
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 204

Chapter 204

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"That is the legion of Rome, yes, it must be the figure of His Majesty Nero and Lord Rowe!"

The voice sounded in the midst of the clamor, and it was particularly noticeable.

The crowd followed the noisy man's eyes and looked outside the city of Rome. Their eyes penetrated the magnificent city wall, and at a glance they saw the sand and dust rolling outside, the flags being stirred, and people, horses, and ruts beneath it. Roll out.

The legions of Rome came in neat steps.

Behind them, before them, and around them, was a huge, fiery red carriage, painted with black eagles flapping their wings in golden light and shadow.

That was the emblem of the Roman court.

It was undoubtedly the emperor's chariot.


At this moment, the people were boiling, and even the Roman soldiers guarding couldn't help but look over.

In the team that came, every soldier held his head high, and as a personal participant, their sense of honor was even stronger.

"Mmm. It's really lively outside, it's worthy of being a Roman!"

The people sitting in the carriage made a sound of joy. The girl with long dazzling golden hair was lying by the window, staring at the scene outside through the small gap in the window.

Rowe, who was behind him, looked at the figure with his back turned to him.

With his back to him, Nero was wearing a long fiery red dress that fell down, but the hem of the skirt was slightly hazy, and he could vaguely see the plump and plump legs underneath.

But soon, Nero withdrew his gaze and turned to sit.

"Auxiliary Officer Yu, did you see it, this is Rome's cheers for Yu!"

"It's Rome's warm welcome to Yu Yuqing!"

Nero's crisp voice was cheerful and excited.

On the other side of the carriage, someone spoke again, with the same clear voice, but with a bit of maturity: "This is my first time in Rome."

"It really is a bustling place."

Marda, dressed in white, sat upright, looking for the shadow of the 'Lord', of course she would not turn away from Luo Wei, and it was only natural that she followed: "This place is more prosperous than any place I have been to! "

"Of course, this is the rest of Rome!" Nero was proud and confident.

However, her emerald green eyes swept across the figure in dark armor sitting beside Rowe, and couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

Melusine was still in her previous attire, but on top of her head, she wore a blindfold that covered the upper part of her face and covered her eyebrows and eyes.

She closed her eyes and did not look at Nero.

Innately repelled this Roman emperor like roses and fire.

"Um?" Nero tilted his head, not caring...

"So, Your Majesty Nero, Your Majesty Rowe, why should I come here too?"

"Although you are the governor of the Romanian province appointed by Nero, according to Roman law, you must be formally awarded the title by the Senate." Give your home to someone else?"

"I... I naturally don't want to, I've made up my mind to dedicate my life to Britannia, it's impossible to give up, and I don't trust outsiders, after all—" There are precedents.

In any case, Rome had oppressed Britannia.

This is a crack that is difficult to heal in a short period of time.

Boudicca looked a little helpless.

There is no doubt that she was pulled over together.

But to be honest, when she stepped into Rome, she was actually a little surprised at the prosperity here.

The cheers on both sides became more and more fiery. The legion guarding the emperor entered the city gate of Rome, and the slowly turning rut was greeted by countless eyes into the hub of the empire.

The girl emperor looked at Rowe.

"Are you ready?" Rowe asked.

"Um? That's for granted - Yu is the most perfect emperor, no need to prepare, no matter when and where, it is the most perfect posture!"

"Let's go then?"

Rowe stretched out his hand to Nero: "His Majesty the Emperor of Rome?"

"Nothing is impossible, Yu's assistant!"

Nero smiled.

Marda, Boudica, and Melusin all sat up slightly.

The carriage had stopped before the palace.

Thousands of people were watching the huge carriage that was parked.

Rome greeted the returning emperor with their enthusiasm.

On the way here, Rowe and Nero are also ready-they will join hands to bring a new and different future to Rome.

Proclamation, preaching.

They are ready to advertise this future plan.

This is the will of the emperor, Nero Claudius is a rose-like emperor, she does not follow the rules, she loves Rome, but she also knows the inadequacies of Rome.

She wants to change, she wants to make Rome as perfect as a rose.

For Rowe, it is also an inevitable thing to do.

Making Nero a perfect emperor in the true sense, expanding his [kingship], and expanding his connection with the Eye of the Moon, were his initial goals.

Now, in order to wear the crown called the strongest 'UO', he needs to make more achievements and expand his traces and influence in the world.


The rut tilted and swayed, and Nero, who was wearing a fiery red dress, took the lead and stepped out. She slowly opened her hands in front of the crowd, showing her fiery figure under the cheers of the Roman emperor.

Luo Wei walked out after him, and in a robe, he didn't seem to be inconspicuous compared to the fire-like girl emperor.

However, his existence also attracted the attention of countless people.

"It does look like a portrait..."

"According to the records of the ancestors, the god ancestor Romulus adhered to the will of the sage Rowe and established it with the help of Mars."

"That's where the word Roman comes from."

"Rovey's name comes before Mars."

There was a lot of discussion.

Rowe didn't care.

The guards on both sides stood with long contradictory cards in their hands, like condensed sculptures. The emperor's own army was undoubtedly the elite, and they guarded the court around, guarding against all possible dangers.

Rowe and Nero stood in front of the carriage of the carriage, standing high.

The gate of the palace is in front of you.

However, Nero did not enter the palace directly, but turned around in front of the door, facing the gazes of thousands of people in the city of Rome.

The fiery red skirt fluttered, and the girl's perfect figure was exposed in the sun.

She showed a noble and warm smile.

She said: "Remaining Rome, Remaining people, Remaining Nero Claudius, Emperor of Rome, Remaining Rome!"

"Yu know, Qing et al must be very curious about Yu's existence? Qing et al, must have heard of Yu's name more or less?"

Nero stood in front of the palace gate, his fluffy skirt concealed his figure, and his posture attracted everyone's attention.

"Yu is the dead emperor, Caligula's niece."

When Caligula was mentioned, fear appeared in some people's eyes, some people showed hatred, but there were also people who showed pity.

That man who was wise and martial in his youth and fell into madness after only a few years in power is indeed feared, hated, and even more regrettable.

But that's not what Nero wanted to say.

"Yu's uncle Caligula's madness must have been experienced by you."

"But in Yu's opinion, that's not enough!"

Crazy isn't enough.

Not crazy enough.

"The rest of Rome should be free, and the ministers living in this land should also be enthusiastic!"

"So Yu decided that from today, Yu will implement a new law that is different from the previous one!"

"Yu will clarify the bureaucratic selection system so that all talented people can be promoted. In the name of the empire, Yu will build free schools so that everyone can receive knowledge education. Yu will popularize the science and philosophy of the classical Greek era. ..."

Administrative Education.

This is what Nero wanted to do, and what she knew was the 'flaw' of Rome.

A large imperial system tends to bloat the bureaucracy.

The top-down social class always creates an educational vacuum.

"Yu will appoint Yu's first assistant, Luo Wei, as the person leading the change!"

Hearing Nero calling his name, Luo Wei smiled at the right time.

But the people below were already silent.

I thought that the complete subjugation of Britannia was the most amazing thing the newly appointed emperor could do.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he said something even more surprising.

Reform is never just talk.

The various interests involved, even if 'Augustus', as a protector of the gods, no one would dare to assassinate the king, but it would certainly meet all kinds of resistance.

At least not on the surface,

But Nero was not afraid.

Since becoming emperor, she has decided to build the Rome in her heart.

Rowe will not.

"Is it necessary to waste so much energy?"

A sigh sounded in Rowe's ear, and an illusory nightmare appeared beside Rowe.

The silver robe dangled, the hair fluttered, and the figure appeared with its legs folded and raised, shaking out a soft and white curve.

The visitor held a magic wand in his hand, and his scarlet eyes looked at Rowe.

It was 'Merry' after being beaten up by Melusin.

Obviously beaten.

But instead she became interested in Rowe.

So she existed by Rowe's side as an illusory figure and followed him all the way here.

At this moment, Mei Li couldn't help but say: "The so-called human being is just a more illusory existence than my nightmare. That short life, at most, can only be used as a capital of pleasure!"

The illusory nightmare never cares about the life, death and meaning of life.

She will only use them as the capital to please herself.

"So you don't understand, you don't understand the true meaning of human beings." Luo Wei squinted and looked at the beautiful white figure that only he could see, he said: "Human life is short, but they are inscribed in the world. The traces will not dissipate, and their spirits can also spread throughout the tribe forever."

"That's what you're going to do?"

Mellie blinked.

"That's right." Rowe smiled.

He wants to be the spiritual 'king'.

Be the source of spiritual inheritance.

Not God.

Not even a 'master'.

"It is better to be a reformer, an educator, and to spread spiritual thoughts than to be a god or a 'lord', which is more worthy of the world's memory