
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 124

Chapter 124

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Rowe, very honest.

Except for some things that absolutely cannot be told, the rest can be said as much as possible.

Dissatisfied with those love and resentment entanglements, but happy that he has nothing to hide from himself.

Elle... very happy.

The changing expression and pretty face of the hostess of Hades always reflected the dark soul and fire in the distance.

"The process is a bit tortuous. If you still want to hear it, there are probably many more." Luo Wei spread his hands: "...Huh?"

Before Luo Wei could speak, Alley suddenly approached again. The goddess raised her hands on her tiptoes and hugged his head. Then, with a light push, she hugged him into her arms.

Soft and rippling, Rowe cradled Ai Lei's forward.

"It was hard work," she said.

"Needless to say," she said again.

"I'm angry and happy," Ellie continued.

"But I still-"

"like you."

A thousand years is long and short, but no matter what, Alley still loves Rowe as always.

This is a sentiment that could not be expressed directly in the mouth a thousand years ago.

Even if they know each other well.

"Me too." Rowe staggered to his feet and got out of Ellie's embrace. He stretched out his hand: "Then next, are you willing to come with me?"

"Of course!" Alley smiled: "Wherever you go, I'm willing to follow."

The goddess held Rowe's hand.

"Okay, then, close your eyes, you'll be fine soon." Alley closed her eyes nervously.

Under the shadow of the dim light, the goddess had a delicate and beautiful face with her eyes closed, her eyelashes trembling slightly and she was a little nervous.

Luo Wei glanced at the rosy soft red lips.

He leaned down slightly—

The red lips touched, the time and space changed, the huge ghost of the machine appeared behind him, and the fire at the chest was burning and blazing...

The king of the dead touches the goddess of the underworld.

The entanglement of death and death gave birth to life.

The mechanism of a trace of life activity that had already appeared in Luo Wei's body rapidly expanded and expanded.

Just one step away from 'live'.

Alley opened her eyes in confusion, but what she saw was no longer the Land of Shadows, but the 'primitive' landscape filled with lava.

here is...

"Greek Tartaros, the domain I devoured." Rowe introduced next to him, he said, "In the future, you will stay here—"

"Here, where is it?"

"It's in my heart."


"I still have a lot of things to do. I can't talk to you all the time, but as long as I'm here, I can come to you anytime."

Luo Wei actually had some regrets that he did not bring Xiao En in before the decisive battle in Greece, but at that time, he could not open the door of Tartaros without the kind of fire 'gifted' by Chaos.

As for the golden pickup, it was completely excluded from the options by Luo Wei.

The cub has to go out and have a good experience by himself, but Dad doesn't have so much energy to help him——

"I see." Alley smiled and nodded: "I will be here, staring at you and guarding you."

"I...I won't be a burden!"

The goddess of the underworld wrote a little stubbornly: "I can also help you!"

"Okay." Rowe rubbed the goddess's head.

At least here, Elle can always listen to her 'heartbeat', she will never be alone...

After careful and gentle preservation, Luo Wei's consciousness left.

Looking at the throbbing lava in front of her eyes, although there was nothing there, she could feel Rowe's breath all the time, but Alley showed a rather happy expression.

Rowe... so good!

she was thinking...

"Aaaaa—" Deep in the lava, there was a stupefied groan.

As if someone was waking up and turning around.

"Wait, this voice is... Goddess Tiamat!? Eeeeeeeeee!?"

Exclamations echoed.

Shadow country.

Luo Wei opened his eyes again, and the darkness in front of him remained.

The mother goddess should treat Elle well... he thought to himself.

In the line of sight, there is a purple pretty figure standing condensed, with a swaying dress and a slim figure.

"Skaty?" Rowe was stunned for a moment, and the one in front of him was not the Queen of Shadow Kingdom, but the Nordic Snow Mountain Goddess: "Are you awake?"

Skadi didn't answer his question, just said, "You want to subvert Norse mythology, don't you?"

This attitude... seems to have changed?

Luo Wei touched his chin: "So what is it, so what is it not?"

"I can help you." Skadi took a deep breath, her full and slightly exposed chest rising and falling with her breathing.

"Have you figured it out? Did Skaha tell you?" Rowe guessed at once.

"No - no, Skaja is also 'me', it's my own idea!" Skaty refused to admit.

"As you please!"

Luo Wei smiled: "But I do need your help, Goddess of Snow Mountain!"

He stretched out his hand to the Skadi in front of him: "The secrets of the gods that you have mastered, that is indeed what I need!"

Rowe needs the secrecy of the gods.

He wants to pierce the prelude of the old mythological age and open the curtain of mythology.

Let the fire burn into one piece.

Let death fade and life emerge.

Reborn from the dead, and then usher in eternity.

Death has always been his pursuit.

"Hum, hum, you still have a little sincerity!" Skadi raised a smile: "Next, I will know everything and say everything."

The goddess of the snow mountain finally degenerated and became the helper of the 'Demon King'.

The pure snow-capped mountains were no longer as pure as they were when they were in the Asgardian domain, but she felt inexplicably...relaxed.

What else do you care about?

Snow mountains are pure, but they should also be free.

"Hmmmm. This looks like me!" On the top of the Land of Shadows, Skaha swung the red spear in his hand, and the graceful figure lit by the dark purple shadow undulates with the wind: "The meaning of God's existence. , is used to kill!"

"Then, let's go!" Shaking hands, Rowe said, "Let's go back first!"

"It's almost time!"

It's almost there-


It should have been spring at this moment, but it was like a time-reversal, and suddenly the snow fell again.

In Scandinavia, countless people huddled and hid at home, and the nobles who were planning to travel also stayed at home rationally.

Amidst the wind and snow, a huge figure appeared.

"It's starting, Ragnarok!" Loki, standing on the reef in the edge of the sea, smiled and raised the corner of his mouth to his cheek: "Have you seen it, Yemengarde, my child!"

The uproar of water resounded, the broken sea, the raised snake that covered the sky and the sun spit out an indifferent voice: "I'm not your child, Loki!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, those are all indifferent!"

Underground, Nidhogg looked up and let out a roar, where the dragon head molars and the roots of the World Tree broke.

The pale tree trunk shook violently.


The black dragon roared, its wings raised, and the corpses of countless dead were hanging.

Nidhogg, trumpeted Ragnarok.

The island, the ice surface is bounded and surrounded by layers, and the giant wolf bound by the iron chain bound by the mountain-like boulders responded with a wolf howl.

The sky is turbulent, and the gods are terrified and terrified.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunderbolts exploded layer by layer and exploded with a bang.

Thor, the god of thunder, appeared among the clouds, and crows danced wildly in the White House.

In Jotunheim, there were also 'people' who opened their eyes.

"Finally, wait for this day!"

The ancestor of the giant, Ymir's remaining will in the world took the form of a giant and let out a roar.

Chapter 20 I am the Great God

After leaving the Land of Shadows and returning to the world, Rowe opened his eyes.

In his ears he heard the neighing of snakes, the howling of wolves, and the roar of dragons.

But what caught his attention more was the roar of the giant.


Luo Wei closed his eyes slightly, and cast his consciousness towards the top of the World Tree, the kingdom of giants, Jotunheim.

In the sacrificial temple belonging to the Goddess of Snow Mountain, Skadi did not speak.

He just grabbed Rowe's shirt secretly... took a deep breath and gathered up his courage.

Next, she will fight against the gods.

But as long as Rowe stood in front of her, Skadi had no fear at all...

In Jotunheim, in the still dim and dry world, Rowe's will fell here, forming an illusory shadow.

He raised his eyes and looked at the seemingly silent place, but he could still hear the roar that kept echoing: "Wild Hunt, right?"

"It's me." Rowe smiled.

There was no definite shadow in front of him, but Luo Wei knew that the existence of the talking was right in front of him.

All things are Him.

The sky, the earth, and the dry riverbed that exist in Jotunheim are no exception.

"I am the giant of the first ancestor, Ymir." In the roar of the raging wind, the voice continued: "I am the original chaos, the source of all things, and an outsider. Even if you see me, you should also respect me! "

"I know, you don't need to repeat it like this." Rowe sighed, but the expression on his face was not at all surprised.

Of course he knew