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With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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I am really not interested in money

() You can search for "I am the richest man at a showdown ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

"not so good?"

Chu Chen spoke.

"Then four million, plus a luxury car with no less than 1.5 million."

Qi Zhengyi said again, thinking that Chu Chen felt that there was less money.

As a privately-owned and famous aristocratic university, Villino International University is not bad for money.

"Still not so good?"

Chu Chen shook his head again.

Is he someone who bowed his head for the sake of a mere four million? No, not at all!

Even if it is four billion, four billion, four billion, four hundred billion, or even four trillion, he is not like that...

Hmm... if it is four trillion, then let's discuss it.

Four million, plus luxury cars no less than 1.5 million, do not agree.

Fang Jing and Qi Zhengyi glanced at each other, and both felt that Chu Chen was waiting for the price, and disliked the lack of money.

But who can make people stronger?

"Well, I'll give you five million a year, plus two million luxury cars. If you perform well in three years, you can still equip you with a house."

"Sign a five-year contract."

Qi Zhengyi said arrogantly.

"This is our final bottom line, so please think about it."

Five million a year, two million luxury cars, plus a multi-million dollar house.

This treatment is already very high in Demon Capital.

"You only need 20 to 30 years to become a billionaire, don't you be tempted?"

Fang Jing followed the temptation and hoped that Chu Chen would agree.

"Not tempted."

Chu Chen answered without hesitation:

"Sorry, I have no interest in money."

After that, Chu Chen turned and left the dean's office.

Become a billionaire in twenty or thirty years?

Sorry, he is now a billionaire.

In ten days, his worth will soar by 50 billion! ! !

Even if you sell the entire Villino International University, it may not be 50 billion!

What's more, once Chu Chen got the 25% shares of Ferrari Group, in addition to the corresponding 50 billion, he would gain countless contacts.

After all, it is the top luxury car brand in the world, with strong influence and terrifying connections!

Seeing Chu Chen leaving, Fang Jing, and Qi Zhengyi were stunned.

I am not interested in money? !

Anyone who is not interested in money? !

Fang Jing and Qi Zhengyi looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Dare to say that, there are generally two situations.

One is really indifferent to fame and fortune, and has no interest in money. This kind of people are rare.

He is such a real master, a legendary hermit.

The second type is that it has an astonishing value. In their eyes, money is similar to the number, so they are not interested in money.


Fang Jing sighed.

These two situations, no matter which Chu Chen belongs to, deserve his admiration.

As for Qi Zhengyi, who is "rich and rich", he was deeply shocked.

There are too few people who are indifferent to their goals, and those people are generally over half a decade old and have experienced the ups and downs of the world, so they looked down on everything.

It is almost impossible for young people to have this character.

Therefore, Qi Zhengyi is more inclined to the latter. Chu Chen has a terrifying status and is no longer interested in money.

Chu Chen turned out to be a super rich man, it was incredible!

How young he is.

He actually showed off his wealth in front of a super rich.

So ashamed!


After leaving the dean's office, Chu Chen had no class and walked around the school curiously.

After walking for a while, Chu Chen shook his head slightly.

Compared to other schools, Villino International University is indeed luxurious, but in Chu Chen's view, it is very ordinary.

The scenery here is a bit worse than my own in the Plum Garden in the East China Sea and the Villa on the Star River Lake Island in Hangzhou.

When Chu Chen passed a dormitory building, a girl with a good face and outstanding temperament was playing badminton with her girlfriend.

She accidentally hit the shuttlecock with too much force, and it happened to land on the branch next to it.

The branches are a little high, she can't touch them.

"Little brother, can you help me take down that badminton?"

The girl saw Chu Chen passing by and pleaded:

"Little brother, as long as you pick it up, you should be able to meet it."

"it is good."

Chu Chen agreed to the matter of ease.

Chu Chen picked off the badminton and handed it to the girl.


After receiving the badminton, the girl looked at Chu Chen and was stunned for an instant.

Just now, her attention was all on the badminton body, not paying attention to the appearance of this little brother.

But now, looking at the little brother head-on, countless cautions appeared in the sister's eyes.

This is too handsome!

How can he be so handsome? !

My heart beats faster. Is this the feeling of love at first sight?

"Little brother, which college are you from?"

How come she hasn't heard of such an explosive little brother before?

"music Academy."

"music Academy?"

After listening to Chu Chen's answer, the girl was even more excited.

"You must have just arrived. I am also a student of the Conservatory of Music. My name is Zhou Shishi. I am glad to meet you."

The girl took the initiative to introduce herself and stretched out her hand.


Chu Chen became interested, he just wanted to learn about the Conservatory?

Chu Chen shook hands with Zhou Shishi, and Zhou Shishi enthusiastically introduced Chu Chen about the conservatory.

In the distance, a young man passed by, staring at Zhou Shishi who was chatting with Chu Chen with great enthusiasm, and was stunned.

They are first-class beauties, but do they have someone they like?

The young man secretly took a photo and immediately posted it to Moments.

Soon, the student groups of the Conservatory of Music, Post Bar, etc., all exploded!

The goddess actually has someone she likes.


Why is this happening!

They just fell in love, so soon they lost love.

Many people who secretly love Zhou Shishi cried.

"What, does Zhou Shishi have a favorite?"

In the gymnasium, a tall young man who had just finished playing basketball became angry when he heard the words of his little brother.

"Yes, Rui Ge."

While talking, the younger brother handed the phone up.

Seeing the shy look of the little girl Zhou Shishi in the photo, Yan Yingrui became even more angry.

As one of the top rich and handsome men in the Conservatory of Music, Yan Yingrui is usually very popular with girls, and her relationship has never been disadvantageous.

He just put his gaze on Zhou Shishi, hasn't had time to start?

No, this thing can't be forgotten.

How can the woman he likes give up?

Leaving the gymnasium, under the little brother's search, he found Chu Chen who was about to eat.

"The newcomer, I advise you to stay away from Zhou Shishi, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

"The Conservatory is Lao Tzu's place."

After threatening Chu Chen a few words, Yan Yingrui left.

In the afternoon, Zhou Shishi had a class. In order to pursue Zhou Shishi, Yan Yingrui came even if he was not a student in this class.

Sitting next to Zhou Shishi, Yan Yingrui kept talking about the local love, making Zhou Shishi very irritable.

When class time came, a pretty boy walked in slowly.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 283 I am really not interested in money (seeking subscription, seeking monthly pass)) to read the record, next time you open the bookshelf to see!

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