
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

chapter 21 All according to kekkaik-FUCK!

Purple fire burns itself into the air in front of us dramatically.

Jump Quest 1: Kill Mahito before the Shibuya Incident. +200 additional BP per jump.

Jump Quest 2: Kill Kenjaku before the Shibuya Incident. A surprise Jump Supplement Doc.

Jump Quest 3: Be the strongest by defeating Satoru Gojo in a fair spar. +200 Additional CP per jump.

Jump quest 4. Permanently Kill, permanently seal, or otherwise permanently Eliminate Sukuna. +100 CP and +100 BP and +100 of any resource point for any single Jump Supplement you own or will own in the future(can be saved for later)(Recurring per jump).

Miu's angry expression flattens out and she pauses.

She looks behind her and stares me straight in the eyes with an unsure expression. "Where are we going again? Who is Mahito? Kenjaku? Gojo? Why does that last one sound impossible even if I don't know who that is?"

I arrive at her side and say, "our first goal- We need to get the attention of Satoru Gojo, who, at this point in the story, is the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer in the world. He is a 'professor' at tokyo jujutsu tech, which is the secret training ground for those who fight cursed spirits with cursed energy techniques known as Jujutsu sorcery."

She nods, "First question, why does Jujutsu sound like a bastardization of Jujitsu?"

I shrug. "No idea, Akisame would probably have an aneurysm if he was here."

She nodded, "Go on. More info about this place please."

I nodded, "My main goal here is to kill two specific cursed spirits as soon as possible. We aren't strong enough to do it yet, but it's just a matter of time before we are. The first cursed spirit we have to kill as soon as possible is a cursed spirit born from the fear of humanity's evil. His name is Mahito and he's an utter piece of shit even more evil and demented than Yuujirou."

She glares at me and begins to open her mouth, but I continue, "Yuujirou fights and kills people because he wants strong people to try to kill him. He kills people who have stopped entertaining him to inspire people to seek vengeance upon him and become strong to challenge him. He is evil, yes, very evil in fact. The most evil person of our previous world."

"How can anyone be more evil than that?!" she demands, stopping her stride to glare at me.

I calmly respond, staring straight into her eyes. "Mahito is a creature that kills people, mutilates their souls, and turns them into time bombs that attack everything they are told to attack in the most disturbing way possible. He doesn't use strength to do this, all he has to do is touch someone. They will immediately die, their souls utterly changed into something else. If he wants them to, they will pretend to be alive long enough to die in a way that will traumatize someone who loves them. If it's more impactful to everyone around, he'll just kill them instantly. He also keeps people in the form of small orbs, still alive and in absolute agony. He uses them as weapons to throw out grotesque monsters that are, while dead, and something else, in so much agony that they beg for death from the moment they start existing consciously. Do you know why this monster goes so far to do this nonsense?"

Miu, looking horrified, says, "no."





Fun." I stare into the distance. A look of rage on my face after stating this.

"He treats it like a game. He is so irredeemable that his existence offends me on a deep personal level."

I sigh. "The second cursed spirit we need to end as soon as possible is a cursed spirit representing the fear of losing one's mind. His name is Kenjaku and is currently using the corpse of Satoru's best friend to scheme what is basically the end of the world into existence. Make no mistake. His vessel, Suguru Geto, is already dead. No matter how convincing his act is, he is not, in fact, Suguru Geto. The worst part is we can't tell anyone this because there's literally no proof. Telling anyone about this would quickly get us labeled curse users, which are the opposite of Jujutsu Sorcerers, and instead of 5 strong assassins after us, we'd have the whole world gunning for us."

Miu nodded, and we started moving towards the bad side of town.

"Let's go get into Jujutsu tech shall we. enough talk about the evils of the world, let's go kill some evils instead."

As I walk forward A news paper slams into my face.

I tear it away, reading a few of the articles to get an idea of where we are in the timeline.


'Local 4th year highschool student, Setsuko Sasaki, was caught harassing a city clerk about strange sounds at her school.'

"Looks like episode one is about to kick off. We need to get to Sugisawa Third Municipal High School. That way, we can be a part of the first episode."

I shrug, "I should probably stop treating this like a TV show, It's real life now."

"You think?" Miu sasses me.

"I do. In fact, think." I say, smirking at her smugly. I dash off before she can respond, She follows me with speed.

As we approach Sugisawa Third Municipal High School, I can feel the dread clinging to the area.

A massive cursed spirit appeared, towering over the high school, Miu tensed beside me. "Zack, what the literal hell is that thing?!"

I shrug, "not something we're here to interfere with."

Miu frowned but didn't argue as Yuji Itadori rushed headlong at the cursed spirit, only to be swatted away effortlessly back into the building.

Megumi Fushiguro then arrived, trying to attack the cursed spirit. Of course,Yuji being the self-sacrificing idiot he is, swallows sukuna's finger and tries to help, successfully killing the big fuckin' thing. Followed by Megumi's freakout, and the arrival of Gojo.

"Okay, it's time! We gotta kill something good while we are in Gojo's six-eyes range."

Ignoring the beatdown behind me, I spot a good sized cursed spirit floating around in a circle while making creepy ass noises.

I infuse myself with enough cursed energy and battle aura to be noticeable as we both charge forward and effortlessly smash the grade-two cursed spirit into purple pseudo-meat chunks which start evaporating into cursed energy soon after.

"Impressive," I heard Gojo say from behind me, his tone mild but carrying a hint of curiosity. "Though I don't recall either of you being students here."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Miu beat me to it. "Our dojo was attacked, so we went around looking for help."

Gojo's brow arched ever so slightly at the vague explanation, but he didn't press further.

Ignoring the unconscious form of Yuji Itadori being lugged beneath gojo's left arm, I said, "uhh. Sooooo. We don't really have anywhere to stay anymore. Uhh-"

He just keeps staring at me from behind that blindfold. It's really unnerving.

"You two seem like you are covered in concentrated space. I really don't think that's possible. So you mind coming with me to explain why a couple of young folks like you seem like they bathed in outer-space while literally inside of a black hole? As if they are from some other plane of existence?"

I freeze, shit, the six eyes seem more powerful than I thought. I could only give in and drop the charade. "Fine. please don't shred us down to the atomic particles we're made of, mr.Limitless Appetite for fuckin' sweets."

He raised his eyebrows even further, as his second eyebrow reached the first. "Wow, we just met, how the hell do you know that I have a ridiculous sweet tooth?"

His smirk turns predatory. Yuji begins to float as do myself and Miu. "I really gotta hear the story behind this!"

Fuck my missing bullshitting skill, and fuck everything about this situation.