
please reset the booktitle Carrots123 20231218092329 25

I died and was reborn. An impossibility that occurred but now offered me so many opportunities that I didn't have before. Power was open for the taking and I was going to take it all. Everything I desired would be mine and nothing would stop me, not this time. Just a quick warning, this is a story with a mass harem. If you don't like that then don't read, it is as simple as that.

Carrots123 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


Maris had tracked him down, the figure that had come from the skies, the one who gave her a vision of the Empires destruction. She followed the Force, allowed it to guide her to his location, one directly within the centre of the Jungle Rancor hunting grounds.

No one resided here because of how dangerous those creatures could be. The only reason she risked it was because she needed to find him.

Upon finally finding his location, she had been caught a little surprised to recognise him. This man was not connected to the man in her visions, he was him. The man who would destroy the Empire stood before her, wearing a strange armour and walking confidently through the forest without a care in the world. He had no idea the danger that surrounded him and so she went to bring him away.

Yet even though she spoke to him, begged him to leave this area, he did not seem to understand what she was saying.

That's when the Rancor came and instead of running away as most would, he charged towards it. Maris thought him insane and foolish, she wondered as to how this man could possibly bring down the Empire. That was until the wind rushed across her face, her eyes widening as the boom that reached her ears moments later came over before the Rancor was sent rocketing backwards.

The strength.

The power necessary to ragdoll a Rancor like that was beyond anything Maris could comprehend a Galaxian possessing. She had never met anyone with physical strength that great, not even a Wookie.

And then the figure floated off the ground and slowly followed after the Rancor.


Laser vision.

Strength beyond anything she had ever seen.

What else could this figure do?

-X- Line Break -X-

This creature was durable, even though I held back massively, the strength of that blow was enough to kill most creatures. Even from this distance, I could see it shaking its head and getting up. It was not down for the count yet and I looked towards my hands, clenching them lightly.

Just like the rest of my body, I felt heavy and weighed down.

The gravity of this planet couldn't possibly be affecting me this bad, something else had to be afoot here. But as the creature rose up to its full height, it roared out, I didn't know if it was meant to intimidate me but it was adorable all the same.

It charged at me once again.

This time, I floated around its snapping jaw, but rose an arm, blocking the swipe of its arm. There was the strength behind it, but it was far too weak to even make me budge. My heat vision lanced out, digging into the skin of its side, actually picking the creature off its feet and dragging it along the ground.

It wasn't dead, but it was certainly being damaged by the heat vision.

Again though, I wasn't using anywhere near to my full power.

Another roar escaped its lips and I rose a brow.

What could it possibly be trying to do?

It was then that woman from before appeared, speaking in a language I did not understand and pointing wildly at my surroundings. Turning, I looked at the places she indicated and while there was nothing in the immediate vicinity, in the far distance, through my blurred vision, I could make out more of those strange creatures.

Ah, so that's what it was doing.

It was calling for aid.

This was their territory and I was a trespasser.

Hardly something to be worried about though, if they were all like this creature then I would be able to hand them quite easily. Smiling, I lowered myself fully to the ground and waited. They were hardly a challenge on their own, but perhaps as a collective, they could provide me with some measure of fun.

Though I doubted it.

This planet may be affecting my powers, dampening them, but it was not enough for it to stop me from being the most dominant force upon it.

-X- Line Break -X-

Not for the first time, I cursed my younger self for not reading more comics about Star Wars. This woman was clearly, a Force Sensitive and how you might ask? Well that's simple, the way she moved was far too light-footed and she moved with guile and grace that reminded me of the Prequels. Plus, she had a lightsaber at her hip, which meant she was more than likely either Jedi or Sith, I'm leaning more towards the former.

Either way, I was annoyed at my younger self and a little nervous inside.

All throughout my journey, I had two sources of information upon which to help partially guide my actions to some extent. Whether that be my preexisting knowledge of the comics thanks to what I had read in the other world. Or the knowledge I had gained from Kryptonian records, plus the information Zod had collected on potential future enemies.

Even when one source of information was not of much use to me, I usually had the other as a fallback. But in my time here, there was never a time in which I hadn't the information that I could use to help guide my actions to a more profitable future.


Until now.

Star Wars was a place almost completely separate from the universe, not many foreigners ventured inside and those that did, rarely returned. It was a place that was mostly untouched by the wars of the Kree and Skrull as well as other conflicts. Something not many galaxies can claim to be as lucky as.

But because of that, not information was known about it.

Whatever the case though, I had a theory on why my powers were so...limited upon this planet. What it was, was very simple, it was one of the first things that came across someone's mind when they thought of Star Wars, besides Lightsabers.

The answer is the Force.

I had at first dismissed this thought out of mind, but now it was impossible to ignore when I had ruled out other possibilities. The Force was, well I don't fully know, another frustrating thing. From what I had an idea of, it was a mystical energy of some kind, very much in line with psychic energy. It was what enabled Jedi and Sith to move things with their mind, enabled them to sense things around them beyond what should be possible.

The Force was what was dampening my powers.

It stopped my senses from seeing and hearing as far they usually could.

It was what made the weight of the gravity feel ten times worse than it should have been.

It was what stopped me from moving as quickly as I could, the resistance I faced seemingly affecting me more than it should.

It was what made my invulnerability disappear, even weaken my durability to the point that during my conflict with the pack of creatures, I actually started to feel a little dull ache in my hands from where they had hit me.

The only things unaffected were my strength, stamina and heat vision. Thanks to my armour though, I was confident that there was little that could prove a threat to me in any way shape or form. But I still didn't like the fact that I wasn't certain about what was going on or where I was. I certainly didn't like that for the first time, I was going in effectively blind and completely unaware of what could await me.

However, there was a silver lining to this possibility, a silver lining to this very dark cloud.

Now, I'm not a hundred percent certain on this, but I'm pretty sure that the Force is very closely linked to Psychic Energy, possibly even a form of it. I could be wrong, but I could also be right, we don't know just yet. But if I am right, then that means I could use the Force.

How you might ask?

Well, allow me to explain that to you.

As we know, Torquasm is less a martial and more a martial discipline. But allow me to direct your attention mostly to Torquasm Vo. This is a martial discipline focused upon achieving a state of hyper-focus and calm, allowing me to think and act with a clear logical mind not clouded by emotions.

However, that's not all Torquasm Vo does.

In fact, it was created as a means to harness a Kryptonian's latent psychic energy to combat telepaths. Now, if I am right, which I'm not a hundred percent sure I am, considering this is purely just a theory, but if I am, then that means I could use the Force.

I think we all know exactly what I'm going to do.

But first, I'm going to follow this hot alien girl to her camp and make sure I'm not walking into a trap. Right after that though, I'm definitely going to test out this theory because I was excited to learn to use the Force. I may not have read the comic books, more focused on DC and Marvel. Yet I had still loved and been fascinated by the idea of Star Wars.