
Please, Love Me.

Irene Dulcina Aphelion. The name that I had been given by the Aphelion family. I was the charity case that the Aphelion family took in. It would be wrong to call me their daughter. This is my third marriage, the other two having failed for reasons out of my control, all due to the Aphelion's heir's obsession with me. I am to be wed to Carlise Deluca Evander. A notorious sis-con who is known to love his sister more than himself. Oddly enough, for some odd reason, I feel as though I have seen this before. As if, this is a plot of some book that I know of. Either way, Carlise Deluca is strong enough to protect me from the Aphelion heir. To save me, I need to beg, "Please, Love Me!"

saemi · Fantasy
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49 Chs


I had always dreamed of the Capital. The glitz and the glamor of it still felt magical, and despite debuting in high society, I had never seen the beautiful ballrooms or seen the Emperor. I was the treasure of the Aphelion name, though I knew that was what people angrily whispered behind my back. The angry whispers; I knew them all too well.

I wasn't even allowed to leave Richter's side, in exchange for such a title, I was only restrained. Was my freedom worth such a useless title? 

Yet, now I was going to head to the Capital. I could barely contain my excitement. Blythe seemingly understood his owner's joy and let his tongue loll from his snout. Tail wagging as I grinned flopping onto my bed, "The Capital. . ." I hummed to myself, I let my scarlet eyes close.