
Please Don't Hurt Me

Suraj_Nandalall · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Over the horizon, the saturated skyline shoots a rainbow, the fuzzy whites sparsely populating but large, the morning sun smiles on the face of the earth generously, and the wind carries out with this peaceful mood.

Though even the sun knocks on the huge white building, it is denied access by thick heavy black curtains to the grand room, where on the floor, he was left, curled up and wide awake. Left alone in this strange room, in this strange place, all because they think he's some prince, though he was and he didn't know.

Allen was in a state he could not identify or familiarize, he tries to piece the few clues he's had but could not come up with a theory. He knew his wings are what define him as the prince, but prince of what, what are his parents a part of, what was him.

Allen begins to questions ' What am I? ... how am I even possible?.... is any of this real?....' the questions keep flooding his mind, one by one they itch his brain hoping it would provide an answer. He sits up, stretching his body that feels completely fine, no pain, shocking! He pulls the larger than him wings to his side as much as he could, he examines them carefully, they still were blood stained as Allen was not able to bathe for so long.

Piercing dark brown eyes stare at the prince through the glass orb, watching his every move from the moment he was brought here. The old man still couldn't believe he finally has the prince in his hands to play with, his own little chest piece, he leans back in his dark velvet throne like chair that was almost invisible in the dark room.

He purses his lips together and looks up at his five sons, the boys all felt overwhelmed seeing their dad smile for the first time. The old man opens his mouth and in a shaky yet assertive voice, he says, " He looks dirty, send two maids to clean him up... then bring him to me".

" Yes sir" the five boys replied in unison, all of them acting as though they were robots under control.

The five boys leave their father alone, walking down the plain hallway, the sunlight bouncing off the white walls, their body moving in unison. One look at them and you would think they were robots.

You can't blame them, their dad was strict, but loose when it came to their sisters. They were eight of them, five boys and three girls. Samuel being the oldest, then came Edward, then the twins Hera and Hebe , then the fourth child Joseph and Athena who was birth two days after, Phillip was the Fifth then lastly came, Jacob.

All of the daughters were named after Greek goddesses, and the boys were named plainly. Their father could never learn to love his sons, but he adores his daughters and treats them like queens, everyone fails to realize why considering they were all from different women.


The dust rising as Axel and Tom tries to sniff for Allen's scent, the woods were peacefully quiet and boys were getting frustrated.

Allen's house still beats their nose with his strong scent, but stepping out and searching around the area was wasteful, the scent was still there but it was faint and spread like the air around them. Still they would not give up, though they were stupid not to do this first it still proves to be unhelpful.

Mark's voice rings in their mind link, " Boys, have you found anything?" he asks.

" No dad" Axel replies, both of the boys look at each other, the look of sadness reminiscing on their wolves face.

" Well come home, we may have found a way" Mark say's.

" Ok" Tom says , excitement an hope flushes through his mind. He looks at his brother and see the same hopefulness in his eyes.


" Catch" Mark says as he tosses the glass mask to Tom.

Tom holds the item in his hands as he thought ' finally '. He and his brother examines the mask that had been in their thoughts since they saw it yesterday, Mark lets them examine the mask for a moment before he continues.

" I have to tell you something important to tell you, but it may not be nice to hear" Mark waits a moment as he makes sure he has their attention.

" Centuries ago, the faires were massive in numbers, bigger than any supernatural beings in the earth. They all lived in packs like us but they instead of having and Alpha or a single leader, they had what was called a council" Mark pauses and looks to see if his sons were following him.

" These doll mask were their sign of authority, and it was not given through blood line but was chosen by magic when one of the wearer died.... Now the Moon Goddess had a child, a boy, with a human man. We called him the prince but during the age of sixteen the child grew large feathery wings. He was gifted with powers and held beauty beyond desires, word about him spread, and every supernatural courts wanted to have her. "

" This caused the war that has brew from century to century, Everytime the fairies risk almost everything to have the moon goddess's child. Though the war dies when she dies, but her spirit finds another worthy to be her new life.

In the last war, the supernatural courts came together to sign the peace treaty, this way the prince belong to every being in earth. But the fairies wanted him to themselves, they called the final war with the courts, but lost in many ways.

They lost the battle, their people, their packs, their council's, their pride... Since then, whatever is left of the fairies were dispersed and used by other supernatural courts, remember they lost their council they lost their leadership ". Mark finishes his history lesson with his sons, looking straight at them, wanting to make sure they understood.

" What does this mean?" Tom asks.

" Well son that mask is an indication that maybe, just maybe, the council is alive, and the fact that they may have your mate could be danger" Mark states.

" How so?" Axel asks.

" Well it's been a century since the prince died, and now, signs that the council is still alive, they must believe that Allen may be the prince".

With their fathers last statement, the two boys were shocked and still in disbelief. Their mate a prince, in the hands of selfish fairies, what does this mean, how will they get him back, do you they have to go to war.


A soft gentle knock on the door broke Allen's trance from his wings, he hears the door knob jiggle and his body instantly retreats into the fetal position. The large wooden white door slowly pushes open and two middle-aged looking women enter the room, they stood side by side each other, both of them spellbind by his beauty.

The two women walk and stoped before Allen and knelt on both knees, bowing foward before their prince. Allen was intrigued by their behavior, but he still held his guard, he was still afraid.

He peeks at the two women through his Carmel locks , his brown eyes examine their bodily features. One was taller and  had a red tinted brown colored hair, and the shorter one looked older with her black hair with gray strands here and there. Both of them wore classic maid outfits with the small apron around their waist, it was the only thing giving their body justice as the rest of the outfit hung on them like oversized dresses.

They both were pale, and had round faces, both of them skinny but the shorter one wasn't all that. Their brown eyes held a certain gleam of happiness, though their tattered state, an they looked very cheerful with their charming smiles.

The taller one steps forward and says " my prince, we have been sent to clean you up" without breaking her smile.

" Come come now, we mustn't wait, the council is awaiting you" the shorter one said.

Allen nods and let's them lead him into the adjoining bathroom, on entering the room Allen notices how the old, classical theme fades a little in here, it looked more modern.

The taller woman turns on the water in the shower and the other father's soap,  shampoo and towels from the built in cabinet.

" Well let's get started" the taller one said. Allen's eyes went wide when she reached out to touch him, he jumps backwards out of their reach.

Their confused faces only nod and leave the room, " we'll be back in thirty minutes for you" the shorter one said on closing the bathroom door.

Allen's POV

After showering, an trying to figure out how to clean my wings, I came out of the bathroom and saw that they had laid clothes for me on the bed.

A black loose fitting tee shirt that I had to pull from under me, then over my head, it was comfortable with the large back opening for my wings, and white pajama bottoms, and a pair of black socks.

To be honest, I've never felt so happy to be wearing quality clothing. I sat waiting on the bed, for the two women to return, I thought to myself.

' I've felt more relaxed here than at home, no one has tried to hurt me in anyway, an they seem as though they want to take care of me '  my mind now focused on the knocking at the door, then it open to the two women from before.

They smiled at me and their eyes linger at my clean blood free wings, admiring how white they were.

" Let's get going now, shall we" the tall one said, both of them still sporting their Cheshire smiles, to be honest, it's getting kind of creepy.

No one's POV

The three of them walk down the halls, the long white halls, all the way through light was supported by bulbs as the windows had thick dark red curtains draped over. Allen was disappointed, he wanted to see some clear blue skies, it's been a few days since he's been in dark and enclosed rooms.

They took a right then stop in front of a giant wooden double door, the shorter woman walks up and raps on the door, am in unison both sides open.

Allen looks inside as the door slowly opens, his brown orbs fixated on the people inside, his heart beating in his chest.

He was scared, he couldn't see their faces, but rather their masks an he recognizes every one, his nightmares flash in the back of his mind  like memories, he sees each of them standing over him, trying to hurt him.

He stood frozen, the doll masked faces stare at him, their body structure told his they were all men.

In the back of the room his eyes pierce onto the old man sitting on a throne like chair the color of the hallway curtains, his mask was more cracked than the rest, and his brown eyes examine the small boy just outside the door.