
Chapters.25. A Cat and a Vixen

Once Xi arrived at Li Yuan's apartment. He found the Legal Loli's being leaned on the door. The girl wore a pair of brown military jackets with headgear and jeans. While she's wore a pair of boots leather on her feet. The color of shoes and clothes is similar.

He smiled at Li Yuan.

He's grateful, the girl didn't spend much time dressing up. Xi doesn't like that typical girl. They are too much to think about their appearance. The thing makes Xi object to that kind of girl, they're not too confident. Xi thought each woman already has its own appeal why can't they be confident in their appearance? Aren't they grateful for what they have?

Maybe Li Yuan is one of the same typical girls with the others. Xi remembered the last time they wandered around in Pingdingshan, it's spent a lot of time on Xi.

He had to wait for the girl to dress up. Then, drove her to various temples around Pingdingshan.

" Sorry to keep you waiting so long, Sensei… "Xi say hello to Li Yuan. Li Yuan who saw Xi came late only make an upset expression.

-Hey…. Hadn't I only been late for ten minutes? Why are you annoyed at me as if it was too late for hours?

"Yang'er, you call yourself a man? Look at you, ten minutes late from the time you promised! Humps, shameless! "

Li Yuan looks like tsundere character. She threw her face out of Xi's sight.

-Aren't you exaggerating about it? And again, what's with your words? It looks like a tsundere character's dialogue in the Galge game.

-You should've said "Humps! Who's waiting for you! I'm just looking for something here! So don't misunderstand me! " Isn't that like of dialogue Tsundère usually says?

-Besides, don't you know I used a public bus to come here? Aishh…

But Xi can't say that words. Li Yuan seems to need a cheer up now.

A glimpse won't look clear. But, if He noticed more detail. Li Yuan's face was rather blushing including her nose. Xi made sure this girl was just now crying over something.

" All right… okay… I'm sorry! "

-Ha… women are always right and men are always wrong. Although men do not make mistakes he must apologize to the woman. It's a real law of life, the thing that's been terrible to me.

-I hope the laws of life like that doesn't exist!

Li Yuan only saw at a moment at Xi Yang.

Then, with an expression that's still pissed, she handed the keys from her right hand.

" This is the keys… you're driving! "

That girl's face still looks pissed.

"Are you sure? "

Li Yuan nodded slowly.

" Of course… I'm lazy to drive now. "

Xi nodded.

" All right… "

Li Yuan walked and leave Xi Yang.

But, for a moment she turned away and saw Xi Yang.

" Hurry up! I can't wait to rip off your wallet! "

Xi nodded and feel something bad will happen to his poor wallet.

" Ok… ok… I'm coming. "

-So you seriously would rip off my wallet?

- My poor wallet.

-You are really shameless Ojou-sama.


The car stopped in front of a Sake tavern on the outskirts of Zhengzhou city.

It's close to the trader's district complex. The tavern was seen still opened.

Li Yuan looked at the place.

It's late at 12 o'clock. However, there are still many peoples in the district the traders.

"So… where which place do you call Xin Lan? "

Xi pointed to a sign in front of them.

" See… can't you read it? This is Xin Lan… "

" I can't believe the tavern on a remote place looks crowded to visit… "

- Oi. Oi. How do you say such humiliate words?

" Don't you ever see a tavern has visitors like this much? "

Li Yuan shaking her head.

" I've never seen one Rose Bar look crowded like this place. Although I don't always drink at that bar, I've never seen as many visitors like as here … "

-Of course… One Rose's a special place for peoples like yourself. Ojou-sama and Ouji-sama will not come here.

" Sometimes I'll order a drink and a bartender … Then, they sent the drink and the bartender to my house. "

-Oi. You order a bartender? What the hell with your lifestyle, isn't it like a king? Is lifestyle of the poor guy like me too far away to an Ojou-sama lifestyle like you?

"I think drinking here will be your first experience. Do you mind drinking in this place? "

Li Yuan is shaking her head.

" I don't mind at all. Besides, the wallet I ripped is yours, isn't it? "

Li Yuan smiled strangely.

Xi's nape hair shudders.

- I feel my wallet will really be ripped off this time.

- Tsk Ojou-sama. How can you be so confident that you're going to rip a wallet on a poor guy like me?

-Shameless, so shameless

" All right. I think we can get in. "

" En. "

Li Yuan nodd.


They both take seats that only have tables and tatami. Most of the drinking taverns do have the same service. They don't use chairs. Xi doesn't know why is it, for savings in production costs or part of the eastern people's culture?

Li Yuan sat facing Xi. The girl looked to look at the whole store while putting a tsukommi (^) expression on her lips. This girl rarely visits a place like this.

" Are you so curious about this crowd? "

Li Yuan nod her head.

Xi smiled tenderly.

It turns out Legal Loli lacks much experience visiting crowds.

" Do you like this place? "

Li Yuan nodded.

" It's not too bad enough… "

" It's good that you think so. "

Not too long until they've got a black-haired girl coming and carrying a book of order.

" Can I write your order, sir? " The girl smiles before she turns into shock.

" Xi Yang gege? What are you doing here? "

" Haha… isn't this Lan Lan meimei? Long time no see, Lan Lan meimei! "

Her face turns bad.

" That's so a long time, Xi gege. Moreover, you never once visited this place again after you stopped working. And don't call me meimei again… "

" Who wants to be your meimei?*humps "

-This little girl… still hasn't changed even after a year I haven't seen her.

" Lan Lan meimei, don't you say a cruel thing to this your gege? "

" Humps! Who do you want to call meimei? Don't call me meimei again, Xi gege! "

-Little girl. You're really so confusing. Didn't you just call me "Xi gege" just now? Are you also like the girl in front of me? The Tsundere girl too?

Lan Lan saw at a moment on Li Yuan.

Before she finally put a full question mark on her face.

" Gege… you really are a Lolicon! How do you take a little girl to a tavern at night like this? "

Li Yuan who heard Lan Lan's words her face turned bad.

That girl looks like she's holding something heavy in her grasp. The expression was as gloomy as Yandere's character.

- Hoi! What did you just now say? Are you crazy? That's the second sentence that people should never have said to this Ojousama! Look at it! Look what you just now said!

-First, don't call Li Yuan's breasts like a laundry board. Second, don't call this Ojou-sama a little girl. Third, don't ever say this girl is stingy.

Lan Lan only smiled after realizing Li Yuan's facial expression change.

" Hehe… if I can know, who is this beautiful girl, Xi gege? Is this person your side lover? The Vixen?*geez"

Lan Lan stared at Xi like a wife who caught her husband having an affair.

- Why are your expression and eyes like that? You little girl. Look at your words just now is made Ojousama looks upset.

" Ara… Ara… can my beloved student explain who is this sweet little girl is? "

The two girls looked at each other like an immortal enemy who just met again. There's a splash of lightning from their eyes.

-Please, someone, help me out! Is so scary now!

" All right Lan Lan, this girl is Li Yuan. She was a professor at my university. Professor Li Yuan, this girl is Lan Lan, she's the owner's daughter of this tavern. "

The two girls finally breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, XI doesn't know the reason behind that.

" Sorry… sorry I thought this pretty elder sister was a burglar cat…* Tehee. " Lan Lan said it with a little smile.

"Haha… sorry to have thought you were a woman's fox(vixen). *Tehee… "

Those two are back to face like cat and dog. Or more like a cat and a fox.


"Lan Lan? Have you finished writing order? If you're doing, you'd better help mom in the kitchen… "

An Adult woman with chest size f-cup comes to Xi's table.

" Wait a minute mom! Look who's here, mom! "

The woman was a little surprised to find Xi smiling while waving her.

" Hi aunt, long time no see. "

She smiled. She found a new girl sitting at the table with Xi.

" Isn't it Little Xi? Long time no see you. "

" How are you, Little Xi? Where is your girlfriend Chu Yana? "

Xi Yang's expression changed drastically. It's gloomy.

" Ha… ha… We've broken up, Auntie… "

He said with a flat tone.

" HeH? "

The three women were simultaneously shocked to hear Xi Yang's words.


" Xi gege, how can you break up? Don't you guys look like a Lovey-dovey couple? "

Lan Lan who can't read the mood of others just asked like a bullet after knowing Xi had broken up with Chu Yana.

Her mother just shook her head before hitting the head of this sixteen-year-old girl.

"Aw.Mother… it's hurts. "

Lan Lan's mother knew Chu Yana and Xi were a harmonious couple. They look good. A handsome man and a beauty girl. Maybe they're a perfect fit for a beautiful family.

But everyone has a few secret things and a hidden problem. So, it's not wise to ask the cause of both of them breaking up.

" Lan Lan you should go to the kitchen. Mom's gonna write their order! "

Lan Lan looks disappointed.

But, in the end, she did what her mother asked.

" Have you guys decided to order something? "Ask the mother.

Li Yuan let Xi made the decision of the menu they will eat. Xi is looking at the prices list of sakes.

He decided to order the sake of Shincuan.

" Two bottles of Shincuan sake and two portions of pork-boiled chops. "

Lan's mom just nodded.

" All right. Is there anything else? "

Xi thought for a moment.

" Aunty… is aunt still making it? "

" Making it? "

Xi is shaking his head.

" I mean… are you still making red bean cakes? "

Mother Lan nod.

" I think it's still in the fridge. I'll give you for free. Do you want it? "

-Of course aunty. This man is pretty sure to accept that kindness if there has a magical word "free".

Xi only nodded softly.

While Li Yuan was only stared Xi like she had seen a cockroach.

- You're such a cheapskate and shameless.

But, she hasn't said that words.


Author Note:

This is the chapter that has the most words. I hope there won't be many mistakes, so the meaning is different than I expected.