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Abraham_Alice · Fantasy
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Tale Of The White Wolf 2

ALICE POV: You might want to ask what I did indoors for two hundred years. I studied, I learnt how to do anything learnable. My uncle taught me how to use the few powers I've discovered and also martial arts, I studied everything about Wolves, what they like and dislike. How Wolves can only turn to complete Wolf, after they have discovered their powers.

I also read about our worst enemies, the Grunts, I read of how they we're created , and what their mission is. I also read about the Wolf Country, how it was created by the Wolf Father Christopher Adams, and how it was destroyed by the damn Grunts, which made many Wolves come to the human world. I read of all the past White Wolves, they we're all males. Sometimes I doubted myself, I was scared I won't be able to protect the world like the other White Wolves did, because of my gender, but my uncle always says I'm special, because I am the first ever female White Wolf.

All these books I read we're written by Uncle Murphy, he is really into so many things. These books are all over the Country, humans think the stories are just made up tales, but Wolves, Vampire and Grunts knows they are the real deal.

I also learnt things about the human world, I studied different courses from my phone, and I also learnt how to speak different languages, I can speak seven languages excluding the English Language (French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Portuguese and Arabian). Sometimes I help speak to my uncle's foreign clients on phone. If I'm not doing any of these, then I'm with my phone, Instagramming, facebooking, twitting, until a new social media app called TikTok was created. I spend my time with Annabelle watching TikTok or Netflix. We laugh, cry, smile, scream while watching TikTok or Netflix. We judge people's outfits and admire cute and sexy boys, while watching TikTok or Netflix. Sometimes when I see highschoolers on their uniforms doing TikTok, I get jealous because I was never given a chance to go to highschool, I really want to go to highschool, but my uncle wouldn't let me, He'll say

MURPHY: You already know everything even highschoolers don't know, so what's the need. And you know you aren't save out there. So please no more highschool talks.

Times like these, after our argument, that he always wins, I take my phone, go to TikTok, search for a guy named Diego Matthews, a pep talker, and watch him talk, because that makes me feel better. He always says " if you want something, go for it", he also says "never give up". So I'll never give up until my uncle let's me go to highschool.

I might be two hundred years old, but I look seventeen. Wolves, Vampire and Grunts have very big lifespans, unlike humans. But Vampires have longer lifespan. Wolves can change their Identify and appearance, but Vampires and Grunts can't.

All though the White Wolf has a longer lifespan than every Wolf, Vampire and Grunts. If the White Wolf is not killed it can leave for up to one thousand years and above, but after a new White Wolf is born, every trace of the previous White Wolf disappears, except for their heroism.
