
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 90

Chapter 90

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Hades, the Hades over there, seemed to take it for granted: "Sure enough, even you can't be safe in the face of Kronos."

"Not to mention that you devoured the entire Tartaros."

"To do such a feat..." Hades nodded again to himself: "Sure enough, he is a great man like me."


Is there something wrong with this 'honest man'?

"What?" Hades blinked, not realizing that something was wrong in his words. He had a 'three-nothing' demeanor: "Your Excellency, do you think I'm wrong?"

"Take the metaphor of 'I' as the highest compliment - something I learned from King Gilgamesh."

"I am the king of the underworld, the master of the destination of all things, and the master of the underground. I think, there should be no existence better than me."


Nima, the case is solved.

No wonder Rowe just thought this 'person''s speaking style was a little familiar, it turned out to be because of the grinning Kim Pika above.

Although it is not as rampant as Gilgamesh, Hades in front of him is a restrained version of golden glitter in his speaking style!

"Hum haha... But compared to this king who is the only ruler of the sky and the world, who holds the power of all things, you are a little worse, Hades!"

Over there, Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the throne, laughed.

Hades agreed: "Compared to your confident attitude, I really still need to learn."

No, you should stop learning.

Mastering death doesn't make you jump face for death all day long.

Of course, a simulation is just a simulation, in which new 'properties' are bound to arise.

At least the Hades and Gilgamesh in front of him are just similar, but Hades is only arrogant but not arrogant, and the two are completely different in nature.

"Why don't you speak? Is it because my compliment is too good to bear? Hmm... Maybe it's really a bit inconsistent?"

What do you want to scold him for?

Luo Wei took a deep breath and resisted the urge at this moment...

Bear a ghost.

"Praise? Who do you think you are?" Rowe grinned and showed a disdainful smile: "What's a word of this level?"

"The source of all things in this world is in my hands, and it is difficult for all things to escape the observation of my wisdom, let alone you - even if it is your Greek god of gods, the god king Zeus, come to me, I can also Let him sink from the sky to the ground!"

"In my eyes, you are nothing but ants on the ground. You can only crawl on the ground. If you can look up to my brilliance, it is the greatest kindness and reward to you!"

Although a little neurotic, Rowe is definitely no worse than Gilgamesh when it comes to arrogance.

Who can be more arrogant than a person who is not afraid of death?

Of course he wasn't afraid to offend Hades, even if his body was 'dead', but if he could make his soul die faster, it was something he could not ask for.

So in this voice, Hades was silent.

The Pluto with long black hair opened his eyes slightly and looked at Rowe in front of him.

It's like a new world has opened up...

"As expected of the sage." He praised: "These subtle words and meanings are really memorable for a long time."

Did this guy even learn Gilgamesh's 'masochistic' nature?

But Hades' praise was sincere.

It's not the arrogance and contempt for himself in Rowe's language - what Pluto praises is the 'personality' that Rowe reflects and belongs to people.

From the mechanical god to the conceptual god, in order to survive in the world for a longer time and draw humanity from humans, the Greek gods liked people with flamboyant personality, and many demigod heroes attracted the attention of the gods for this reason.

More importantly, Hades could feel that Rowe had this crazy capital.

He devoured Cronus and Tartarus. The furnace-like primordial world was boiling and rolling in his body at this moment. This power Rowe couldn't use yet, but he did improve his own specifications. To the possibility of truly comparing the continents...

The reason why Loewy's clay tablets can be touted by so many people in Greece is precisely because of the various personalities and ideas of human beings displayed in them.

To the Greek gods, that was absolutely precious.

Of course, the more essential reason why Hades agreed to Gilgamesh's exchange was because of Zeus' order.

Appearing here is just to find an excuse to meet Luo Wei.

"What's your plan next, Your Excellency?" Hades asked, "If you want to return to this world, I can send you back at any time—"

"This is not in a hurry!" Rowe was instantly alert.

go back? Why are you going back?

It's hard to come down, no one wants me to go back so easily——

Next, he has to see where he can die faster, go there and wait for the opportunity.

Waiting for the heroic seat,

Only then can we truly meet again.

"You don't have to worry about this, Hades." Gilgamesh also said on it: "The meeting between this king and his friends does not need to be disturbed by idle people. Leave, Pluto of Greece!"

Hades didn't care: "Then, if there is a chance in the future, I will invite the Hades under my control for a while."

Leaving such words, Hades left.

Rowe turned his head and looked up.

He met a pair of scarlet eyes and a serious question.

"Are you still looking for a chance to die?"

"My friend—"

"Don't worry, this place is the domain of this king, even if it is restraint, it is impossible to eavesdrop on the communication between you and me!" Gilgamesh leaned back, leaned on the throne, and folded his legs. The handsome face squinted into a line: "Although this king still can't guess what you want to do, but this king's knowledge will never go wrong!"

Luo Wei was stunned, but he was not surprised. He just exhaled. He kept thinking about the past for a long time, and Gilgamesh understood something. It is not surprising that he is already mentally prepared.

Chapter 116 Change the world, the battle of the goddesses

Created by the gods of Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh has a wisdom far beyond that of ordinary people. During the millennium in charge of the underworld, he has been constantly judged on the boundary of death, and he has gained enough The growth of vast experience and knowledge.

The combination of innate wisdom and his own experience is enough for him to see many things clearly, and he has been thinking deeply about the past for a long time, and finally let him know the meaning behind Luo Wei's unusual actions before.

He may be seeking death on purpose.

Seeking death, embracing total disappearance.

"As expected of you, Gimpika, it turns out that besides your bad breath, you still have a brain." Rowe did not hesitate to praise his own, but he did not deny Gilgamesh's conjecture.

He stepped up the steps and slowly paced to his former seat and sat down.

"Hmph, there's no need to say unnecessary things, and this king doesn't have much interest in listening to you." Gilgamesh's expression turned cold. He knew that Rowe's secrets had been hidden for a long time. Don't ask too much.

Gilgamesh said again: "If you want to use the breath of the underworld to complete this step, then this king advises you to give up!"

"Unless you plan to stay in the underworld for hundreds of years, there will be no accidents."

In the main hall of the magnificent Uruk Palace, the light and shadow drifted and the pillars standing tall echoed the voice of the hero king.

With Luo Wei's current vitality and the vitality of wanting to completely destroy the shell of his soul, he would turn into a state of complete death, and reach the Heroic Spirit Throne with a little essential spiritual core. He really needed to stay in the underworld for more than a few hundred years.

"This king will not stop you from dying. Although he is a wild dog who acts recklessly, this king believes in his own vision, and what you do must have your own considerations." Gilgamesh continued: "But just die like this. Don't you think it's too boring?"

"You want to do something again?" Rowe raised his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, this king is just looking for fun in this king's courtyard!" Gilgamesh waved his hand, but said: "And the Uruk ruled by this king should be attributed to its original path, not always Stay in this barren and broken underworld!"

"This king looks at Greece, and it is very good."

Gilgamesh wants to bring the Uruks back to the world.

But Uruk is gone.

Therefore, it can only be changed--a brand new civilization, appearing in front of the world.

"It turned out to be this plan!" Luo Wei realized, no doubt, he was moved.

If Uruk is brought back to the world, with its size, it is bound to subvert Greece, or even replace it like a steal.

And to do so, either fight with the gods, or try their best to win over the Greek gods——

For Gilgamesh, both are possible. Fighting against the gods has always been his pleasure, and this is what he should do as a king.

He led Uruk to the underworld, but he should return his people to the world at the right time.

This is the world the king bears, and the verdict he executes.

"The gods of the underworld are up to me, but this time, this king will entrust the burden of heaven and earth to you, this king's friend!" Gilgamesh's face was serious.

"Just say it if you can't go up!" Rowe squinted his eyes: "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you."

"Miscellaneous... presumptuous!" Gilgamesh glared: "This king is only disdainful to set foot in the world with the body of the dead. Only when he returns and he should be complete, can he show the glory of this king..."

"That still won't go up."


Looking at Gilgamesh who was choked by himself, Rowe was delighted: "Don't worry, I will help you, cub."

"Nima's..." Gilgamesh exclaimed.

But he was relieved.

Only by 'solving' the Greek gods can this kind of cheating happen.

Only Luo Wei and his friends can rely on such a big event.

Luo Wei agreed, because in this way, he might be able to directly face the almighty machine god Zeus, fight him, and directly enter the realm of absolute death without waiting for hundreds of years.

After hundreds of years, there is always the possibility of too many accidents.

Although Gilgamesh's plan also has the possibility of unexpected occurrence, but at least... the probability of success is greater! And it's exciting enough!

This trip into the underworld, perhaps this is the biggest gain.

If you fail, the big deal is to return to the underworld.

"But don't worry, let me rest for a while." Luo Wei suddenly said.

He needs to familiarize himself with the higher-level power he just got promoted, and he also needs to be proficient in the operation of the second-generation King of Atlantis. Since he wants to do such a big thing, he must try his best to do as much as possible. Improve yourself.

At that time, maybe it will be able to severely damage Zeus.

Create a higher cause.

And before that, after a long absence, we will meet again, always get together with friends...

"Come on, let me see if your vocabulary has increased?"

It was 'night', in the old garden.

"Huh, haha, stray dog, do you think that this king has not made any progress in this period of time? This king is the glorious and sacred ruler of all things, how can you measure it?"

"Cut, who can't brag? The radiance and sacredness are still hidden in the underworld? Are you going to go up there?"

With a similar pattern, there are naturally similar buildings. Now it is near the Uruk Palace in the underworld, and there is also the courtyard where Luo Wei used to live.

Or not similar, but the same.

After all, Gilgamesh moved the entire Uruk into the underworld.

So at this moment, Siduri resisted the helpless expression on her face and stood to one side, looking at the two people who were scolding each other in the courtyard.

The underworld is eternally dark and deep, but above the city-state of Uruk, there is light suspended.

The king's treasury hangs on it, and the rippling ripples are as bright as the sun and the moon.

Rowe shook the glass: "It seems that your vocabulary has indeed increased during this time..."

"How can you understand the progress of this king?" Gilgamesh laughed wildly.

It was over, but he said again: "It's you, this time you set off again, if you dare to disrespect the king's life again, this king will never forgive you - even if you escape to the end of the sea of ​​stars, this king will definitely find you and give you the greatest possible care. verdict!"

Luo Wei spread his hands: "I'm going to Greece this time, don't interfere with anything, I won't have anything anyway—"

"Just like it was back then