104 Inevitable?

***Asheim, Embassy*** 

Everyone freezes up. "What are you talking about!?" Chiffre stops to take notes about Enyo. 

"Errr.... nothing. Forget what I said." I don't want to explain it. Too much of a hassle. 

"No! What's this talk about damaging the multiverse?" Gwalonna doesn't let go of the matter either. 

"It's just an obscure theory of mine. I have no proof and if it's true.... then we are screwed anyway." I turn my seat towards the window. 

"Don't talk bullshit and tell us what's going on." -Carne 

I tilt my head while I think about a smart way to explain it. "What's a soul? How comes it to be?" 

"An energy body which gathers information? It interacts with the multiverse through a physical organic body. Namely us. Souls don't come into existence, they simply are." Chiffre gives me an out of the book answer. 

"That's true. But to be precise. A soul is a quantum wave that interacts with the whole multiverse through observation. What's the state of a quantum particle which has an observer and a particle which has none?" I fold my hands while I try to lead them to the right question. 

"The state of a quantum particle that's observed is defined. One that's not observed is undefined." -Chiffre 

"So a soul defines the multiverse by observing it. By the presence of an intelligent observer, our mutliverse is stabilized in its current state. That has always been that way. As far as we know. And the number of souls seems to be finite. Even souls which seem to be very young are just old ones which have lost their memories, or rather their gathered information." 

"So what happens to the multiverse if there aren't enough observers left to define it? The calamity is forcing all observers into a single being by merging everything into one." I stretch my legs to have it a little more comfortable. 

"Esoteric bullshit...." Zanders mumbles to himself. 

"So if there aren't enough observers, the multiverse goes back to an undefined state? But that theory is strange. The size of the multiverse should be defined by the number of souls, if that's true. We should be able to see some kind of effect while the Calamity eats the observers. Without a proof such a theory is on very wobbly legs...." -Chiffre 

"Why should we see a continuous effect and not a sudden collapse? The multiverse is always trying to keep the stability and correcting the logical errors. If there are not enough observers, it smooths the mistakes over. Why are there stars in the sky with no intelligent life? Shouldn't they vanish?" I continue my train of thoughts. 

"There are such stars. Aren't you rebutting your own theory?" -Miruliru 

"No. I am strengthening it. Those stars are there because people have always looked up to the sky and saw them. They remain there because they have to be there, or otherwise there would be just a mostly black sky for most planets. The other proof that strengthens my theory are the remnants of the first outbreak of the Calamity." I wave towards the sky. "Tell them Warden. Were there always void zones throughout the multiverse?" 

~The void zones are a recent phenomenon that started to appear during the first big fight against the Calamity. The Ascended couldn't explain the expanding zones, where the natural laws of nature aren't followed. But the void zones stopped growing when the Calamity was sealed away, or at least the speed of their growth became very slow.~ 

"So the multiverse isn't in its best shape as we see it?" Miruliru has a concerned voice now. 

"Unfortunately." Seems like they get the idea. "The void zones are just the first sign that the number of observers is becoming too low. I ask myself what the undefined state looks like. Will it go *poof* and everything ceases to be? Or will the multiverse just dissolve into a big void zone with strange undefined physical laws? That brings me to the last proof of my theory. The void zones are areas which don't follow known rules. Yet the space around our planets is perfectly fine. Why is that?" 

"Because there are enough observers there to stabilize the space...." Chriffe's voice sounds very convinced now. "So we have to increase the number of observers in order to avoid an unknown outcome." 

"How? They are in the belly of that thing above our heads!" Gwalonna waves at the ceiling. 

"We have to find a way to stop the Calamity." Carne walks towards the window and takes a look outside. 

"I will go back to my society and tell them what's going on. We will think about possible solutions." Chiffre disappears without further ado. 

I continue to think about the possibilities on my own, but there are no definite answers. The others keep talking for a while. Then they start to leave in order to inform their societies. 

While I watch the setting blue sun, I think about my possibilities. Everything we could do is bad. But I don't like bad endings. I despise them. 

The only good ending that comes to my mind could also be the ultimate bad end. The question is.... am I mad enough to throw a coin to decide the fate of the multiverse? 

The others surely wouldn't like that. I stand up and walk with leisure towards the private quarters of my family. Celes should be done with her work. Surely I can find her there. 

Our private quarters are at the top of the central tower. The small walk gives me time to reach a decision. And it is not an easy one. 

I find Celes inside our living room. She is taking care of Aengus and Sharid. Both of them are lying on the big couch to the left side of the room. When I left them, they had serious headaches. 

Celes looks into my direction with a furious expression. "Why didn't you tell me!? Aengus is in grave danger and you don't even give me a notice!" 

As expected. I will get some harsh treatment for this. But I didn't want her to risk her life. 

"I am sorry, but there wasn't enough time. I had to be as fast as possible." Yes! Perfect excuse! 

Celes snorts at me and turns back towards Aengus. So I walk over and hug Celes from behind. Aaah, having a last feel before the end is surely nice. 

"What else have you been up to? I feel that you are hiding something." Celes's tail starts to wriggle around me in order to stop me from escaping. 

I swear it. The instincts of this woman are too good! "Nothing, my love! We just had to talk about so much heavy stuff at the embassy. It really put a dent into my good mood." 

So I start to explain my theory to Celes who nods now and then with an unhappy expression. At the end I just sigh and hug her again. 

"So you have any idea how to solve this?" -Celes 

"More or less. But it's a secret." I grin at her. 

"Tell me!" Celes grabs my left earlobe with finger her like a vice and pulls me down to her level. "You won't pull a self sacrifice again? I forbid it!" 

"No! Nothing like that sugar cat. By the way.... look what I got back!" I pull Enyo from my left leg where she was holding onto me since the embassy. 

Until now she didn't come to Celes's attention. 

Celes's expression becomes shocked while Enyo starts to wriggle in my hands. 

"Isss it time for action massster?" -Enyo 

"Where did you get that thing from!? I though you had disposed of it!!" Celes takes a step backwards while I take a step forward. 

"You really thought that I would permanently get rid of the only weapon which is effective against you? I thought I would lend it to Aengus for a few years but he doesn't need it at the moment...." 

"Noooo.... I already have a tail!"Celes turns and starts to run while I follow her with a wriggling cat tail in my hands. 

Haaa. Being the husband surely is the best. 

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