
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

Drink hot water

Today is Saturday, at noon Chu Chen's beautiful neighbor Yan Luoshui came to Chu Chen's house to take care of the puppet cat baby.

"You see the baby is more and more like a ball."

Looking at the baby who was developing laterally, Chu Chen couldn't help but speak.

"Are you fat?"

"I think the baby is still very thin. Eat more, baby."

While talking, Yan Luoshui fed the baby dried fish.

Hearing this, Chu Chen was full of black lines.

At this moment, Chu Chen's cell phone rang.

Chu Chen took the phone and looked at it, it turned out to be his mother.

"Xiao Chen, what's the matter with your 500,000 call?"

Turning on the phone, my mother's voice came.

"Mom, I have good luck in stocks and I made some money."

Of course Chu Chen couldn't say it clearly, so he found an excuse.

My mom doesn't know much about stock trading, she only knows that stock trading is very risky, and subconsciously believes that stock trading is just like buying lottery tickets, and it depends on luck.

After he got the richest man system, he transferred his parents' jobs to a relaxed position through various relationships.

Although Chu Chen can give his parents hundreds of millions, making their lives extremely rich.

But in this case, Chu Chen really can't explain it, and once the honest parents get so much money at once, they will definitely worry about themselves and think about themselves.

It is better to find a relaxed position for mom and dad, so that they can live in peace and comfort.

"Well, mom knows you have a good future."

After listening to Chu Chen's words, my mother said with satisfaction.

"By the way, Xiao Fan, your aunt introduced you a girlfriend. In Jiangzhou, she is said to be gentle and beautiful."

Finally, my mother added.

"How about, or do you go on a blind date again?"

Hearing this, Chu Chen was full of black lines.

The last time the neighbour's aunt told him to go on a blind date, the result was unbearable.

This time, Chu Chen really didn't want to go.

"Mom, I don't want to go." Chu Chen said firmly.

"Xiao Chen, you will go this time, the last time."

Mom doesn't want to just give up, but is she looking forward to holding her grandson?

Hearing this, Chu Chen didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Mom, let me be honest with you, I actually have a girlfriend."

Finally, in order to avoid blind dates, Chu Chen could only use white lies to justify.


On the other end of the phone, when she heard Chu Chen's words, my mother was very surprised.

In the villa, Yan Luoshui, who was teasing the baby, heard this. I don't know why, but there was a trace of loss in his heart.

He actually has a girlfriend?

I don't know why.

"Who, what is her character, where is she from, and what does her family do?"

Mom became interested in an instant, and asked again and again.


Chu Chen fell into thinking.

Soon, Chu Chen's inspiration flashed.

"She is a top-notch Bai Fumi, and she now manages a company worth tens of billions of dollars, and as the president there, my stock trading ability is also learned from her."

Chu Chen answered.

He suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity.

In this way, I can find a reasonable explanation for my money—from my girlfriend.

So Chu Chen made up such a girlfriend. As for the Ten Billion Group, of course it was his own Kingland Group.

Chu Chen even thought about the next step. If his mother told him to take his girlfriend home, he would take his beautiful secretary Mo Yuwan back.

Let her pretend to be her girlfriend, whether it is temperament or other things, Mo Yuwan is indeed like a female president.

And Chu Chen believed that Mo Yuwan would not refuse, she was her boss, hehe.

Next to   , after listening to Chu Chen's words, Yan Luoshui was completely stunned, she had misunderstood.

White, rich and beautiful girl?

Ten billion group?

Be the president?

Isn't this her?

Chu Chen told his mother that she was her girlfriend?

In an instant, Yan Luoshui became nervous, his face turned red, and his heartbeat accelerated.

If someone else said that, she would definitely be angry, but Chu Chen said that, not only was Yan Luoshui not angry, but a little excited.

What does   楚尘 mean?

Is he taking the opportunity to confess to himself in a special way?

Thinking of this, Yan Luoshui became even more nervous.

If this is the case, what should I do, promise?

Did Chu Chen agree when he hung up the phone, or did he consider agreeing for a while?

Besides the possibility of taking the opportunity to confess, would it be Chu Chen who hinted at himself?

Let yourself proactively confess him?

If this is the case, he must be interesting to himself, but his face is thin and he is embarrassed to speak.

For a moment, Yan Luoshui thought about it in a wild way.

"Sounds good, but a female president, Bai Fumi, how could she be with you?"

asked the mother puzzledly.

"Why else, your son is handsome?"

Chu Chen shrugged and replied.

Next to   , when Chu Chen said so, Yan Luoshui glanced at Chu Chen secretly.

Handsome, Chu Chen is indeed getting more and more handsome, and he has an inexplicable temperament, much like the top rich man he has ever met.


Mom expressed deep doubts.

"Well, after a while, you find a chance to take that girl home for me and your dad to see, to your staff www.mtlnovel.com and let the relatives see, my son is promising, look for Made a beautiful friend of white rich and beautiful."

said the mother worriedly.

"it is good."

The mother actually doubted her own beauty and charm, and Chu Chen was very unhappy.

In the end, my mother told many times that if you were alone, you must take care of yourself.

Hanging up, Chu Chen happened to see Yan Luoshui coming towards him.

Yan Luoshui's face is strange at this moment.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chu Chen was puzzled, she was fine just now.

Is it uncomfortable.

"You drink plenty of hot water and take a break." Chu Chen kindly reminded.


Yan Luoshui was not only not angry when he heard drinking more hot water, but was a little excited. Chu Chen was caring about himself.

People with good looks say they drink more hot water, how can they be called straight men?

This is called Nuan Nan!

"Chu Chen, I haven't considered it yet, you let me think about it."

Yan Luoshui felt that it was too sudden and caught her off guard, so he whispered a word and left in a hurry.

Looking at Yan Luoshui who "escaped", Chu Chen was stunned. What's wrong?

He doesn't understand women's thoughts, so who makes him an honest and decent person?

At this moment, Chu Chen suddenly received a call from Fatty.

"What, I'll go right away."

Chu Chen nodded and drove Koenigsegg to the hospital immediately.

It turned out that the fat man's father had a car accident last night, because they were in a small place with poor medical equipment, so they were sent to the nearest Jiangzhou.

Because of the high operation fees, the Fatty's family was already desperate. In desperation, the Fatty had to call Chu Chen.