
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 226

Chapter 226

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Thousands of sparks, thousands of people, thousands of wills...

All at the same time, obeying themselves.

For the first time, the soldiers disobeyed Rowe's orders.

This is the first time that this Roman 'sword' has had its own idea.

Life on the sword.

So... Brilliant!

"I can't do it, help you bring this sword home." Before Einzbern stood in the tent, she smiled: "Because this sword named Rome has its own will."

"Guard the glory."

"Guard your... Glory!"

The dragon of Albion surrounds the sky, like a dazzling aurora, and the combat-type forward mecha shows a fearless stance under the control of Bagst. Soldiers' hearts are held together.

This time, thousands of soldiers drew their swords as if they were pulling out a camp.

They start their journey again.

But not swinging the sword to the world.

but to the sky-

Contest launched!

Chapter 31 The moonlight is also under the emperor!

The night was falling, and the endless starlight slipped in between, it was an unprecedented, apocalyptic horror scene.

The world below this has long since fallen into silence, with all things shaking and screaming silently, but thousands of warriors brazenly drew their swords and pointed to the sky.

They disobeyed the coach's orders.

Because they are soldiers and soldiers.

They are warriors.

So fight to the death.

"This is the glory I've been waiting for, my lord."

The huge machine spirit hangs in the air, Bagst grinning and laughing as always.

The aurora-like white dragon fluttered its wings.

Its surface is covered with countless mechanical armors, and its outer shell is slowly shrouded in the mecha's body.

It is a dazzling dragon.

It is also the first apostle under Rowe...

"I am your apostle, so... I will always fight with you."

A crisp, clear voice echoed in my ears.

The huge dragon climbed up and surrounded Rowe.

In fact, Melusin still doesn't quite understand the purpose of her own existence, but she is afraid of death and the loneliness and loneliness after death.

So she was willing to hug and take her away from the dead land.

Give her a human spirit, and dispel her emptiness.


"I am willing to fight with you!"

"Wish to fight!"

"This is not just your battlefield, Lord Rowe!"


Countless voices and wills that turned into endless torrents flowed into Rowe's perception.

"The will of human beings can't be stopped, even the age of God... So I said, I can't stop it?" Einzbern stood in front of the central army tent, and she slowly moved the book she was holding. Lift up, hold up high.

Then open.

On the pages of the book that were opened, there were bright and diffused lights, scattered like fireflies, entangled in everyone's bodies.

The Roman warriors raised their swords and found power emerging from their bodies, their bodies involuntarily levitating and spreading a glow like stars blooming under the night.

No, that is something more dazzling than the stars.

It's a miracle called mankind.

"The so-called magic has always been a miracle of human beings." Einzbern smiled especially happily, more than that he couldn't stop it? She was simply pushing: "The so-called soul is not only the manifestation of the flow of will, but also the outer shell of the spiritual core."

"As long as the will is immortal and the thinking is immortal, the soul will be endless."


"The hugeness and tenacity of the will has always been the greatest need for the materialization of the soul."

Einzbern blessed everyone with the miracle of the 'Third Law'.

Let the souls formed by the overflowing of their will turn into real power.

Normally, this is impossible, because the power of magic comes from the mystery flowing out of the root, and ordinary people cannot bear it at all.

But at this moment, the legions of Rome are united.

Thousands of people are like one person.

One person is not enough.

And the strength of a thousand troops is more than enough!

The Roman warriors, under this, gained a steady stream of enormous power.

Soldiers of Rome, the whole of Rome...

Brilliant, like a galaxy.

That's what the third magician can see... The brilliance of humanity shines through the future of the galaxy.


Einzbern's 'third magic' is finally completed at this moment.

The incarnation of the soul represents the future.

The future of the world... belongs to humanity.

Therefore, magic has always been a miracle belonging to human beings.

Draw the sword to the sky, conquer the sky.

This is also a miracle!

"What a bunch of... troublemakers..." Rowe didn't move, just watched.

He had no reason to stop the warriors' will to swing their swords.

So after a moment of silence, an inexplicable smile appeared.

He looked towards the opposite side: "King of the Moon, what do you think now?"

Closer to the ground and closer to Rowe, under the collapsing night sky, Brenstad, who was covered by the blood moon, looked disdainful: "What's there to think about?"

"But a group of ants... dare to point the sword at me?"

Disdain, let alone care.

Not to mention at this moment with the power of the Eye of the Moon, even the pure Moon King Brenstad has never been disdainful of the humans on the ground.

But it is a group of ants that can trample to death countless ants with one foot.

Of course, while he was disdainful, it did not prevent him from feeling unhappy.

Ant, how qualified to point the sword at him! ?

"Qualification? My existence is the best qualification!" Luo Wei didn't care whether he could die.

But the people who raised their swords let him know... that his choice along the way was not wrong.

Humans are great.

The human will shines brightly.

"Then, please join me in smashing the blood moon in the sky!"

The army moved forward, the javelins were raised, the shields were juxtaposed like walls, and the spears pierced through the gaps between the shields.

The red-haired female warrior swung her sword and directed the army forward.

The giant elf machine clenched his fists, and the engine spewed lava fire.

The red fairy apostles linked the will of everyone, and silver-white machine dragons surrounded them.

Obviously in the sky.

But still like before, marching on the battlefield.

Or, for them, the sky has already become another battlefield.

It's a miracle.

The silver-haired third magician records the miracles that belong to mankind in the 'third method' record.

"Ant, go to hell!" Brunstad slowly opened his hands, waving the night sky to sink.

The original man pointed his sword to the sky, the original machine god raised his hands, the iron wings behind his back vibrated, and the endless tentacles extended from the core of chaos were like thousands of hands, supporting the sky at the same time.

The commander-in-chief is at the front, and he himself is in the battle.

Thousands of troops followed.

The javelin is projected into the sky.

The shield withstood the sinking.

The spear pierced through the vast night, like the first glimmer of dawn.

Boom, boom, boom!

A huge roar resounded over the continent and sounded above the sky.

The sound of the explosion echoed almost on the surface of the entire planet. From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, everyone could see and feel the vast world that was conquered by Rome but not yet set foot on.

Under the oppression of the night, some people raised their hands to resist the sky.

Brenstadt was stunned.

She squinted her iridescent eyes, her long golden hair spread out and her skirt fluttered, but her face became extremely solemn.

Because of the downward pressure, it stopped.

Do not continue to sink.

Don't keep falling.

Rather... be withstood!

Luo Wei exhaled: "It's really heavy!"

"If it were me alone, I'm afraid I might not be able to bear it."

Too bad he's not alone.


What Brenstadt is facing is a 'miracle' against the sky with a mortal body!


"Wan Sheng!"

A burst, a grand sound, the falling night shattered in an instant, the raised shield blocked the sinking sky, the raised spear pierced the dark curtain covering the world, the javelin pointed at the blood moon, and even more at the blond cloth. Runstad.

Between the rustling and rustling, the sound of breaking the air shook awe-inspiringly