
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 87

Chapter 87

Author: Luozhou White Horse

They glanced at each other, and they all shot at the same time. The shining door of the king's treasure house opened instantly, and countless heavenly locks spread out. At the same time, Athena also raised the spear in her hand, and the bright divine light reflected in all directions. It spewed out in an instant.

Roar! Kronos let out a roar, but his energy, which had just been severely injured by Zeus, became thinner and thinner, and he was unable to break free in the face of such an attack.

"My ally... save me, Ymir—"


Rowe followed Cronos' outstretched eyes, and then he was stunned.

On the other side of the abyss Tartaros, a void emerges, and in it, there is a link to the other corner of the world, with wind and snow drifting away.

In the reflected light and shadow, there are huge giants walking in it, huge trees traverse the sky and earth, and there is also a figure, living in a dark place, with long golden hair hanging down, wearing a thorn-like crown swaying, the red cloak on his body slightly Raised.

"Ai Lei?" Rowe opened his mouth.

After finding Enkidu, he was actually looking for the whereabouts of Elle and Ishtar.

With the destruction of the Mesopotamian celestial world, they should not be able to reach higher dimensions, and they should still exist in reality.

But he didn't expect to see him here.

Ymir, Northern Europe... Did Ellie go to Northern Europe?

Rowe was taken aback.

Athena became vigilant in an instant.

Chapter 112 I will not be a virgin goddess Rowe!

Athena still knew the name Ereshkigal, and Athena knew it. The arrival of the heroic king of Uruk also made the Greek gods cautious about the 'neighbor' who had never been in contact with them.

The gods of Olympus studied the human civilization of Uruk, as well as their mythological system.

So Athena knew that Elle was the mistress of the underworld among the gods of Uruk, just like Hades in Greece. She also knew better that among the differences between humans and gods that had happened in that land, the goddess of the underworld was The master finally chose to stand on the side of Rowe and the three kings of Uruk, and jointly expel the gods.

But aside from that, what caught Athena's attention the most was the love affair between Rowe and Alley.

Legend has it that before falling into the sea of ​​​​empty, Luo Wei went to and from the underworld countless times, and had a tryst with the goddess of the underworld.

According to legend, that goddess is the only god Rowe the sage has clearly expressed his love for.


Too many legends flashed in Athena's mind.

Although the passage to the other corner of the world disappeared in a flash, and the light and shadow in the depths of Tartaros soon disappeared, but at this moment, countless chaotic thoughts emerged in Athena's heart.

"Nordic...I remember." Rowe pondered in a low voice, and looked at Cronos, who was already tightly bound: "Are you colluding with that side?"

"Pfft hahaha - this time, I admit it, it's okay to tell you." Kronos laughed.

As the bottom layer of the Greek worldview and the place where the melting pot of the planet is located, Tartarus can be connected to any place in the world.

After Zeus imprisoned them here, they let it go, and the gods of the Titans did not dare to come forward.

But in Tartaros, they never gave up their desire and ideal of returning to the earth, and because they were afraid of the power of Zeus and the gods of Olympus, they turned, through Tartaros, toward another The existence of a region join forces.

"We found existences located in the northern region of Greece. Their world is maintained by the World Tree, which is divided into nine layers from top to bottom. The top layer is the residence of contemporary gods, and the bottom layer is them - calling themselves primitive. The gods who are like me, are all called giants."

"I found their ancestor, the giant Ymir, and promised that if they successfully help us retake the realm on earth, we will also help them and destroy the gods at the top of the world tree."

"The giants you just saw were re-engraved by the modules we gave them, plus the power of the gods like me!"

The Titan giant is formed from the body of the Norse giant and the power of the Titan gods.

One and the same source.

Luo Wei understood: "Are you telling me this now, do you want to hope that the gods of Olympus will transfer the conflict to the outside?"

"That's right." Kronos didn't deny it.

The threat of external enemies is greater than that of internal troubles. The Greek gods who have experienced the chaos of the wandering stars will definitely think so.

Therefore, if you tell them about the Nordic giants, they will surely start a war of gods like the Nordic giants, and Kronos can also find the opportunity to go dormant again.

"Anyway, neither you, you, nor them can kill me!"

"Because I wait for the Titans to be closely linked with Tartarus!"

"Unless you can really devour Tartarus completely, otherwise, you will never be able to eliminate the traces of our existence!"

The roaring laughter stirred up bursts of boiling flames in Tartaros, like a storm crashing on the shore, and the flames splashed everywhere.

But to be honest, looking at Kronos' appearance, Rowe was a little disappointed.

Because he has given up.

He no longer wanted to rise up to resist, let alone kill Rowe, he just wanted to find an opportunity to dormant again, continue to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity.

And that was precisely the last thing Rowe wanted.

"It's a pity, but—"

"You come."

Rowe's voice sounded, echoing in the abyss of Tartaros, and with the sound of uproar, the Titans who had just fallen and were drowned by the flames suddenly stood up.

They respected Rowe's will and slowly grabbed Kronos from all directions.

"You come." Rowe said again.

The lock of the sky tightened, and the light shimmered, and the light of the linked treasure house of the king suddenly became more radiant.

Word by word, "you come" echoed everywhere.

Kronos went from sneering disdain at the beginning, to doubts afterward, to panic at the end.

It was obviously a body, but that steel face showed an extremely human expression.

He...was afraid.

Because Luo Wei is using the Titan who has the blessing of his dominant power to suppress the weak him, because Luo Wei is using the lock of the sky as a channel and the treasure house of the king as the source vortex, so that the power in his body continues to flow away, and more because Luo Wei Wei is using his own primordial breath like the sea... to devour him!

"Attack the shield with his spear..."

"It's really not enough for me to devour Tartarus, so what about you?" Rowe smiled: "Since you don't want to fight me to the death, then here, let me, you and Tartar. Talos, swallow it together!"

Devouring the abyss, what Luo Wei lacks is the specification, a large enough 'base'.

And Kronos, who was above the main god in his heyday, had this foundation. Even if his foundation was empty due to his weakness, as long as he could carry it, it was enough.

And devour Tartarus...

It can also make Rowe embark on the road of death!

Because that is not the power that any living body can carry.

But Rowe was always eager.

Just like a feat like opening up the world, as long as you sacrifice your life once, you can exchange for eternity.

But how could Cronos ever give in?

The heavy pressure resurfaced, and the power of the ruling god appeared.

They were deadlocked for a moment.


"The sin of disrespect to the gods, you should pay for it here, ten thousand times over!"

"Kill him, the goddess of Olympus!" Kronos resisted, but he could only maintain such a situation. During the constant stalemate, he could feel that he was getting weaker and weaker.

There's no way, since that's the case...

"If you can't control you, then I will control her!"

Cronus, at this moment, aimed the power of control at Athena, the goddess of war who had been silent since the beginning.

The so-called power of domination is actually a hint of a hidden consciousness.

Follow its inner thinking, make it see itself as the closest existence, and obey its own arrangements.

So at this moment, Kronos felt Athena's chaotic heart, and felt her inexplicable restlessness and unease because of Elle's figure.

'What are you worried about? ' A deep voice sounded in Athena's mind.

What is she worried about? She is worried... Will the appearance of Ellie keep Rowe away from him? She is worried if the wise will turn away from the goddess of wisdom...

'What are you worried about? '

Why? Why...because the goddess of war and wisdom is naturally close to the 'hero' who is both intelligent and brave?

But in the past, Athena had also met outstanding heroes, and she was indifferent to them, but she had never felt this way.

'Face your heart, don't be bound by your identity. '

My identity is the goddess of war and wisdom, I am the chief god of Athens, the goddess who swore to Zeus to be a virgin forever... a virgin?

So... am I bound by this?

'Now, trust me. 'The reverberating will of Kronos showed joy, because he knew, Athena, obeyed his own will: 'Follow your will, go to the man in front of him--'

Athena walked slowly.

Rowe looked sideways to see Athena's reaction.

Olympus's goddess of wisdom and war is still awe-inspiring, but those scarlet eyes are a little blurry.

She—is dominated by Cronus.

The power controlled by Cronus cannot have an effect on Rovi, but it is still useful if it is used on Athena!

"Kill him, kill him, kill him!"

"Use your strongest means—"

Kronos was excited.

Luo Wei just pondered, dying in the hands of Athena who was under control was not glorious, but he seemed to be able to take the seat?

Also... well?

Rowe's eyes widened, and tenderness came over in an instant.

Not only did Athena not kill him, but at this moment... slightly tiptoed and kissed him.

Cronos: "?"

Is it wrong for you or is it wrong for me?

But Luo Wei clearly saw clearly... At the moment of approaching, Athena's eyes returned to clarity.

She is awake!

The result of facing up to your heart and not being bound by your identity is...

"I like you, it's the kind of love that human beings like." Athena's red lips raised, revealing a happy smile.

She put her arms around Lord Rowe's body, took off the cold armor, and the long gauze skirt fluttered, clinging to Rowe's body, her slender waist was raised, and her hips were raised, as if she was searching for something. Seeking solace, Rowe, who was at a stalemate with Kronos, also seemed to be unable to move.

Don't cover up, don't make excuses for yourself.

Like, just like.

It was at this moment that she felt as if something had been removed from her body.

From this moment, the vision of looking into the future is completely clear.

She saw her future self, not the main god of Olympus, not the three goddesses, nor the guardian of the Greek city-state.

It is the existence of the ancient Greek prophecy that will eventually replace Zeus.

The fourth king of the gods of Greece—


Similarly, at this moment, Rowe received the support of Athena from the future and completely suppressed all the struggles of Kronos.

Zi...zizi...zizizi...ancient Atlantis mechanic personality begins to disintegrate, as if human beings are about to fall into a coma.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the man and the god who were embracing each other, and finally, only spit out two words: "Wori."

"Vori!" Zeus, who had just returned from Mount Olympus and had not had time to change his personality, also made the same voice: "Damn it, how did Athena become a god-king?"

Next to the diva Hera: "..