
Molana's Bits Of Plan

"The thing that I already have set up everything, there is no way we can step back. There is or will be a black Lambo out in a few hours and y'all will disappear. You all are gonna have new names for now but not me."

<Molana talking while writing on the board 'Cigar - Red & Rose>

"Are these our new names."

<Asks Umer with a decent and curious pitch>

<Molana gives a very confident sign with a smile like sure they are>

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

<Iqbal Dil starts laughing looking at the board>

<While everyone looking at him>

<Iqbal Dil sits straight while hands on the table legs backward>

"Sorry, Molana...."

<Molana starts to tell the plan>

"So we are going to U.S though the airport, by plane...."

"Oh! I thought by cycle.....

<Again everyone starts laughing by what Gul Faraz means Rose said>

"And there is quite a chance that it will take us a lot of days to enter in the Area 51."

<Cigar means Umer starts coughing while Iqbal Dil means Red starts yelling as he stood up and Gul Faraz means Rose about to leave>

"Molana, you better get a check up at the very asylum near you, enough is enough."

<Gul Faraz leaves the room while picking up a fresh call>

"Yeah? Bilqis?"

"Why in the hell is your mobile on silent or you are just ignoring me.....I was just wandering we can finally have kids when you are back....I mean no...."

"Actually Bilqis...."

"No! No....pressure come-on I am not telling you to comeback tomorrow, look after my mother died now this Molana is our last hope, there is no one to take our expenses, my father is also bankrupt, a thousand of loans. Please be nice to the Molana and I will wait for you even if it is a 10 year trip or is it more....."

"No actually....."

"Oh! Okay! I'll wait even if it is more....sorry for the call, just be nice to the Molana...."

"Yeah! Yeah......"

<Iqbal Dil looking up sighs and gets back in the room>

"I am sorry, please continue."

<Molana waiting for anyone else to argue>

"So I was saying that it will just be our first step......"

<Writes on the board 'Dig And Dunk'>

"Will be our next step, no mistakes, no flaws.....trust me! umm....I will not let you down and Bilqis too....."


"Oh! I think the car arrived, let's go."

<Iqbal looks at Molana take his mobile out and leave while other too standing up with him>

"But he knows about, bloody Molana, he tapped our phones......he f*cking tapped our phones."

<Everyone gets out as the car outside is moved out for the airport>

"Take the shortcut Box....."

<Molana says to the driver while Cigar looking at him>

"Oh! This is Akbar dad, and now he's Box!"

<Everyone starts laughing while Akbar giving death stare to Molana>

"I'll see what I can do....."

"Nah! Molana it's fine....."

<Molana smiles looking out the window while Umer throws his cigarette out the window while this time Box tackles him>

"Oh! Cigar just threw his cigarette out."

<Everyone again starts to laugh while Umer replies>

"Nice one.....nice one."