
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 128

Chapter 128

Author: Luozhou White Horse

This is the first time He has taken off his mask since ten thousand years ago.

Thor, the god of thunder in the past, was a heroic god of war, but the appearance of him now is definitely not his original appearance.

It is the appearance of a wandering star soldier similar to Sephalu.

Among the gods, Thor is the most powerful, but he is also the most severely eroded by the power of aliens.

There was an icy light in his eyes.

His whole body turned into dazzling thunder and lightning, standing between heaven and earth.

He is angry, and he wants to vent his anger, but under the influence of the alien planet, only the mechanism of cold and mechanical operation remains.

Rowe clenched his spear tightly and raised it slightly—

The spiral turned.

"Are you okay?" Skadi asked softly, sticking his head out from behind him and looking forward.

"Of course—" Rowe pondered and replied, "No problem!"

Up to now, even with a humanoid body, Luo Wei has the confidence to completely suppress Thor, but in order to make a quick decision, he still decides to use the power of the machine.

"I am Thor!" Thor raised the [Miao Ernir] in his hand, and without the mask covering, his voice appeared crisp and cold.

Lowe sideways the spear, and the storm turns faster.

Thunder roared.

The heavy hammer slammed into the sky, and then fell, majestic, and landed heavily on the huge World Tree!

The spreading thunder continued to tear the pale World Tree, and the friction between the arcs ignited layer after layer of explosions.

The body of the giant snake wrapped around the tree froze for a moment. He thought he would be injured, but he did not expect that the falling electric light not only did not hurt himself, but activated the power hidden in every cell in the huge body.

He became more powerful!

The arc of Rowe's spear rotation was slightly slow, and he fixedly stared at the figure in front of him.

"I'm Thor—"

He repeated: "I am the Thor of Northern Europe, the Thor of this planet, of this world."

"I am the God of War."

"I'm going to your shit Alien, shit You Xingfeng soldier!"

"I won't lose."

"I, I will never admit defeat!!!"

It has been recognized that even if the body's corrosion has reached an extremely serious situation, the Nordic Thor named Thor is still shaking the power of the alien star at this moment, relying on his will, at this moment.

The power of the gods is being lost, and the outer shell of the god's core is fading.

Yet he is still the god of war.

The Norse god of thunder.

He will not admit defeat and will not stop here.

"King of the Wild Hunt, although you are a new god, the gods of Asgard like me are also gods!"

I will not lose to you.

Asgard, will not lose to the storm!

Thor turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the World Tree.

This is his last power, and the last light of the Asgardian gods.

radiant god,


Tear! Yemengarde let out a long hissing whistle, and he raised his huge head, hitting the World Tree at the same time as Thor, the god of thunder.

In an uproar, tree shadows swayed and shattered traces emerged on the pale backbone.

Nidhogg and the demon wolf Fenrir stomped hard, and the branches and leaves of the canopy were also broken.

The foundation of the world tree is shaken.

"Thor..." Skadi, who saw this scene, had a complicated expression on his face.

Among the gods, Thor, the god of thunder, is the most special one. Before she met Rowe, it could be said that among the gods, he was the one with the best and least dark desires towards her.

Rowe smiled: "Asgard will definitely not lose to the storm - only you, this piece of thunder alone, is enough to illuminate this whole myth!"

"But your era is over after all."

"Let the storm come to the age of the old gods, see you off!"

Rowe raised the spear in his hand.

"Come on!" he said.

Between the sound of the wind and the awe-inspiring storm, the Storm Protoss and the Storm Legion are all gathering here at the same time.

The Frost Giant tried to rebel against the New God and was crushed.

The giant of lava wanted to escape back to the kingdom of fire and Muspelheim under the tree in the south, but found that the sky and the earth were all integrated, and the curtain of the gods that divided the nine realms had followed the collision between Thor, the god of thunder, and Yemengade. , into mottled fragments.

"Wild Hunt, Rowe! Do you really want to be with me forever!?" Destiny Ymir let out a scream, and the giants of frost and lava were wiped out. For him, who showed the residual will of the ancestor giant, it was fatal.

Without the Giant, He could not have appeared.

Can no longer interfere with the world.

"Undead... You, you're not worthy!" Rowe condescendingly, just flicked 'Longominiad', and the will of Ymir, who existed in the ground, was instantly defeated.

If the original giant body comes, Luo Wei may have to retreat in the face of the original God of Chaos.

But Ymir, who left only his will...

Not qualified enough to fight with him!

The gods of the storms that spiraled together from all directions finally arrived.


The wind and snow dissipated, and the cold was no longer there. The cold and heat brought by the giants of frost and lava disappeared at the same time. Ordinary people living on this land cautiously went out, only to find that the top of their heads was still shrouded by the storm, But the storm only existed in the high sky, only on the top of the head, like a heavy cotton coat covering the stretch of land.

And in it, the stars are scattered, and the fire is flickering.

People felt the warmth from the light.

From that light, people seem to have lost some restraint.

The white crystals that exist in the body of all living beings and in the blood, the power from the alien planet is evaporated.

Although strictly speaking, the fire that originated from the Atlantis civilization actually came from alien power, but Rowe spread them out and fell into the hearts of gods and people. assimilation.

Just like the gods of Atlantis who came from the sky can quickly integrate into the ground and become the Greek gods on the ground.

The existence of fire is for inheritance and continuation.

rather than encroachment.

So at this moment, the World Tree swayed and struggled. It was not a living creature, but he also had consciousness. It was the remaining will of the former Youxing Vanguard, but it only shook slightly, because it had been submerged by storms and flames as early as an instant. in the middle of the torrent.

The new king of the gods, galloping forward.

The tree was shaking, spreading out with will, as if to say, 'You can't destroy me. '

'Without me, the existence of the gods cannot continue. '

'Without me, you will not be able to maintain your rule. '

'without me...'

"Is that how you seduced the former Norse god king, Odin?"

Rowe blocked his will, and he kept walking: "Odin, the old god-king, although he has a collection of wisdom, he does not use wisdom to make decisions."

"He believed what you said, because what you said was the truth, but He didn't think about the consequences, so there is today."


"Now, it's different than before."

"Without you, we would still have a good time." Rowe blocked the spread of his will: "Because we are the gods of the planet."

The god of the planet, not attached to any age.

Rather, it is attached to the planet itself.

This is the quality of the 'primitive', and it is also the quality of the 'wind' that Rowe extracted from the planet itself to the new gods.

The gods of the storm have all stood in the wind.

Countless heroes, endless brilliance.

Countless flames are watching here.

The fire has dissipated.

Tinder, has been burned.

Luo Wei raised the long spear in his hand, and the big cloak was fierce.


The hyena transformed by the evil dragon Fafnir let out a dragon's roar, and while the lingering flames drifted away, the fire of the storm appeared on the dragon's body.

The crouched Yermungard wriggled his huge body, and he also showed light.

Niederhog, Fenrir.

The monsters of the apocalypse took the initiative to accept the fire of the storm.

The gathering of vitality has reached the last step.

Thousands of fire seeds fell on one person, and Luo Wei raised the storm spear in his hand.

"The gun that shines in the end."

"Show it here, the original appearance of the planet!"

- The original tinder!

- The veil of burning myth.

——Show the real starry sky!

A long spear fell, a little light and shadow bloomed, and the endless wind and fire were intertwined and swept away!

At this moment, Luo Wei led thousands of storms and thousands of sparks, and in the whistling, the tree collapsed.

People looked up at the sky and saw the real world they had never seen before.

The galaxy turns, but sees endless brilliance.

High and vast!





Chapter 23 After this, you should be Yawei!

'The gods died in the disaster, and the blood of the gods was in the mud. '

'The world tree, which supports the Nine Realms, fell into the vast deep sea and became the eternal fixed seabed under the deep sea. People staggered out of the house and found the world after the wind, snow and flood. It seemed extremely bright. '

'Between the splendid stars and rivers, the new gods came with a storm - [Stepdon], coming towards the wind. '


Rowe, who was riding on the eight-legged and twelve-winged Pegasus, put away his spear, and the last dazzling brilliance of [Lungominiad] rippled in the air like ripples, spreading layer by layer and finally disappearing.

The sky is clear and the earth is bright, and everything has returned to its previous appearance.