
Eyes wide open.

It was quiet and dark. Nobody has come to her room for longer time than ever. It was disappointing for Yoona. Just as she thouth - nobody cared for her anymore.

She was still unable to wake up from this weird dream. How long was it? Few days? Months? Years? She didn't know.

After some time, she heard a sound of the door being open and closed. A steps told her, there has been two persons entering the room.

- What are we going to do now? - asked male voice. Yoona was 100% sure it belonged to her brother Yoonjie. - If she is not able to wake up soon... - his voice trembled.

- Stop being a pussy! - The angry voice belonget to Rita's - Yoona's stepmother. - We will sent her to sanatory and she can sleep there forever.

- Don't say that! I want dr Frank from Boston to see sisters case. I am sure he can help her.

- No way! I won't give any more money for it.

- Rita... She is our closest family. You can't treat her like that.

- I will do whatever I want. - Rita's voice was cold as ice - Don't forget I am the only hair of Cha's family wealth. If I say so, none of you will get even a cent from MY MONEY!!! - She almost screamed.

- But Yoona...

- I don't care about her nor about you. She is going to the sanatory in Busan next week.

- Have you seen this place?! It is dirty and without qualified stuff! I've heard, patients there are being treated badly, probably even beaten. you can't be this ruthless!!! - Yoonjie voice was full of emotions.

- I have already played my role of a good mother and mourning wife. I didn't care about you two anymore. I want her to disappear from my sight as soon as possible. And if you still want to live peaceful life and marry dr Lee's daughter, You won't step in my way. Do you understand? - She threatened.

- I won't let you do this! I will go to the press and to the court! I'm going to be Yoona's legal guardian and help her recover! Be prepared!

Yoonjie was trembling with anger. His eyes were full hatred. He turned around and stepped out from the room, smashing the door loudly.

- Let's see... How much you can handle... - There was something dark in Rita's voice.

She took out a cell phone from her purse an dialed a number.

- Make sure Yoonjie won't do anything stupid. - She said to someone and hung up.

After this short call, she got closer to Yoona's bed. She touched her cheek and whispered to her

- You still look the same... I always hated this beauty of yours. Luckily I won't have to look at you anymore.

Rita turned around, looked into the mirror hanging on the wall, straightened her dress and checked makeup. After that she took few steps and opened the door. In the moment she was about to go out, she turned her head to look at Yoona again and said:

- Don't worry bitch. Busan won't be that bad... I will kill you as soon as you go there.

This words hit Yoona's consciousness like a sharp knife. She trembled inside her mind and felt hopeless. It was a death sentence for her. How could she escape from death in this state. She couldn't even ask anybody for help.

- Wake up!!!Stand and fight!!! You have to do it!!! - She screamed to herself inside her head.

Few minutes later the doctors came to Cha Yoona's room. They were making every day round. One of them came closer to check the patient's condition, but he was surprised to see that this woman has finally opened her eyes .