
Please, it’s just a Story!!

“Did anyone ever say you’re a bad liar?" His penetrating gaze never left her. Elaina shivered and didn't dare look at him. She felt that if she looked up, she'll lose the confidence she had. But if she continued to look away, the more sure he was that his assumption was right. The dinner was already stressful and now that he found her real identity, he won't let her go so easily. She had been deceiving him from the day she heard him say 'find the author'. "Elaina Tan, which are you?" He asked, not taking his eyes off her and continued "Are you my executive secretary, daughter of the famous designer Alta, a famous comic artist that published Detective Izumi or the granddaughter of the famous Glowne family?" His tone was cold but had a bit of playfulness in it. The amount of regret Elaina could go on forever. She should have said no to the blind date and look where she ended up at now. A dinner night with the devil himself. He suddenly got up and it startled her and she unconsciously looked up and met his dark midnight eyes. The sight left her in a daze, as he approached her. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He trapped her between his arms and brought his face down to the dazed Elaina. "Well it doesn't matter whoever you are." He continued "At the end of the day, you'll be Ms. Lee, wife of Kazuki Lee," and he gave her a kiss on her cherry like lips. Elaina looked at the man with wide eyes. Why does she feel that she suddenly walked into something that she couldn’t escape? Maybe in fact, that she probably had long fallen in his trap. "Even if you hide, you can't escape a Lee. Just know that." Kazuki’s faze never left her watery eyes. - - - - - I’ll always update 1 or 2 chapters on Wednesdays and Sundays. The cover is obviously not mine and the original cover belongs to the one who made it. Also I’m a new writer! So please support me and help me with my clumsy mistakes!!?

xXFunnehBunnehxX · Urban
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3 Chs

The New Book Update

Hey guys, as I said before I'll post the synopsis. This will just be a look at type of thing, and you can very well comment on it.

1) Three Treasures Of A Lifetime!!" Name of my new novel.(maybe)


Throwing the papers down on the coffee table, they both glared at each other. "Isabella, how old are you? Do you think it still a child's play at this age?" He growled at her. His wife looked at him cluelessly making him even more infuriated. "Lucius, do you really want to start with who is childish?!" She said, staring at him in disbelief. "What happened? Why aren't you trusting me? Do you think so little of my love?! Do you think I would do that?!" Isabella asked in an angry tone. Saying her part she turned around and walked away, with tears falling from her eyes. Standing near the door she stood with her back to him. "Lucius, you really do think so little of me.." and walked out, with the door slamming shut. —— Lucius looked at the closed door and felt a headache appear. Sitting down on the sofa, he saw the door open once again. Thinking it was a maid, he asked them to leave. "Daddy, are you ok?" He heard the sound of a childish voice from the door. Looking up, Lucius saw the pair of twins at the door, both holding something. Both his sons came up to him and sat in his left and right. He smiled at them, "Aren't you both suppose to be at your grandparents house what are you doing here, for?" Lucius looked at them in puzzlement. When he last talked to them they were at his parents house. "Daddy, isn't it your birthday tomorrow? Why would we be at Granpa and Grandma house?" Looking at the twins with shock, Lucius was speechless. Feeling the tugging of his sleeve, he looked at his son with a complex face. "Didn't, Mommy tell you? We even bought gifts and made a cake! We were planning to celebrate it, when you came home!" Felix said, while Leo nodded. But internally these twins were scheming together. They knew there daddy and mommy would fight when they came home, so they came up with the idea of them both making up sooner than later. Seeing the shocked face of their daddy they knew that the plan worked. "We told mommy to call you down stairs, but we only saw mommy come down and for a drive." Felix said while looking at his daddy's face. He glanced at his twin brother who was quiet. With some type of communication they both understood that the plan worked. Lucius on the other hand, felt like he had become the biggest scum of the world. Seeing what his son said, all he wanted to do was rush out to find his wife. Patting both their heads he gently said to them, "Sorry Kiddo's, but daddy forgot his birthday until you reminded him. So right now daddy gonna find mommy and then we can celebrate it, Ok?" Seeing then both nod at him, Lucius rushed to find Isabella. —— "Hey Brother, did I do a good job in acting?" Felix asked his older Brother who stayed silent. " Yeah, so now you can copy the homework I did. "Leo said while he walked towards the door. Seeing that his brother about to walked out, Felix whined out loud. "That's it?! Brother that's not fair!!". Leo glanced at him, " You can buy 3 games using my card. But only 3." With that being said he left the room. "Yes! Yes! Thanks a lot, make sure to call me if there is more trouble! I'll always fix it!" Felix said while jumping around. He was extremely glad for this chance. —— Problems arise in their parent marriage and it's up to these twins to solve them. Join them on this adventure along with this author(me) and we'll have fun! Together!😅😊

2) Let Me Find You( name of my second book)

Synopsis :

Sylvia Elvis, also known as the "Ice Rose" of the ER. She coldly shook off people who hit on her, but the situation got out of hand once and she was almost kidnapped until mysteriously she had been saved by a man with golden eyes. In a strange turn of events, she meet Issac Lennox who had appeared at the hospital to meet his younger brother in secret. The first thing he did was hit on her, but was told off in an instant. She didn't even remember who had saved her. Soon they started meeting each other by coincidence. Until Issac left her on alone on their first date. Saying that he had 'business' to do. And the same thing kept on happening until Sylvia was fed up. "I don't even know where you go and how long you're away for. But this can no longer go on. —— I can't hope for a relationship or even dating for the matter, with a person who always disappears," she said while keeping her eyes on the coffee cup. Issac didn't reply but he continued to look at her. His gold eyes never left her and for some reason they felt more intense when she said that. "Will you regret it?" He said, which made her eye flinch and she looked at him. She couldn't say anything to that. Regret? Of course she's regretting it but she couldn't say anything out loud. She got up from her seat and said "I wish you have a pleasant night. Goodbye." She had so many things to say but stopped herself. She didn't want more pain than she already felt. She left without stopping, unknown that he had already seen her tears.—— "So she does regret it, then I have no reason to hold back. I will make you mine Sylvia Elvis." Issac smirked at her. Never in his life would he have thought that he would see her again in the most unexpected place. This time he would not even give her the chance to leave him. "I'll find you no matter what. Remember that!" He said to her.