
please reset the booktitle Carrots123 20231218092329 25

I died and was reborn. An impossibility that occurred but now offered me so many opportunities that I didn't have before. Power was open for the taking and I was going to take it all. Everything I desired would be mine and nothing would stop me, not this time. Just a quick warning, this is a story with a mass harem. If you don't like that then don't read, it is as simple as that.

Carrots123 · Anime & Comics
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So, I feel like I should say this now, I am sorry.

Very sorry.

This fic is going on hiatus for now. University has been kicking my ass these last few weeks and it's been sapping my energy. I've just finished two, 2,000 word assignments and now I've been given two presentations, one group and one solo, plus two 3,000 word assignments on top of my 4,500 word dissertation.

As you've probably noticed, this fic has been suffering recently, and it's because I just don't have any motivation for it. I've taken too much on my shoulders for this story and have no real clue where to take it. My other stories like Thor: The God of Thunder, Blood and Winter, Injustice: The Path to Hell and I am not a Hero nor a Villain are still going strong. I know where I want to go with those stories, but I don't have a clue about this one.

It's not just that either, Injustice and Blood and Winter are by far my favourite stories to write. I have the full stories planned out and know what I want to do with each and every character. As for Thor and Not a Hero, I've come on too much more interesting story threads, for the former, it's much more interesting origin stories for the different Thors. As for Not a Hero, it's the beginning of canon and the beginning of how Mikoto fucks with it all. But as for Dawn of a New Era, I've just reached a big lull in the story which on top of the added workload at University, has just sapped my energy.

Which has resulted in things like the previous chapter where not much of anything happened at all. The story in of itself was highly ambitious, balancing all comic book universes into a singular one and for a time, I think that worked pretty well. In fact it was meant to be part of a four-part story, with Legend of Achilles, Dawn of a New Era and two other stories, Marvel's Evolution and DC's Doom all culminating in a huge crossover event between all four stories.

But there's just so much happening and so much to do, that conceivably, there's no way that with my current timetable of work at university that I could keep things interesting. I've tried, the last few chapters I've forced myself to write them because I know what I want to do in the future and where I want Tah to go, but the steps to getting there, I just can't do.

It's similar to my first version of Thor: The God of Thunder, Chosen By God and the Legend of Achilles. I had a future idea of what the story would become, but I had made mistakes that led me down a certain path that I couldn't write myself out of. In the case of Chosen By God, it was the early introduction of Titans. In the case of Thor: The God of Thunder, it was the lack of future memories and the reliance upon sticking to the current Thor timeline. For this and Achilles, it's the massive task of balancing two major comic book universes into a single universe, plus numerous smaller ones.

It worked for a time in the beginning, when things were small, but as things progressed, it just became a little too much. I think that if I wasn't at the stage of university that I am, things could have worked, that's why it's going on hiatus. I hope to return to this story and so it through to its end, but until university is done with it, I don't think that will be the case. But even if I never return to this story, I can guarantee you that Tah will be returning in the future.

This is because I've decided to begin uploading the chapters I had done during in lockdown for Marvel's Evolution and DC's Doom into a singular story called Two Sides of a Coin. Unlike LOA and DNE, this story focuses on only two comic book universe's, DC and Marvel, which are entirely separate, there is no future knowledge and with two MCs. One in Marvel (Esau) and the other in DC (Jacob)

Each has their own talents, Esau is a gifted fighter (my main inspiration for his character being people like Garou, Rock Lee and Vegeta). As for Jacob, he is not a gifted fighter, but instead someone with a genius-level intellect (my main inspiration being people like Aizen, Doctor Doom and Batman). Each has their own way of handling their problems and because it's two separate timelines when one person's story becomes stale and dull, what I can do is either finish it up quickly or end it on a cliffhanger before moving on to the other person.

Like I've said, Dawn of a New Era has not been abandoned, but temporarily put on hiatus and I hope to return to it in the future. There's a huge amount of things I want to do with Tah that I would hate to not see happen. However, if for some reason, I never do return to DNE, we have not seen the last of Tah because expect him to make an appearance in Two Sides of a Coin in the future.