
please reset the booktitle Ally_Cat_6670 20231218092329 89

Ally_Cat_6670 · Urban
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6 Chs

My child

My earliest memory is quite traumatic. My mother screaming "my child, my child!" Over and over again over my brother's dead body her blood trickling down her face, staining her nightgown, my father's yell and a shotgun blast. The thud as he fell spitting blood, my mother's scream as she was stabbed. I of course had no idea what was going on, as a child of four you can't really grasp death like an adult.

My earliest memory is when my family was murdered. No one will tell me why, or even who did it. That's why I, Solstice Emiline Smith want to become the Chief of Police in Rose Falls, Tarrion in the Republic of Kennda, for my Vendetta.

"Hey Solar" my partner Samual said with his usual smile, as I walked into our office. I replied with my usual monotone, "Yep"

"What's new, Solar?"

"Nothing" I glared "and stop calling me Solar, it's weird."

"Sure Solar you're the boss!" Sam beamed back, I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk.

"Tired already Solstice? Sam can do that to people" came a voice from over my shoulder, I turned and there was by best friend on the force offering me coffee,

"Thanks Liz, you know I need one of those." I smiled a dry smile.

"Lemme guess you stayed up all night on your 'Vendetta'? Sol, you know you can't do this to yourself..." she trailed off, looking worried.

"No" I sighed "not lately Sam and I have been working on a report for our last case, a murder."

"All she wants to work on are murders" complained Sam "we can't have a nice easy robbery, oh no, it has to be a murder, the bloodier the better!" Sam glanced at Liz with a tortured look in his eyes.

"Not true" I retorted incredulously "we just finished a kidnaping!"

"Oh a kidnaping!" Sam groaned "so much better instead of dead people we get to see traumatized children, yay!"

"Instead of complaining you should finish your reports" a voice boomed from the door way.

"Chief!" We all gasped and jumped up from where we were sitting and saluted. Chief Victoria Waters is a very scary woman, the kind that is so formidably beautiful it makes men run for their lives, and drool like idiots. She has a unique kind of dislike for men. Indeed she glared at Sam who's knees were visibly trembling and yelled,

"Samual Evans!"

"Yes, ma'am, I mean, Chief!" Sam gasped

"Stop shivering like a rodent and stand up straight like your partner! She is an example to all, well done Detective Smith, lovely salute."

"Thank you, Chief!" I nodded

"Of course, I have a new assignment for you two, a homicide. A whole family, just your style Detective Smith, no?" She glanced at me in an amused way. I smiled back.

If I could go back to this day I would've screamed and run from the room rather than accept that case if I'd have known what it would lead to...