
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 153

Chapter 153

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"That's right." Luo Wei nodded: "It's only two or three days before we set off from Qin."

"Huh? Are you leaving now?" Xu Fu was stunned.

Yu Ji said: "If you don't want to go, you can don't go."

She could not ask for it.

"No, of course I'm going, I'll go wherever the emperor goes!" Xu Fu raised his hand in a panic.

"Since we're all going, let's go together!"

"I-I can just wait here." Xu Fu said softly.

Although Yu Ji was upset, she would not forcibly drive Xu Fu away from Luo Wei's face.

Luo Wei nodded, and he said, "Then you, let's go and rest for a while."

"Huh, then I continue to sleep, but my head is still a little dizzy." Yu Ji shook her head and lay back again.

He was holding Rowe's doll tightly in his hand.

Xu Fu showed an envious expression and strengthened his thoughts.

However, she didn't leave, but found a place to sit down, with her back straight, with an uncontrollable joy on her pretty face: "I, I'll just be here."

It is definitely an honor for her to be in the same room with the emperor.

Luo Wei didn't stop him, he just walked to the window of the inn and stared out the window.

At this moment, it is already night in the land of Shenzhou, and the world is shrouded in darkness, and the stars are shining brightly.

There was no wind or rain, but it was a clear day.

But only briefly.

Luo Wei closed his eyes slightly.

The invisible position was centered on him and expanded toward the surroundings, so the clouds and mists in the sky began to gather, so the water vapor in the air began to condense, and on the ground, rivers, lakes and seas began to shake.

The water vapor of the three realms of heaven, earth and human circulates back and forth.

On the streets of Yan Country, pedestrians were still walking, but they suddenly stopped and raised their heads: "Why is it raining?"

"It's raining, go home quickly!" Someone hurried forward.

Some people couldn't dodge in time, so they could only dodge near the eaves: "Strange things, strange things, there was no wind or rain just a moment ago, why is it raining so hard at this moment!?"

There was an uproar of rain, but the clarity of the previous second was drowned by water vapor at this moment. The sky was covered with dark clouds, obscuring the sun, moon, and stars.

A heavy rain fell in an instant.

"Is this, the emperor is exerting his power?" Huang Shigong, who had not left the country of Yan, put his hands up on a stone bridge and raised his head, letting the rain fall on his shoulders, but it was not dripping.

The Mo clan tycoon and many shadows stood in the darkness, watching intently, only to see that the majestic water vapor went in one direction along with the terrain.

It is a tributary of one of the two mother rivers in China, known as the 'Yellow River' in later generations, and is still only a 'big river'. The backwater generally falls to the Weishui River.

The Weishui River is one of the largest runoffs of the big river. It flows through the vast land and goes straight to the fertile plain outside the Hangu Pass.

At the bottom of the Weishui River, countless chains surrounded the deepest dark place, and the ancient demon god who appeared as a woman with long silver hair suddenly opened his eyes without any support.

Living in the water, she, who once controlled the waters of the Weishui River, felt a strong water vapor at this moment.

In Yanjing, Luo Wei opened his eyes: "Borrow the river for a use."

Wuzhiqi seemed extremely happy: "I can't ask for it, so I can ask you for help in the future!"

As a result, the demon god at the bottom of the river created a storm. Although she was sealed, since she was able to let her clone go out and act, she could also prove that the seal would not completely restrain her.

So from north to south, from west to east, the majestic water vapor runs through the east and west of Shenzhou, and at this moment, the city is connected.

Luo Wei will use this as a boat and sail alone into Qinguan Xianyang.

The sound of the rain in the capital of Yan Kingdom was still in an uproar, and the Mo clan tycoon woke up abruptly, and then looked at the rain in front of him.


Wan rides a bicycle and will enter Qin!

Chapter 18 Why is your name Ying Zheng?

That night, the wind and rain in the capital of the Yan Kingdom never stopped, and the sound of the rain in the middle of the night echoed in everyone's mind.

In the early morning of the next day, dark clouds shrouded the sky, and the sky was hazy.

Yu Ji slowly opened her eyes. The room in the inn was quiet. The little girl named Xu Fu knelt down by the wall, closed her eyes gently, and was already asleep.

"Where's that guy?" Without seeing the person she wanted to see, Yu Ji suddenly sat up straight, the black robe she was wearing slipped slightly, revealing her fair and delicate shoulders and half fullness.

Her dark and soft hair was glued to her face in strands, her red lips were slightly opened, and her red eyes were instantly firm.

That guy... Shouldn't he run away by himself?

Yu Ji hugged the Rowe doll in her arms tightly, and stood up subconsciously...

"Are you awake? It's time to eat when you wake up." Luo Wei's voice sounded from the door at the right time. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Ji's vigorous standing up, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you doing radio gymnastics for middle school students?"

Of course Yu Ji didn't know what the radio gymnastics for middle school students was, but she could hear the teasing in Luo Wei's words, but the moment she saw him appear, the girl's heart was inexplicably relieved.

Although the mouth still has a 'tough' look: "Do you want to take care of it?"

Yu Ji stood up straight, not caring about the leaking of her chest, but turned her head and her long legs stretched out in front of Luo Wei while her dress fluttered.

Rowe put the things in his hand on the table in the room.

Three bowls of porridge, two eggs, and a plate of 'pickled vegetables'.

Although he sat in silence for one night, accumulating wind and rain with the authority of the 'Shuiguan Great Emperor', the so-called weather has always been of a chain nature. Attracting more water vapor, Rowe no longer needs to control anything.

So he stopped and went out to buy breakfast.

The food culture of China originated very early, and this kind of collocation that is very common in later generations can be seen everywhere in this era.

Yu Ji has long been accustomed to Luo Wei's daily life as a 'mortal'.

Although the human diet has no effect on her, she can only absorb its flavor and cannot replenish any energy, but during this time she has traveled six countries with Luo Wei, and she is used to doing it.

So he sat down in front of the table with ease.

So the dialogue and voice that sounded made Xu Fu open his eyes: "Emperor. I'm sorry, I promised to accompany you, but I fell asleep!"

This was the girl's first reaction, and then she saw the chopsticks - or what should be called a '梜' - being handed to her.

"Eat first, and it's time to go after eating." Rowe said, "It's been raining all night, and it's almost enough."

Indeed enough.

After a peaceful breakfast, Xu Fu followed Luo Wei and Yu Ji out the door. What he saw was a world soaked in water. The rain was still falling in the sky, and the water vapor in the air obscured the whole world. , the palaces and pavilions in the distance seem to be faint outlines smudged in an ink painting.

In front of the door, a 'carriage' was parked.

"This is..." Xu Fuzhu opened his lips and looked at the 'horse' of the trailer, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Yu Ji was proud and disdainful: "Little girl who doesn't know anything, do you know what this is?"

The 'God-level' horse stands tall and proud outside the inn. Its twelve wings spread the majestic water vapor and storm in the air. , The body is also covered with layers of steel armor, and the debris of thunder continuously spews out of his breath, and a thin hum echoes in the air.

It is an eight-legged and twelve-winged horse from the Norse god of sophistry.

Although it will naturally disappear into the depths of the 'primitive supreme sky' after the end of the Nordic affairs, but if Luo Wei needs, just needs a thought, the Pegasus will also fall from the high sky.

During this time, Luo Wei and Yu Ji traveled around the world and rode it.

Of course, before, it was all in a state of restraint of feathers and miraculousness.

Now it is blooming again.

In the drizzling capital of the Yan Kingdom, others automatically retreated and turned a blind eye.

Seeing nothing, seeing nothing.

A small 'sensory shield' signal - spell.

"So handsome... as expected of an emperor!" Xu Fu looked at Luo Wei excitedly, with uncontrollable longing in his eyes.

Luo Wei fluttered his sleeves and smiled: "Let's go, just take this car."

"Go to Qin State!"


The horses neighed and the hooves fell. Luo Wei floated up with Yu Ji and Xu Fu, and landed on the carriage. The carriage was open on all sides, only the canopy above his head must be as grand as a cloud, swaying in the wind and sounding like bells. A crisp sound.

Luo Wei sat upright in the back, with Xu Fu and Yu Ji in front, one left and one right.

At this moment, thunder erupted from the sky.

The steed of the Storm God Clan raised a violent gust of wind, galloped up, and followed the direction of the majestic current, heading south to the great river of Qidi.

Silver and white instantly enveloped the world.

The people in the city looked up blankly, and it was faintly visible that the sky car was escaping far away.

On the stone bridge, Duke Huang Shi, who had been watching the wind and rain all night, stroked his beard and smiled: "I respectfully send the emperor!"

"Entering Qin, entering Qin, Qin is indeed the place of destiny!" The Confucian successor sighed: "Unfortunately, Qin only respects the law, not Confucianism."

"What do you want to do, sir?" Someone asked behind him, it was his disciple.

The Confucian descendant pondered for a moment, then said the same: "In this case, I should also enter Qin."

"The battle of Taoism, no struggle, no way!"

"Let's enter Qin Yiguan under my real name, 'Uncle Sun Tong'!"

boom -

The thunderstorm roared and descended into the sky. In a daze, at the mansion of Young Master Yan, Young Master Yan suddenly woke up. After thinking deeply all night, he finally came back to his senses and realized that he had missed it again.

He sighed, but could only bow down.

The Mo clan giants, the legal descendants, and all living beings... all felt at this moment, and they all bowed and respected at this moment.

Enter Qin to worship Xianjun.

The wind and clouds fell with the water vapor. The eight-legged and twelve-winged Pegasus was still galloping on the ground at first, but after crashing into the vast water vapor, the opened twelve wings lifted higher and higher.

The wind roared and the storm surged.

Xu Fu in the carriage looked at the vastness below her with excitement. She knew that she was already in the sky that mortals could not touch. Although Yu Ji tried her best to put on a disdainful face, her eyes were actually happy.

Not because of the surrounding scenery, but because of still walking with him.

Rowe leaned back on the carriage and looked up into the distance.

The majestic water vapor flowed past, and in just a blink of an eye, it crossed the vast distance, leaving Yan and entering Qi.

"Why did the emperor enter Qin!?"

Before entering the great river in Qidi, someone has been waiting for a long time.

That is an expert hermit in Qidi who has entered the fairyland. The immortal has built a connection with the planet itself. Although he is not in the country of Yan, but watching the changes in the air flow of the planet itself, he has long known that Emperor Donghua will enter Qinguan in the west.

Waiting here now is also to ask: "The violent Qin has no way, and he wants to wipe out the six kingdoms and fulfill their ambitions. Emperor Donghua is the god of Zhengshuo who serves the country and the people, and is worshipped by thousands of Chu people in Chu. worshiped as a new god."

"Why are you going there? Are you going to help Qin?"

The voice curled, through the endless storm, into the storm bred by the boundless water vapor.

Luo Wei chuckled, and he said, "The world is unified, isn't it?"

"The world is unified under Qin, it's not good, it is even worse to destroy the country and cause endless slaughter." The man responded sternly, standing on the edge of the wind and rain.

"I have heard that Zhou was prospered by benevolence and righteousness, but Shang was destroyed by the brutality of King Zhou, and Qin's brutality was no less than the servants."

"That has nothing to do with me."

"I went to Qin, just because in this world, only Qin can rule, the destiny is in Qin, and I should follow it—"

"What destiny?" The hermit in Qidi was puzzled.

Luo Wei just laughed loudly, he said: "I mean Da Qin, I am destiny."

The roar of thunder fell, and it woke up all beings in the ten directions.

He was dazed and sighed