
Please, Don't Be Afraid of Me

20XX Japan is filled with technology of all kinds, ranging from microwaves to advertisements in the sky. Although this world is filled with such high technology, that hasn't stopped monsters from existing. Kaito, age 17, feels like he isn't your average 17-year-old. Most can run, laugh, and even find girlfriends, but Kaito feels non-existent a majority of the time. He is always tired. His hair is already white. And worst of all, he likes the cutest girl in his class, Sakura Uchiyama. The only problem with that is that she has her eyes on his close acquaintance, Daisuke Kageyama. Feeling like the loser he is, Kaito decides to just accept reality. He couldn't be like the other 17-year-olds at his school, and he was never going to be cool like Daisuke. However, one magical day, a monster is about to destroy Kaito's hometown. Knowing he could never take on this monster, he faints. Although he thought he fainted, he found himself...standing right in front of him?! How was this possible? Were there two Kaitos in this world?

Meimei_Mayu · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Walking home alone, Kaito couldn't help but wonder if it would have turned out differently if he weren't so self-centered. Daisuke was always friendly and talked to others, and Kaito took that for granted. Not only that, Daisuke was always there for Kaito. Through thick and thin. Through trial and error. No matter what, Daisuke was different.

"What is wrong with me..." Kaito groaned as he was walking home from school. The crowd around him was a nice ambience to have as he thought. Whenever he was at school, his classmates would speak, always helping Kaito to think. However, not everything out of the school was safe.

A sudden explosion cause Kaito to leave his thoughts and look up toward the sky. A monster was standing right in front of them eating a building. Everyone around him started running and screaming, calling out for the "Chosen Ones," a group of people with special gifts. They were usually the ones who helped the people from these types of disasters, but today, for an odd reason, they didn't come. No matter how many times the people called, there was still no answer.

The monster was nearing step by step. Inch by inch. No one came to help. His heart was beating like crazy since he had never been this close to a monster before. As he could almost see the monster stepping on him, Kaito fainted. His world turned black around him. Even though he knew he fainted, he could still feel himself able to move.

His eyes looked around this black void before seeing a figure that looked like...him?! Wait, but if he was there, how on earth was he here? How could someone be in two places at once? Was that even possible?

Kaito's mouth agape, and his eyes widened. The person who was fighting the monster in this black void was him, only just a cooler version of himself. The other "him" had black hair and black eyes. It was the hair color he used to have before his disease took over his body. It was a disease his grandfather told him he couldn't rid of and had to deal with it for the rest of his life. But his grandfather never told him about something like this!

"Who are you?" Kaito narrowed his eyes, trying to focus his attention on the fighting figure. He watched the figure put their hand on the monster, accelerating it's life. The monster instantly turned into dust, and Kaito was able to hear a muffled cheer. Chants started spreading across the void.

"Hurrah! Hurrah!" He heard.

The figure stood there, slowly turning its head. Kaito's heart accelerated as he waited for the figure to look at him. However, before Kaito was able to see the face of the figure, he fainted once again.