
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 161

hapter 161

Author: Luozhou White Horse

The vast scorching sun slammed straight into the heights.

"Tamazao, we finally officially meet!"

With both feet on the ground, Luo Wei stared in front of Tamamo who fell to the ground in panic, and smiled.

"Mi... Mi Gu!?" Tamao Qian was shocked and angry.

Chapter 24 Turning Ten Thousand Demons into Gods, the Core of Chaos

"You guy... did you do it on purpose?" Tamamo, who had a full chest and fell to the ground, got up quickly. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Rowe dropped his hands, and the edge of his long sleeves shone a little.

Qin Jian, which was formed by the Qin State's concept of human principles, can only be used once, and Luo Wei has only borrowed the right to use it from Qin State once.

After use, it dissipates naturally.

The goal has been achieved, but Luo Wei did not keep it.

He fixedly looked at the magnificent palace in front of him, and showed a smile. Tamamo-san's words seemed doubtful, but in fact, they were already full of affirmation.

But he still had to say, "Guess what?"

"Concubine, don't guess!" Yuzao took a deep breath, and the nine tails fluttered up behind him.

There is no doubt that she has been tricked.

Luo Wei knew her existence from beginning to end, knew that she was peeping, and that he was able to find this place through the fluctuations caused by his own shots.

This guy is even more cunning than himself who is a fox!

Yuzao exhaled and his cheeks bulged slightly: "Are you a fox, or is your concubine a fox?"

"You are, after all, you have a body odor, which is the best proof." Luo Wei's serious expression made Yuzao's eyebrows jump wildly.

Can't get angry, must stabilize herself... She quickly stabilized herself and sat back in her seat.

Her fingers as pale as jade swiped through the air. Yuzao was after all an ancient demon god with nine tails. Although Luo Wei left a psychological shadow in her heart, at this moment, she quickly calmed down.

The legs that folded again shook slightly, and the glamorous fox demon showed a charming smile: "I have to admit, Your Excellency is indeed very scheming."

"I can sense the existence of my concubine, and I can directly enter here—"

"Then, your Excellency has already made up your mind, are you going to be with me?"

Yuzao leaned forward slightly, letting the pair of plump swaying white waves: "If you are with me, no matter what you want, your concubine can satisfy you?"

"You know, this time, the concubine body - but the body!"

At the first official meeting, Tamamo-mae was still trying to seduce Luo Wei who came here, but he had to admit that even the illusory projection displayed by the nine-tailed fox that reached the highest specification was almost no different from the essence, but it was different from the main body, There are still huge gaps.

Even if the appearance is the same, even if the appearance is the same, at this moment, the charm of the nine-tailed fox, even the original person, can't help but be amazed and moved.

Because this is the 'restraint' of all human beings.

Because it is one of 'human evil'.

"A playful beast?"

"That's right, this gesture is the manifestation of human 'evil'." Tamamo before chuckled.

In this era that is farther and farther away from mythology, the power of human beings has gradually become prominent, the thickness of human rationality shows its mighty power, the existence of human beings gradually occupies the surface of the stars, and the 'evil' of human beings, the manifestation of desire, has also become like the supreme god. 's personality.

Because the definition of the supreme god is to 'influence the whole world', and human desires can also affect all human beings who occupy the surface of the stars.

Tamamo Qian stood up slowly, her dark blue dress was swaying and swaying, her plump thighs were full of fleshy, delicate curves under the tightness of silk, and her hips gracefully walked towards Luo Wei: "This is What the concubine found in the face of chaos stripped away by the gods when she was promoting the revival of the Six Heavens Ghost."

"How is it? It's fun - if you want, here, I can play a lot of movements with you in this posture, a lot of postures."

He stroked Rowe's face with his palm, and his nine tails swayed slightly between his steps.


"You don't even have a true lover, how did you become so skilled?" Luo Wei, who was silent for a moment, was a critical strike when he spoke.

Tamamo's face was instantly stiff, and her pretty and beautiful face showed an instant collapse.

"Furthermore, it's useless to delay time." Luo Wei stared at Tamamo before, looking at the golden fox eyes, he said: "Human evil can indeed affect all human beings, but I have never been purely human. ."

For human beings, for machine gods, for star gods, and even more 'chaotic and indescribable' 'Taiyi Immortal'.

As a human, Luo Wei couldn't suppress his 'desire' for Tamamo before, but as a god, he could treat it like dust.

In one thought, it was only to see if he wanted to or not.

Tamamo Mae, who had already communicated, would not have been unaware of this, and that was the only reason why she did it.


In order to fully reveal the existence of the 'Six Heavenly Ghosts' in this world——

Luo Wei swept his gaze to the 'downward', the world and the vast world were already plunged into chaos, except for the Guanzhong Qin State, which was sheltered by the power of the 'Xijun' relying on the power of the stars, the Zhao State that was captured by the pass, and the Chu State that was cleaned up. In addition, the other four countries have fallen into indescribable chaos.

Thousands of balls of light scattered in the state of Qi, the yellow mist of the state of Wei covered the sky and the sun, the 'dandelions' scattered in Korea fell all over the world, and the state of Yan, the faceless god stretched out huge and twisted tentacles, penetrating the heaven and earth.

The more intense the 'weird', the more obvious the 'chaos'.

This is the six-day old ghost, who is pulling itself out of the cracks of human nature step by step.

Step by step, really set foot in the land of China with the ontology.

"Hey, was it, did you find it?"

The nine tails behind him spread out at the same time, and Tamamo before took a few steps back in an instant. The huge tails fell at the same time and landed on the ground, lifting Tamamo's body up and turning it into a golden throne.

Yuzao sat on it with his legs crossed, looking down at Luo Wei, his red lips raised a different and rebellious look: "You wouldn't think that the six-day ghost that was sealed up by the ancestors back then, There are only so many, right?"

The Six-Day Ghost is the product of the failed attempt of the old masters of Chaos to infect the Ancestral God.

How many immortals were there in ancient China?

How many ghosts exist in the six days.

"This will tear apart the real seal of the six-day old ghost, and protect the last protection of the land of Shenzhou - the great formation of conferred gods left by Jiang Ziya, the supreme emperor of Tianqi."

"At that time, the fog of chaos will cover the world, and everything will sink into darkness."

"Only the concubine—"

"Being the only light in it!"

Restraining the charm, at this moment, in front of Yuzao, in front of Luo Wei, showing endless majesty.

Because at this moment, most of the land of China has been occupied and chaotic in the old days. The essence of chaos is neither good nor evil, but for humans on the order side, it is both 'evil'.

And Tamamo before, is also 'evil'.

She also grabbed the existence of the power of the sun in her body.

Grab, or in other words, inversely restore.

"The concubine itself is one of the original appearances of the sun. If it weren't for the arrival of the wandering stars in the past, the concubine would not have been divided into nine and scattered all over the place."

"Now that we are reunited, this authority and concubine, which belongs to the concubine, must be obtained!"

The golden eyes were bright, and the endless coercion appeared in the cracks in the depths of the human mind. She leaned over to look at Luo Wei who was under her feet: "But don't worry, the concubine will not hurt you, on the contrary, the concubine will be fine. Rare, I love you."

"Like you, the great wisdom, courage, and perseverance of the gods and gods of Shenzhou, the concubine will only keep you in captivity and absorb the essence of you..."

"Turn you into a trash that can't leave your concubine!"

Crazy, vicious.

And extremely rampant.

In fact, it was indeed beyond Tamamo's expectations that Luo Wei could enter here, but her plan was always advancing in an orderly manner.

No process, no start.

What she pursues is always only a purpose.

"Unfortunately, I am the same as you." Luo Wei Fuxiu, although standing on the ground, looked up at the front of Yuzao supported by nine tails, but his eyes did not have the slightest feeling of looking up, but instead With a full...thanks?

Thank you...thank what?

An unease suddenly appeared in Tamamo-mae's heart.


Luo Wei raised his hand, brushed away the dust and swept through the air, opened his palm, and slowly pressed his five fingers on the hilt of the sword hanging behind him.

The sound of the sword hummed, bringing all kinds of howls, but Yuzao's front ear was listening, but he heard the noisy and disturbing voices from the world.

Broken, and invisible ravings.

It was the voice of the God-Conferred Enchantment that gradually shattered with the appearance of the six-day old ghost.

It was even suppressed by the enchantment of the gods, and there were countless voices of 'six-day ghosts'.

They have come.

In the realm occupied by the four six-day ghosts that first appeared, appear in layers of mist.

Dark, chaotic, twisted, upside-down...expanded in an instant.

The four kingdoms of Qi, Yan, Han, and Wei were in turmoil, and even Chu, Qin, and Zhao were not spared. Many ordinary people fell into a deep sleep inexplicably, and then crashed into the endlessly twisted universe in their dreams.

They were frightened, they were terrified, they were caught up in it, and they went mad.

Confusion, confusion, repetition confusion.

Heaven and earth bite.

The world seems to return to chaos.

The humming of the sword still reverberated in his ears, but at this moment, Yuzao Qian was a little calmer, because the God-Conferred Barrier had been broken layer by layer and suppressed ghosts appeared.

No matter what, it can't be stopped.

"It's useless to bluff." Yuzao chuckled before she twitched her fingers: "Since you mocked the concubine, then the concubine will make you the 'lover' of the concubine—"

"Enjoy the beauty of this body!"

Immediately, the nine tails lifted up, and Tamamo floated up in front of him, his whole body showed endless radiance, and the falling rays of light penetrated from the deepest part of this human nature to the world.

Like a scorching sun in the sky, showing off its brilliance to the fullest.

One of the original sun gods, who was shot down by a giant god, a nine-tailed fox, and finally showed his attitude as a sun god.

'The God of White-faced Golden Retriever'.

She will show the first ray of 'light' in the land of Shenzhou, which has returned to chaos, from the original sun god to the future sun god.

In her plan, the future Shenzhou is a land where chaos and evil walk.

But she will also be a part of it.

Demonstrate evil.

But it was also at this moment that Luo Wei finally pulled out the sword on his back. It took a long time and brewed for a long time, but the sword light formed in an instant showed the chaos of black and white, a storm entwined in red, and more It is the primordial rotational force of the planet that manifests itself.

The authority of the God of Oia in Mesopotamia, which had not appeared for a long time, appeared again at this moment, but the target it aimed at was not Tamamo-mae on the opposite side.

It's the deepest place where people live.

but at the feet-

From the bottom to the top, it is necessary to need a direction, and it is necessary to use human rationality and cut human rationality in order to find an accurate goal.

But from top to bottom, only violence is needed.

Because he is already here.

And at the foot, is China.

So Luo Wei cut open this space with the power of the original planet's rotation, and then swept towards the vast Shenzhou in the amazed eyes in front of Tamamo.

Tamao Qian subconsciously wanted to stop her, but found that her movements were suddenly heavy. She suddenly found that her body, at some point in time, had been entangled and bound by silver-white chains.

Bind the fairy rope! ?

Do not--

This is...

"The lock of the sky." Luo Wei chuckled lightly, raised his sword and dropped, the only projection of the 'lock of the sky' was of course impossible to completely seal the movements of Yuzao, but its characteristics made Yuzao's heart stunned and hesitated for a moment , it can still be done.