
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 99

Chapter 99

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Cronus, coupled with Prometheus of the logistical calculation mechanism, can barely make up for the shortcomings of Rowe's body and barely touch Zeus.

Reluctantly, he pulled him down from the sky and beat him severely.

Then set your own death.

Luo Wei's way of seeking death has always been vigorous, and it has not changed to this day.

But before that, Prometheus will die first.

"You will perish completely, nothing will be left, nothing will be left!" Rowe shook his robes that were rattling in the wind.

"But I will leave the name of Prometheus." Prometheus grinned amidst the whistling wind: "Not a fire thief, but a Prometheus who rebelled against fate."

"I have never been afraid of death, but more afraid of being trapped in this endless destiny, the sage from Uruk."

"I think you know this better than I am, my companion, my guide!"


The prophecies of Greek mythology are like fate, which can never be changed or violated.

Just as Cronus defeated Uronus in the past and gained the authority of the sky,

Just as Cronus was replaced by Zeus and locked in Tartarus.

After Athena was born, Zeus would become the eternal Greek god-king.

This is also fate.

Because the future god-king has been strangled in a cage.

It's just that Prometheus is never satisfied.

He is a Titan, and he has witnessed the fall of the God-king due to 'fate' and the disappearance of the Titans.

But he still wanted to challenge fate.

Because he got inspiration and courage from Rowe.

"Before hearing your story, I feared fate all my life, but now, I want to resist."

"You have already done it."

"The sage of Uruk, my guide, can you take me—"

"To witness this time?"

At the peak of the Caucasus Mountains, where the wind was blowing and the clouds were still below, the giant uttered almost roaring words.

Prometheus, the Titans who have survived to resist fate, expressed his ideas here.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunder exploded, layer upon layer.

in that bursting vortex.

The king of the gods never showed his appearance, he just dropped the spear of thunder and lightning representing destruction in the sky, intimidating all things.

Everything trembled and the gods were terrified, but Rowe raised his hand at the same time.

He did not respond to Prometheus's words.

He just showed a ray of light in that outstretched palm.

The only light in the dimness of the four fields.

Prometheus was stunned, he looked at Rowe in front of him, at the light in his hand.

"Some words, you guessed right, but some words, you guessed wrong."

As the robes rolled, Rowe looked sideways, and the profile of his face illuminated by the light in the palm of his hand evoked a smile: "I am here indeed to drag Zeus into the world."

"But not for your help."

"The so-called mind body—"

"I've already had it."

Prometheus was stunned, because he found that it was not only Rowe's hand that appeared light, but the world shrouded by the shadows of dark clouds, the surrounding Aegean Sea swept and shaken by the thunder of Zeus, also appeared. light.

It was more than a little light, more than a little fire.

Is that... person?

Even with the foresight of Prometheus, he was a little stunned.

Because in this extremely high place, he saw that little bit of light that gradually emerged. It was the light of people.

In the city of Athens, an old man with a pale beard held a scroll of parchment, which was an ancient book of philosophy that he copied from the city of Lovi.

His body is glowing.

Outside the city of Sparta, there are cold-faced, taciturn generals who are commanding the army. They advance and retreat in an orderly manner and are strictly arranged. This is the battle formation that the general learned from Luowei City. The ultimate battle formation.

His body is also glowing.

In the wilderness and pastoral fields, the old farmer looked up at the rotating waterwheel. In the small room, the craftsman patted the ingenuity he made with satisfaction...

They are also shining.

But they are just mortals.

How can mortals shine? Although the light is extremely weak, although the light is as vague as a firefly.

It's just that between the gathering of stars and bits, it fell into the eyes of Prometheus, but it seemed to become a galaxy of mighty impact.

"One person's strength is not enough to rely on, and one person's wisdom is not enough to rely on."

"How can your brain be compared to the wisdom of thousands of people?"

Rowe smiled.

From beginning to end, he came here only because he could see the whole of Greece and see the hearts and fires of those who were inspired by the city of Lovi.

Prometheus was stunned.

He even forgot his previous excitement and just stared blankly at the radiance that filled the sky.

Can a human have such power?

And such a power, he, the prophetic god who is in charge of 'evolution', has never thought of it?


"Persevere for a thousand years, you have done your duty." Luo Wei stretched out his hand, and the air he raised swept over the Titan who had stolen the skyfire, breaking and collapsing the chain layer by layer in an instant.

He patted Prometheus' weathered shoulder.

"Prometheus, you are the conception of the birth of human beings, you are the fire thief of the Greek land, and the enlightener of humanities."

"You are the 'father' of human beings."

"You've done enough."

"But then - it's my, our duty."

We are both human.

Humanity of us—

Released from the bondage, but Prometheus did not move, just stared blankly in front of him.

He seemed to see that at the beginning of civilization, the faltering human beings were moving towards a bright future step by step.

My child...has grown up!

Prometheus smiled.

Laughing so hard.

At the same time, Luo Wei walked slowly towards the edge of the cliff, slowly facing the vast world.

He opened his mouth.

'he asks--

All the people of that world, are you willing to die for no reason, just because you don't believe in that God? Are you willing to live in ignorance and become the captive servants of that god? '

'I enlightened you, I told you how to walk, and now, tell me, your answer. '

'Would you like to die like this and live like this? '

The old man in Athens broke the pen in his hand.

The Spartan general threw his spear into the sky, and the taciturn warrior proved his heart with action.

The farmer stomped on the weeds and snorted, and the craftsman tapped the hammer and smiled disdainfully.

Would you like to?


Who wants to die? Who wants to live in the dark?

No one wants to.

"Then - lend me your wisdom!"

Rowe smiled.

He grinned and smiled wildly, wildly.

At the end of that laughter, it was connected to the city and turned into a burning furnace engine.

The high-altitude machine god appeared in the sky, the vibrating iron wings swayed the crimson storm, and the machine god transformed by Luo Wei rose into the sky, with thousands of sparks under his feet.

He crashed into the thunder that fell in the air.

By one's own power.

But it is also a spark.

Because of this moment...

'Thousands of sparks are all me! '

"Come on, Zeus!" Rowe raised his fist upwards, causing thousands of sparks to rise!

Chapter 126 Hercules rises from the sky

Here, the thunder collapsed, the falling spear of the gods was broken, and in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, Zeus, the king of the gods, dropped his sight.

He saw the sparks twinkling like the Milky Way.

More see the people boiling, bright and terrifying.

Luo Wei raised his fist upwards, causing a spark in the world to rise into the sky!

"It turned out to be you - the sage of the world!"

"Fuck you, I'll fuck you!"

Knowing that the other party is the culprit that caused the changes in Greece today, the enemy is very jealous when he meets the enemy, and Zeus, who has turned into a fighting personality, does not hide his thoughts. He stands on the edge of the sea of ​​imaginary numbers and turns the power of thunder and lightning into spears. Fall with the wind and fire.

The sky was torn apart, and streams of light were intertwined.

Thousands of sparks were instantly captured in Luo Wei's palm, and the huge stack of computing power allowed Luo Wei to analyze Thunder's weakness in an instant.

He raised his hand and shook his fist.

The crimson primordial star turning force surged out under the huge driving force of the machine god, directly defeating the incoming thunder, and a crimson storm swept towards Zeus.

But at the moment of approaching, it disappeared in the void and disappeared.

As Prometheus said to Rowe, Zeus is in a very, very far dimension at the moment, a realm that only the supreme gods who have reached the original specification can touch.

Rowe can't do it now.

It can only be achieved by fully displaying the power of Cronus and unifying the power of the Greek gods on the earth.

"You are a person who does not respect God, you are a person who does not respect the God of all gods, and you should be punished by thunder!"

The roaring sound came from the extremely high sky, and the falling thunder was stronger than each other. Zeus was slowly increasing his output. He wanted to kill Rowe, and he wanted to kill Rowe to achieve his purpose of deterring the world. .

Like teasing ants