
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 268

Chapter 268

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Skaha nailed the spear in her hand to the ground, she smiled, opened her red lips, and uttered the ancient words: "Gate of Skye overflowing with death!"

The sound of the wind reverberated, and at the same time, the gate of death hovering behind him slowly opened, revealing a dark and deep place.

The kingdom of shadows engulfed the world.

This is a Noble Phantasm given by the 'legend', which the original Skaha was unwilling to use.

And this moment.

Under the superposition of power, the country of shadows that she appeared, actually had a prototype of a complete world.

The so-called primordial has always been the complete display of the will of a magnificent space.

Just like the sea of ​​chaos from which all things were derived from Tiamat at the beginning, just like the supreme sky represented by the original Lovi at the end of Northern Europe.

Or it is the original display of the planet's style.

Or, it is to store its own 'spirit core' in a complete and vast space.

And at this moment, Skaja also has this trend.

She is appearing in the direction of the will of the 'Land of Shadows'.

Standing in front of Skaha, there is already a hint of primitive possibility.

There is a possibility.

It can shake Rowe's existence.

"It didn't disappoint me!" Rowe was happy and happy.

He just stood there, engulfed by the 'Magic Mirror Gate' without hesitation, and fell into the realm of the Kingdom of Shadows without hesitation.

East Ying's Tokyo regained its light, the dark clouds rolled away, and the sky appeared like dawn.

Gao Tian's Amaterasu lowered her eyes to the world.

"Rovey's breath..."

"Appeared, but disappeared again?"

"Damn Migu, did you miss it! Obviously this is the home of the concubine—"

Ignore a certain unwilling fox.

He also ignored the actions of countless people in the world who looked up in a trance.

The battlefield between Rowe and Skaha has fallen from the outside world into the Land of Shadows.

It's still a scene I've seen a long time ago, the dark shadows cover the world made of mountains and rocks, Luo Wei's legs are firmly on the ground, standing on the cold stone surface, the sides are stacked with rocks. Palace walls, and in front of him, Skahar stood before the throne, smiling.

"A familiar scene, isn't it?" Skaha blinked.

"It's really familiar." The first encounter between Rowe and Skaha was like this.

Rowe was taken into the Land of Shadows by the thirsty Skahala.

Similar, yet different.

Similar is people, different, but it is each other's strength.

"Then, continue!" Skaha, who has obtained the original possibility, is already qualified to shake himself.

After all, the star-making god is also the 'primitive' - the primordial is the largest specification of a planet's manifestation, and the 'end' of the mysterious manifestation.

From affecting the surface to shaking the essence of the planet, it is all primordial.

There is a huge gap between them, and there is a huge difference between reaching the end and reaching the extreme end, but it is like a baby and a strong man are both 'human'.

The disparity gap does not mean that they are not in the same class.

If a baby holds a knife, even if the probability of one in ten million... is likely to kill Hercules.

So the words fell, and Skaha moved forward with a gun again, gathering in darkness on all sides, wrapped in the piercing gun of death thorns that pierced the world, and locked Rowe's figure in an instant.

Skaha's Spear of Deaththorn is a replica of the power of the Spear of Destiny of the Norse God Odin that she received from Skadi.

But now, it has surpassed the original.

What the gun of destiny is aimed at is destiny.

But the spear that pierced the dead thorn and aimed at it was the world.

Pierce the world.

Then life in the world will naturally be hit and killed.

Must die!

This is the greatest manifestation of Skaha's power.

If you want to defeat Rowe, you must have the idea of ​​killing him, which Skaha has determined from the beginning.

Fortunately, although the Kingdom of Shadows exists in the mezzanine of the world, because Skaha has accepted the legends of the world, the Kingdom of Shadows has also been linked with the world.

Dying here is no different from dying outside.

This is already calculated.

If that's the case, what are you fighting! ? Hit the mallet!

Rowe raised his hands with a smile, watching Skaha approaching with his gun in an instant, feeling the oppression of the Land of Shadows coming towards him.

Faced with a shot that might kill him, he simply gave up resistance.

"let me see--"

"Your full blow, can you shake me!"

"Of course you can." Skaha approached with a smile.

Fragrant wind blew her face, her hips swayed, and the graceful female body wrapped in tights approached Luo Wei in an instant.

Approaching Rowe, who gave up his resistance completely...

The body swayed and tilted, Luo Wei opened his eyes, and his back touched the ground in an instant,

The death I hoped for did not come.

He was stunned.

Immediately after his body sank slightly, Skaha suddenly pressed down on him.

Curvy astride.

The spear stands on one side.

Skaha leaned down, his dark purple hair fell, his eyes stared at Rowe tightly, and his red lips were kissed.

Her magnificent red eyes stared at Luo Wei's opened golden eyes: "Sure enough, is that so?"

"You are deliberately seeking death... right?" The magic mirror wisdom she possesses as a transcendence has already made Skaha aware of this possibility.

Rowe may have been looking for death.

There was just no evidence before.

Now, it can finally be confirmed.

"So what?" Luo Wei was stunned, and then responded: "Why... don't you have confidence in killing me?"

"To tell the truth... no." Skaha responded frankly, kissing each other closely and leaning very close to each other, but the expression of the girl-like Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows was extremely serious: "But I know, deliberately showing murderous intent, affirmation It will get you out of your way."

Skaha showed a smile, her red lips raised and brightly outlined, and a little blush appeared on her pretty and heroic face.

"Did you forget something?"

She put her whole body on Luo Wei's body, and her thighs straddled, folded, and rubbed.

whats the matter...

"Skaty, I love you."

"And me and Scotty—"

"From the same source, two sides of one body, these thousands of years of living together day and night... I said I was not affected, do you believe it?"



Forget about this.

"How? You've been scheming others, now, it's finally your turn to get scheming? Of course—"

"Of course, if I hadn't discovered your purity in the close combat just now, I wouldn't be like this."

"But now."

"—The outcome is already divided, it is you who lost."

"Then next."

"I'm coming to receive the spoils!" Skaha leaned over and directly blocked Rowe's mouth.

The gun that pierced the dead thorns, which was encircled by both hands and nailed to the side, directly locked Rowe's movements.

To break free is to break free.



"Skaty, are you here too?"


"Since you're here, let's join together... As I said, I'm not using her, we're just working together, okay?"

Skaja would be fine if he broke free, but Skaty might not be able to take it.

Skaha, have you calculated this?

"Compared to the beginning and the end, I don't hate greedy and powerful men..." Skaha's pretty and heroic face was dyed with a charming look.

...outside world.

Britannia, London, in the White House where the Queen lives.

The flag of the Kingdom of Camelot fluttered high, and the queen with beautiful blonde hair and azure pupils slowly ascended the throne.

She faced countless swarms of reporters,

Faced with countless aiming shots, the first executive order was issued.

"Whatever it takes...Search for the Prince of Britain."



Not just Britannia.

Rome, Huns, Israel, Egypt, Uruk...

The nations simultaneously issued search warrants.

At the same time, the overlord of the modern world in the New World across the sea, a country with few Heroic Spirits due to its short history, is also struggling to find its own Servant.

It can be expected that, for the sake of the international community, 'Heroic Spirit' will be the top priority.

It's like a nuclear weapon.

They ventured to summon Heroic Spirits.

But on the first day, it was a failure.

As soon as the Servant named 'Quizalcoatl' appeared, he slammed open the door of the White House and disappeared.

This made Edison, the Servant who had assembled the power of successive presidents and pretended to be the name of 'Washington', furious, but was helpless.

"To even summon the gods of the people they exterminated... Should they be glad that Quetzalcoatl is a good god?"

At the top of the Statue of Liberty, the blonde girl watching this scene was holding a small doll, shaking her head, and a dark 'keyhole' flashed across her smooth forehead.

"But... it has nothing to do with me?"

"This land has nothing to do with me either