
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

Chu Chen shocked the audience, how much did Kong Shao donate?

No, I'm afraid that ten million will raise him up, two or three million at most.

Donating this little money, Chu Chen might become the laughing stock of the entire charity dinner.

"Really, let's wait and see?"

Chu Chen replied faintly, not wanting to argue with Kong Yongfeng here, only talked about it.

"Ha ha."

Kong Yongfeng sneered. He really didn't look at this little man who hadn't even heard of the Kong family.

At this charity dinner, he will definitely show off.

"Walk and see."

With a sneer, Kong Yongfeng carried the red wine and swaggered away.


Lu Junliang snorted coldly and said:

"Mr. Chu, this Kong Yongfeng is a junior. Don't be familiar with him."

"For this charity dinner, the Confucian family sent Kong Yongfeng to come, it is very likely that they want to let Kong Yongfeng take the opportunity to show off, in order to expand Kong Yongfeng's network."

"Give Kong Yongfeng, the future helm of the Kong family, a reputation."

"The Kong family has probably prepared a large sum of money for him. You must not be irritated by his provocation method."

"How much you donate depends on your own strength, don't mess around."

Lu Jun kindly reminded Chu Chen.

Mr. Chu is not very young, his energy and blood are just right. Lu Junliang is afraid that Chu Chen, in order to fight Kong Yongfeng, will fight for his breath, donate too much money, beyond his own ability.

"This time our Tomson Group has prepared 30 million yuan, and their Confucian family will be several times more."

"It's okay."

Chu Chen waved his hand.

There is a system of "ten times rebate card", which serves as a backer.

No matter how much Kong Yongfeng donated, Chu Chen would naturally not be afraid.

Soon, the highlight of the charity dinner began.

An old man with silver hair and some vicissitudes of life appeared on the stage under the eyes of everyone.

He is the famous wealthy businessman and philanthropist, Mr. Li.

In order to do charity, Mr. Li set up a charity organization specifically responsible for donations.

"Thank you for coming."

Old Li came to the stage to speak and explained.

The purpose of this donation is mainly for the following points. The first is to build Hope Primary Schools for children in mountainous areas. Second, to build orphanages and nursing homes for homeless children and the elderly...

Mr. Li has also donated a lot of money for charity these years, so everyone believes in him.

After Mr. Li finished speaking, the rich and powerful people in the magic capital also spoke up.

"Lao Li has worked hard, this time our Bai family is willing to donate 20 million."

"Our Haolin Group is willing to donate 40 million to those children."


Regardless of the purpose, these rich people did donate a lot of money.

Among them, the Magic City's Wonder Group donated the most, donating 100 million!

"We, the Kong family, are willing to donate 300 million yuan."

Just as everyone was marveling at the heroic spirit of Qijing Group, an abrupt voice came.

Under the attention of everyone, Kong Yongfeng slowly stood up, pretending to be forced:

"We, the Kong family, are willing to offer our love for charity."

Although it sounds very high-sounding, in fact, Kong Yongfeng is just to pretend to be coercion, to expand his network.

Using three hundred million in exchange for Mr. Li, and the goodwill of these big brothers and rich people is absolutely worth it.

"What, three hundred million?!"

"This time, the Kong family will donate 300 million yuan!"

"It turns out that we watched people in the cracks of the door and looked down on the Kong family."

"Admire, admire."

After listening to Kong Yongfeng's words, the scene suddenly fell into a hustle and bustle.

Countless rich people looked at Kong Yongfeng and were very amazed.

It turned out that they underestimated the Kong family.

They decided to meet Kong Yongfeng, a young talented man, after the fundraising was over for a while.

"Three billion?!"

Even Lao Li was very excited and said with a smile:

"Thank you so much, Nephew Kong Xian."

"Where, there, it's just a little money."

Kong Yongfeng answered triumphantly.

"Everyone seems to have donated, but there was one person who didn't donate a cent."

Kong Yongfeng suddenly got into trouble He has been following Chu Chen for a long time.

Before, he thought that Chu Chen could donate several million, but he never expected that he would look at Chu Chen highly.

He didn't even donate a penny, he was really poor.

"If you don't donate a penny, I'm embarrassed to come here for the charity dinner. This face is thicker than the city wall."

Kong Yongfeng looked at Chu Chen and said sarcastically.

Looking at Chu Chen, the other guests also looked disgusted.

Although there is no mandatory donation requirement for Mr. Li's charity dinner, he is definitely not an ordinary person after all.

It's too unreasonable not to donate even a penny.

Stingy, is it like this? !

"it's okay no problem."

Mr. Li stood up to ease the atmosphere.

"As long as you have the intention, it depends on the individual's ability."

"Never force it."

Old Li thought that Chu Chen might have a special reason, so he relieved Chu Chen.

"Who said I don't donate?"

A questioning voice came.

"Charity does not depend on the amount of donation, but on one's conscience and situation."

Chu Chen said faintly:

"I don't donate much, only one billion."

While talking, Chu Chen wrote a check and handed it directly to Lao Li.

Looking at the one-billion-dollar check in his hand, even Lao Li was dumbfounded.

After so many years, it is the first time that even Lao Li has donated so much.

After all, this is just a small donation, dedication of love, not the disaster-stricken donations.

I don't donate much, but one billion, right? !

Donate one billion, not much? !

The donation counts as much!

Looking at the check in Old Li's hand, each of these guests' eyes widened and shocked.

"Shao Kong is so powerful, I donated one billion, what about Shao Kong?!"

(End of this chapter)