
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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I am my biggest backer!

After half a month, Tianyun Jewelry and international jewelry design masters worked together, and the blue diamond designed and produced was finally completed.

Finally, it was named "Future Realm", which complements the world's famous legendary jewelry "Heart of the Sea".

In order to celebrate the completion of the realm of the future, and to publicize the realm of the future, Liu Ruobing specially held a cocktail party and invited many prominent figures in the jewelry industry.

Of course, as the vice president of Tianyun Jewelry Company, Chu Chen naturally received a call from Liu Ruobing.

Chu Chen was also curious about what this blue diamond, worth hundreds of millions, would look like in the end.

This evening, the reception began, and Liu Ruobing, as the landlord, welcomed the guests.

"Congratulations, Mr. Liu, this time Tianyun Jewelry is going to skyrocket."

"Congratulations to Mr. Liu."


Many guests congratulated Liu Ruobing.

If it goes well, with the world-class jewellery of "Sky Realm", Tianyun's reputation will be greatly improved, whether it is domestic or foreign.

The market value of Tianyun Jewelry will also increase rapidly, and it is likely to become the top five in the country.

All these guests are so, naturally, to please Liu Ruobing, hoping to give Liu Ruobing a good impression.

Just as Liu Ruobing was receiving everyone, an unexpected guest arrived.

A middle-aged lady walked into the reception slowly.

"She actually came?"

Liu Ruobing was a little surprised after seeing the middle-aged lady.

This middle-aged lady is not someone else, but Tao Wenmin, the chairman of Zihuang Jewelry Group.

Zihuang Jewelry Group, it is a giant in the domestic jewelry industry, stronger than Tianyun Jewelry and the previous Yifeng Jewelry!


Middle-aged lady Tao Wenmin spoke.

"President Tao is polite."

"Please come in."

Liu Ruobing responded politely.

In fact, she only sent Tao Wenmin a symbolic invitation, but she did not expect Tao Wenmin to come.

The two companies are considered competitors, not to mention that Tianyun Jewelry is booming.

As a competitor, as the chairman of Zihuang Jewelry, Tao Wenmin is definitely not good at coming.

Chu Chen also came.

As the vice president of Tianyun Jewelry, Chu Chen is also the host here.

The wine party began, and Liu Ruobing stood in front and spoke:

"Thank you for coming today. Now, I will take out the "Future Realm" designed and produced by our company."

"Want to come, everyone can't wait."

As Liu Ruobing's voice fell, the realm of the future was carefully brought up by the staff.

The Realm of the Future is an extremely exquisite necklace, even with some internationally renowned European royal jewelry.


"So beautiful."

"It is dazzling, and the name of the realm of the future is also very meaningful. Tianyun jewelry has this "realm of the future", and the future is unlimited."

Looking at the bright future, many guests spoke up.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Just then, an abrupt voice came.

Others are marveling and admiring, but there is a voice of regret, which naturally stands out.

"It's a pity that such a good diamond, such a good jewellery, actually fell into Tian Yun's hands. It's a pity."

Tao Wenmin sighed with emotion and shook his head again and again.

Hearing this, Liu Ruobing frowned, is Tao Wenmin about to start?

Liu Ruobing is ready.

"In China, with this future state, Tianyun Jewelry can definitely thrive and create a new world."

Tao Wenmin suddenly turned his finger:

"But in foreign countries, what about the international market?"

"Tianyun jewelry seems to be a lot worse."

Tianyun Jewelry is the youngest company, and it has indeed made a breakthrough in China, becoming the top ten in the country.

But after all, the company is too young. Tianyun Jewelry is a small brand in the world.

On the contrary, Tao Wenmin's Zihuang jewelry has already gained some fame internationally.

Although it is far inferior to Bulgari, Tiffany and other veteran jewellery luxury goods, it is also considered a second- and third-rate brand in the world.

After hearing Tao Wenmin's words, Liu Ruobing, who had been best prepared, didn't know what to say for a while.

Tao Wenmin said a lot.

Internationally, Tian Yun is indeed behind the 18th line.

"If Tianyun Jewelry is willing, our Zihuang Jewelry can help Tianyun open up the international market."

Tao Wenmin finally said his intention.

"With the help of our contacts, there must be many international companies cooperating with Tianyun."

"And we only have one small request."

Liu Ruobing's eyes instantly gathered on Tao Wenmin.

"We want 70% ownership of the future realm."

In the next second, Tao Wenmin's lion opened his mouth and directly asked for 70% ownership of the future realm, more than two-thirds!


Liu Ruobing retorted instantly and refused.

If Tao Wenmin agreed, would he be a fool?

You must know that if Tao Wenmin's Purple Emperor Jewelry obtains 70% of the ownership of Future Land, the most powerful one will be the Purple Emperor Jewelry in the future.

In the international arena, it is also Zihuang Jewelry that is the big hit, and Tianyun Jewelry is a tool man.

And Tao Wenmin's promise to help Tianyun Jewelry open up the international market is completely empty talk.

Tao Wenmin wanted to cede a small part of his original market to Tianyun Jewelry in order to take ownership of the future.

Once it is promoted internationally and takes up 70% of the ownership of Futureland, the influence of Futureland will surely make Zihuang Jewelry famous and eventually become a second-rate brand in the world.


was directly rejected by Liu Ruobing, Tao Wenmin showed a cold smile.

"No, it's okay."

"It's just that you, Tianyun Jewelry, don't want to develop internationally Tao Wenmin threatened Liu Ruobing harshly, begging:

"No matter how much you pay, you will never find a partner in the world!"

"Forgot to tell you, we have just cooperated with the top world second-rate jewelry brand, Hope Group."

"We and Hope Group will jointly block, you Tianyun Jewelry will surely come home with nothing."

Tao Wenmin said with confidence.

After so many years of development and all the connections, Zihuang Jewelry has that strength!

"Who said that there is no major international brand to cooperate with our Tianyun jewelry?"

Tao Wenmin just finished speaking when a faint voice came.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were placed on Chu Chen's body.

I saw Chu Chen sitting there cynically, playing with the red wine glass in his hand.

Holding the red wine glass, Chu Chen stood up and confronted Tao Wenmin.


"I am curious, who gives you the confidence?"

Looking at Chu Chen, Tao Wenmin was extremely disdainful.

A young man in his twenties who still wants to fight her?

"What big person do you know?"

"Or any backer?".

Tao Wenmin asked.

"I have no backer, myself, is my biggest backer!"