

In their eyes, owning a helicopter is already very impressive. Now, Chu Chen tells them that he owns several helicopters!


Is this the local tyrant?

Not right, the local tyrants describe those who are not handsome, and Chu Chen is like this, that is the top-notch, rich and handsome!

Is this the top handsome man?

For a while, countless red hearts appeared before both of them.

"Are you my brother Chen?"

Bai Lingling looked at Chu Chen with suspicion.


Hearing this, Chu Chen sighed softly, and said helplessly:

"Since you said that, let me be honest."

Bai Lingling and Zhou Qian looked at Chu Chen immediately, keeping their eyes on them, for fear of missing any word Chu Chen said.

They thought that Chu Chen had to explain clearly, because they had just lied to them.

"I have a showdown, I am actually the richest man!"

Chu Chen shrugged and told the truth.


Bai Lingling and Zhou Qian looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes!

The richest man?

How could the richest man at the age of twenty-two?

Neither of them believed Chu Chen's words.

"Hmph, you are still the richest man, then I am the richest woman in the universe!"

Bai Lingling gave Chu Chen a roll of eyes.

Although Chu Chen's father and Bai Lingling's father are colleagues, if the two are compared, Bai Lingling's family is still richer.

No way, who would let Bai Lingling have a demolition outdoor father?

"Just forget it if you don't believe it."

I'm telling the truth, they don't believe it, there is no way.


[Tiannan University clocked in successfully! ]

[Congratulations on getting top-notch car skills, driving a Ferrari with one hand is not a dream! ]

The voice of the system rang in Chu Chen's mind. Chu Chen successfully clocked in and obtained top-level car skills. From then on, he is also a driver!

At the same time, Chu Chen had a driver's license in his bag, and everything was extremely reasonable.

"By the way, where do you want to eat?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Um... let's go to Xiangmanyuan!"

Bai Lingling thought for a while.

She doesn't believe that Brother Chen is the richest man. She guessed that Brother Chen should work in a private airport, or have a friend who works as a pilot for a rich man.

Therefore, she didn't choose those expensive restaurants, and she chose Xiangmanyuan, which has more than 100 per capita and good taste.


Since Lingling wanted to eat, Chu Chen did not refuse.

Xiangmanyuan is on a food street, and the helicopter will definitely not be able to land.

Therefore, Chu Chen found a place with few people and came down with Bai Lingling and the others.

"There are more than ten minutes to go, shall we go over, or?"

Chu Chen doesn't care, so he asked.

"There are shared bicycles there, let's ride them." Bai Lingling suggested.

Chu Chen scanned the code and picked up a shared bicycle.

"Sorry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone."

Looking for a while, Zhou Qian realized that he had forgotten to bring his mobile phone, and said in embarrassment.

"It's okay, do you want to sit behind me?"

Chu Chen suggested.

Hearing this, Zhou Qian's eyes lit up. She really forgot to bring her mobile phone. She just came out with Lingling. She didn't plan to go out for dinner with Lingling.

But somehow, when she saw Chu Chen, her legs were out of control, and she immediately chose to be with Bai Lingling.

"No, Qianqian, I have a cell phone, I will scan one for you."

Before Zhou Qian could speak, Bai Lingling enthusiastically scanned a car for Zhou Qian and pushed it out.

"Thank you."

took the car, Zhou Qian was very grateful, he is a good girlfriend!

"Okay, let's go."

However, in the next second, Zhou Qian seemed to be struck by lightning, and was stunned.

After passing the car to her, Bai Lingling didn't mean to sweep another one. Instead, she sat directly behind Chu Chen's car and hugged Chu Chen's waist.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Qian wanted to cry without tears!

Your sister!

Is this a good girlfriend? !

Plastic sisterhood!

She finally understood why Lingling enthusiastically helped her.

"Let's go."

Holding Chu Chen's waist, Bai Lingling said with a smile.

"Meet the awkward guy!"

Zhou Qian shook his small fist at Bai Lingling.

Such a good opportunity, is it so gone?

"Let's go."

Chu Chen rode his bike forward.

Sitting behind Chu Chen, Bai Lingling stuck his tongue out at Zhou Qian, looking provocative.

seems to be saying——Brother Chen is mine, you can't take it away, hehe!

"Smelly, you wait!"

Zhou Qian stomped his feet with anger, and immediately rode to catch up.

seemed to exercise often, Zhou Qian rode very fast, came to Xiangmanyuan earlier than Chu Chen, stopped and walked in.

"You can go in first, I'll park."

brought Bai Lingling to Xiangmanyuan, and Chu Chen spoke.

"Brother Chen, hurry up."

After that, Bai Lingling entered, and Chu Chen came to the parking place alone.

Chu Chen just parked the shared bicycle, and suddenly heard someone calling himself behind him.

"Chu Chen?"

Chu Chen turned his head and happened to see a thin young man.

"It's really you, Chu Chen, it's me, Dong Guanghao, your high school classmate."

The thin young man said enthusiastically.

Chu Chen has the impression that Dong Guanghao studied poorly at the beginning. After high school, he did not go to college, but came to work hard in society, and the relationship between the two was average.

shook hands, the two talked.

"Come to eat by bike?"

glanced at Chu Chen's shared bicycle, then looked at Xiangmanyuan next to him and asked, Dong Guanghao asked.


Chu Chen nodded.

Looking at Chu Chen, Dong Guanghao is extremely sorry:

"I still envy you for going to school, how free you are. Look at me. I am very busy every day, and I am a poor group. Until now, there is only a small hotel worth a million."

"Chu Chen, you are the most handsome in our class. You must be rich now!"

Now it's not popular to show off wealth, but to pretend to be poor!

Pretending to be poor in front of his classmates, suddenly revealing his wealthy self, and seeing everyone's surprised eyes, that's cool!

violent! !

"I am very poor too."

Chu Chen said helplessly. Up to now, he has only one group worth more than 10 billion yuan. can be regarded as the richest man in Jiangzhou at most, far behind the richest man in Kyushu and the richest man in the world?

We have not yet succeeded in becoming rich, comrades still need to work hard!

"I can see it."

glanced at Chu Chen's shared bicycle, Dong Guanghao said strangely.

"I have something to do, ready to go."

Talking, Dong Guanghao pressed the car key, and a Honda car with more than 200,000 yuan rang.

while patted his Honda, Dong Guanghao said:

"Have you heard of the class reunion in a few days?"

Chu Chen nodded slightly.

was in the classmate group before, he saw the news of the classmate reunion, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

At that time, he was just a poor student who was useless except handsome. Why did he go to classmates to find abuse?

"You must go!"

Dong Guanghao exhorted!

"A lot of students want to see you?"

"Okay, I'll go."

In this case, Chu Chen was ashamed to refuse.

Stop talking nonsense with Dong Guanghao, Chu Chen walked into Xiangmanyuan.

Looking at Chu Chen who was leaving, Dong Guanghao's smile suddenly closed, and he gave a cold snort of disdain.

"At the beginning, the most handsome Chu Chen, the focus of the class, became so mixed up, what kind of shared bicycles are you still riding, is it embarrassing?"

Dong Guanghao was extremely proud.

At the beginning of school, Chu Chen was surrounded by countless girls, and he was unusually ordinary.

But now, I drive more than 200,000 cars, own a million-dollar restaurant, and my career is booming!

Instead, Chu Chen got worse and worse.

"Bah, rubbish."

Dong Guanghao spat in disdain, suddenly he thought of something and took out his phone.