
Please, Love Me.

Irene Dulcina Aphelion. The name that I had been given by the Aphelion family. I was the charity case that the Aphelion family took in. It would be wrong to call me their daughter. This is my third marriage, the other two having failed for reasons out of my control, all due to the Aphelion's heir's obsession with me. I am to be wed to Carlise Deluca Evander. A notorious sis-con who is known to love his sister more than himself. Oddly enough, for some odd reason, I feel as though I have seen this before. As if, this is a plot of some book that I know of. Either way, Carlise Deluca is strong enough to protect me from the Aphelion heir. To save me, I need to beg, "Please, Love Me!"

saemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs



If you are sensitive to this stuff, please do not read !!


"Good—" The sound of something clattering made me open my eyes as I blinked. My eyes got used to the amount of light in the room. I was in Carlisle's room. The maid looked shocked to see me in the bed. Carlisle was on the balcony, shirtless, with a cigar in his mouth. I grabbed the blankets, letting them cover my form—it would do better to have rumors spread about how I spent the night.

Carlisle casually strolled back inside of his room, snapping his fingers as the tray slowly floated back into the maid's hands, "Jemma, I want to hire new maids. Someone that has no relationship with the castle. Have them given to me by the end of the day."

"O-Of course!" The woman said, she bowed her head. She looked quite young despite the fact that she held the head maid pin. I could tell from the brooch, the cufflinks, and the way she carried herself, "I will make sure it is done."