
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 265

Chapter 265

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"It's really interesting, it's called Luo Wei, right? Luo Wei, Luo Wei!" The blond short shoulder-length hair was swaying in the wind, and the girl named Sajo Aige put her hands behind her back, leaned forward and wrapped her body. The slender and delicate body under the light blue long dress is slightly tightly bound, and outlines a graceful and delicate look that looks like a tender but budding.

Warm and soft, the legs under the white silk are extended and curved, the girl tilts her head, and the smile is pure and innocent: "Can I try to kill you?"

"I, can't see your 'death'!"

The princess who is linked to the root, after her birth, the whole world is in front of her, and there is no secret at all.

She is not invincible, nor is she too strong to be shaken.

As a magician, her magic power has an upper limit.

But her ability linked to the root is almost infinite.

It's just that this is close to infinity, but he can't see the figure in front of him - he can't see his 'death'.

It seems that he can't make it reach the end of his life no matter what.

Even in parallel worlds.

Even if there are different branches of possibility.

This is the 'unknown' - the 'thirst for knowledge' that Sajo Aige felt for the first time.

"This can't be done." The two ceremonies over there raised the narrow, long and sharp sword in their hands at the same time. She was also a girl with short hair but with a hint of coldness in her temperament. The person who showed the will of the root spoke slowly: " He who takes strength from the source should be with the source."

"It's here, it's here, it's here forever."

"No dirt and no filth, it's called an empty realm."

"Yuanyuan, do you also want to accompany you?" Sajo Aige tilted her head.

"The person who links the root also has an unknown?" The faces of the two ceremonies were always deserted.

Sha Tiao Aige wanted to say something, but suddenly paused.

She looked at Rowe.

Luo Wei sighed lightly, his eyes glowing with infinite light and color: "Sure enough..."

"It's not that easy."

"It's not that easy?" The blond girl tilted her head, her blue eyes flashing with brilliance.

The delicate brows of the two rituals were slightly wrinkled: "You, have you tried to touch?"

"No touch, just perception." Luo Wei clapped his hands and responded as a matter of course.

At this moment, the 'seat' of the root has appeared in the world.

At this moment, thousands of people have walked out of the title page of human history.

The 'seat' covers the present world.

But as already expected, although the 'Zeat' was dragged into the world, it was not all.

Rather - there is only one layer.

"The 'seat' that exists inside the root is a huge information repository that stores all information on life activities in the universe and all possible branches generated by life activities."

"In the vast universe, the existence of human beings is extremely special. Compared with the single characteristics of the wandering star civilization and Atlantis, human beings have both sensibility and rationality, chaos and order, plus the existence of the inner sea of ​​stars - human beings , in the vast universe, has the ability to create infinite possibilities and infinite branches of the world."

"Such capabilities have even created a heavy burden on the interior of the solar system, which evolved into a 'scissoring' mechanism."

"For this reason, the proportion of human beings on the 'seat' is enormous."

"But no matter how big the proportion is..."

"It can't be the only one."

The birth of consciousness is a miracle created by stacking infinite probabilities, but no matter how many miracles, in the vast universe and infinite stars, there cannot be only one instance.

Humans are special.

But by no means the only one.

On that 'seat', there are also inscriptions of traces of life activities of other galaxies and civilizations.

Therefore, although Luo Wei successfully pulled the 'seat' down, there was only one floor.

There is only one layer that belongs to humans.

The life of other civilizations, the transcendence of life and death, and the 'God Throne' that records the traces of the existence of the manifested gods are even part of the Throne of Heroes.

'Heroic spirits', heroes, gods, and even those with soul consciousness, can all be covered.

And Luo Wei's power is stored in the top layer of all the trace records.

The coming 'seat' is only a part of it,

It wasn't enough for him to get to the top of the stairs to retrieve his infinite power, above the throne.

This is exactly the moment when he communicated and talked with Shatiao Aige in the two ceremonies, closed his eyes, enveloped the planet with the power of the star maker, and sensed the changes in the world, and finally got the result.

The way to break the game,

It's just 'maybe' after all.

"That's why I said it." The two rituals showed a smile, the sword in her hand shimmered, her voice was clear and cold, calm and a little expectant: "I can help you reach the top-"

"Is the premise a puppet of the root?"

"What's wrong?" The short black hair is swaying, and the dark pupils reflect the shimmer: "Everything flows from the source, but everything will eventually return to the source."

"What is the difference between being one with the root and now?"

"Of course." Rowe looked serious.

He said, "Since everything has a root...why can't I be my own root?"

"So—let me kill, won't it?" Sajo Aige's face was full of excitement, her skirt was swaying, and she almost jumped up: "If you want to be seated, this is the easiest way, isn't it?"

If Luo Wei was still the 'Sage of Uruk' before, maybe he really sent it to the door and let Aige try to kill it.

But not now.

Now that he is a 'star maker', he can fully display his power in a stable world.

So 'dead', can't get a seat.

"So, why did you go early?"

"Of course it depends on your performance?" Shajo Aige clapped her hands: "Is this the first time I've seen such a wonderful performance? Pulling the 'seat' down or something..."

Even if you read all the scenery in the world, Love Song is unheard of.

In fact, she had already wanted to make a move.

But I was attracted by such a thing, and it was not here until this moment.

"Wonderful 'show'? So, would you like to see a better show?"

Luo Wei withdrew his gaze from Shatiao Aige, swept through two more ceremonies, and finally looked into the distance.

Gradually emerging, the ancient heroes who emerged from the title page of human history.

Emerging again, the best in the human past record.

There's no way to directly grab his own power, but that doesn't mean that Rowe really has nothing to do.

A wise man thinks before and after.

From the very beginning, he had a second set of plans——

It is impossible to target the vast repository of information that records life in the universe.

Then target...

From 'up' to 'down'.

"Gaia, Alaya, are you ready?"

'What a man to call...'

'Yes, it's ready, my lord. '

"So, it's okay not to call me my father..."

Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Gaia and Alaya, who received Rowe's message, looked at each other.

"Alaya, what should I do?"

"Open the 'barrier' of the planet and the inner sea of ​​the stars, and directly touch the infinite world, the endless world formed by other possibilities."

"Is that too risky?"

"It's really risky, it's obvious that restraint is the manifestation of the desire to 'continue its own stable existence'..."

"It's all the guy's fault!"

"Yes, my father's actions are always beyond everyone's expectations, but they are irresistible - this is also the incredible thing about my father, isn't it?"

Gaia was silent for a moment, and finally did not refuse.

Open the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Let the planet contact and even assimilate other worlds connected to the inner sea of ​​the stars.

This is what Rowe calls a 'second set'.

Utilize the existence of countless heroic spirits that have appeared, to merge the worlds formed by the countless other possibilities derived from the countless heroic spirits on the inner sea side of the star.

Let the restraining power become the restraining power of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Let Luo Wei become the UO of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

After the world has changed.

Great change again.

With the appearance of the heroic spirit, the aurora once again enveloped the world.

On this day, observatories in countless countries discovered that the universe that can be seen by astronomical telescopes has undergone tremendous changes.

Countless intertwined rays of light flooded the original universe and void like rainbow light.

——The so-called atmosphere has always been the shield of the earth.

The environment that shelters life.

Block the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

But it is also a barrier to the inner sea of ​​stars.

this moment.

Gaia removed it, and the scene of the inner sea of ​​stars naturally emerged.

It is also this day.

In a trance, countless people dreamed of their past, future, and their own infinite possibilities.

The world centered on Luo Wei gradually blurred under the impact of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Just like a distorted photo, both space and time gradually dissipate.

As if it was bleached.

But in the same way, with him as the center, there are pillars standing up, one after another, shining brightly.

The brilliance of heroic spirits.

hero's brilliance,

Not 'one', but 'million'.

The Inner Sea of ​​Stars links a world of infinite possibilities.

The existence of ordinary people is too fragile, and the world composed of ordinary people will also be submerged by the endless world.

So need 'Heroic Spirit' as support.

Therefore, 'Heroic Spirits' are needed as anchors for stable existence.

And the so called hero...

"Everyone has the potential to be a hero."