
DS 7

I watched my mom being raped by six men, and I couldn't save her. I sat down on this stupid chair and watched my mom being raped, I watched her. A 9 years old girl just watched a rape scene, I heard them saying that she is dead, the man looked at me and said, " Baby girl I promised you will enjoy it, unfortunately she is dead and guess what, I got it taped for your family to watch". He saw I didn't say a word, he laugh loud and said " Baby girl really enjoy it" he signal his men, one of them hit my head, I black out.

Few moments later

I woke up, I saw myself in a dark place on a cold ground, I was having headache and trying to recall everything. Then I remember the disgusting scene, a scene that shut me down completely, I heard sound of footsteps coming to this direction. I didn't move, I didn't I look up , the person unlock the lock of the door and said to me' hey stand up and move " I followed his instruction, we continue moving until he open a door to a room, I saw a lady there. She is dress seductive, everything here disgust me, the man pushed me on the ground, and the lady turn to me and smile saying " little kitty, look how soft you are, (laughing) the scene must have jolt you up ,(taking a drink from wineglass) Arianna Cruz, the daughter of Kim & Ella Cruz, the CEO of SCOTT'S daughter also known as the hacker, how are you fending" she look at me and saw no motion, neither a trace of anything and continue " never expected a sharp tongue girl to be shut ( laughing) this scene will shock your family and guess what, you won't see them, from today you belong here. A name will be given to you, enjoy your stay little kitty, Roman take her away". The Roman guy took me away and lock me back in the room I was in, I have not eaten (sighing , remembering my previous life) is paining me , I miss my family, my mom, I miss her , only I was the one who watched her died so gruesomely. My mother, she is so cheerful, I remember our first mission together. I was 6, and dad sent us to get something important, we went to Chengdu in China, and met a drug lord, he was an uncover agent working for us. Unfortunately another association was there to collect it and killed the drug lord, but before he got killed he sent us a secret message where we could find the chip. The chip was buried in a milk factory, oh we dig well!!. Well my mom dig but we left that day, our first mission. I touched the necklace on my neck, my birth chain gifted by my mom . I m down, I saw tears coming out of my eyes OH MY!!! My mother, I cried till I didn't know how and when I passed out.

I open my eyes slowly my head was hurting me , I found out that I am no longer in the place I was before, I saw some kids like I was but with different ages. Where the hell am I?

Trying to stand up I saw a tag on my wrist, I saw a figure 82 till I heard a shout , where is that from. Someone was shut dead WTF!!! Where am I? I heard a voice " you all have 30 minutes to kill yourself, if you want to survive, your time starts now". Like what the Fuck, kill who and where ? I thought it was a joke. Until a half eye boy snap a person's neck bloody hell, everywhere went loose, I was looking for where to hide, I don't have strength for this craziness. I was about to move, someone dragged my hair. Pulled it harder, MY FUCKING HELL!!! with the headache I m receiving. Fuck, the girl said " you want to chicken out, I will kill you " she punched my face. Oh hell I m ready to die, I can't survive here, she punched me again and again till she said 9 words " fucking motherfucker, you are a disgrace to your trait" MY FUCKING HELL !!! that sentence only did something to me, she couldn't launch the next punch. I held her hand, I squeeze it , oh I squeeze it , till I broke her bone, she screams. I turned to her with my bloody face, I drag her hair and turn her hands to her back, I continue to twist it hard, I enjoy her scream till I broke the second hand, I said to her in her ears " I didn't chicken out, I only pitied you" I snapped her neck. Before I knew it I heard another horn then a voice saying "30 minutes is over, a door will be open, follow there and you will meet your destination". I look around I saw more than 60 people alive, I can't count how many are dead lying on the ground. I still remember what I m wearing now from the dinner, I look bloody, covered in my blood. I carried my head up, my eyes meet the half eye boy as he looked at me , he turn toward the door and started moving. He stop and look back at me , giving me a body language to come along.