
oNe: Silence is golden

How do you expect to see anything different if your starring at the same thing?


"Are you ready?" Asked Olivia blue-eyed blonde hair southern valley girl

"Yeah, tell Robby, Psycho, and Loc to be ready," said Bullet black hair a green-eyed man who is a feared leader of the Silver Nitrate

As they pulled up. Bullet didn't even bother with grabbing a gun for confidence that roared in his heart made fear not even a glimpse in the site. Bullet took in a deep breath as he walked through the door.

"Bullet?!.. long time no see," said Enrico

"No time for small talk, where's my money?" said Bullet with anger in his voice

"No worries I have it. I just have a little favor." Enrico had led them to a walk in-freezer and opened it revealing a girl so badly beaten, bloody, skinny. she stared at Bullet with those pricing green eyes held back tremendous pain, and her jet black hair was badly matted. "Do me a favor defeat her and the money is all yours." He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Too easy!" said Bullet with a sly grin

~oNe Silence is golden~

"Let me at her," said Psycho with a cocky attitude

"Go for it!" said Evan pondering on how her face seems like one he knew who was sure he'd never seen her before

This Psycho as crazy as he was was easily knocked to the ground

"Erg!.., I give!.... I give!" cried, Psycho

"Not as easy as you thought!" mocked Enrico for his plan is to use his secret weapon her.

"I don't fight girl's! " said Robbie

"I'd love a good fight," Loc said with a cocky attitude

But just like Psycho they too were easily defeated

"Make you a deal, you beat her not only can you have the money but her too. Lose and your mine," said Enrico

"And when I win, this place mine."

"Deal!,. But. I doubt you'll win."

Bullet stepped into the room, at first, the girl stared at him with a cold blank look, all his best men lied on the ground hurt, she wasn't even toughed. Bullet threw the first punch she moved quickly then grabbed him by the neck and held him in mid-air

"I've underestimated you," Bullet said in awe that he was so easily stopped.

"Finish him." Shouted Enrico

"You don't half to do this I can get you out of here. Would you like that?"

"She not going to answer you shes a trained fighter. Finish him or I'll let James back into your room."

Just let the girl through Bullet against the wall like if he were some toy then she turned to Enrico

"You dare defy me? I tire of you anyways you'll never make it out of here alive." Enrico said as he pulled out a remote control and pressed a button. Three of Enrico's men an a girl came into the room

"Don't let them out alive!"

Psycho pulls out a gun and aimed it at the girl

"Psycho stop!" Shouted Bullet as he stepped in front of the gun

"You say what?"

"Leave her to me, you three take care of the others, Enrico's mine."

The girl darn new to the is of three of the goons her self when Enrico pulled out Gatling gun. Bullets flew this way and that until he pointed the gun at her before Bullet even could think he grabbed her area are her to the ground thus taking a few bullets himself right to the chest.

"How are you still standing? why don't you just die!!" Shouted Enrico as he aimed the gun at Bullet still shooting he just stood there with his head tucked to his chest stood there and didn't move until the gun overheated and Enrico dropped it

"I'm already dead... Heh! My turn!" Bullets' eyes turned cold dark black he charged and with a few punches, Enrico was knocked out cold.

Bullet turns around to see the girl standing with a bullet wound in her leg she charged at him

"Wait to stop!" Bullet begged she flipped him over her shoulder "Stop!, let me help you, you'll bleed to death if I don't!" He grabbed her in his arms paused for a moment and she stares at him waiting for him to finisher her off and at the same time she fir the first time felt safe the one feeling she'd hadn't forgotten

"Psycho tie Enrico up get rid of the rest, Loc you gather the others and take this place over, and Robby gets what we came here for." He said still with her in the arm she still zoned in on him.

Olivia pulled up in a van

"Where's Elvira?"

"Like, what not happy to see me... Like who is she, so not cool." wined Olivia

"Get in the back I'm driving." He said he t the girl on the passenger side then getting into the driver seat

"Like what's your name?" The girl didn't even acknowledge she was even being spoken too "Like hell I'm talking to you!" she said mad as she reached out

"Leave her alone Olivia." She didn't listen and shook her shoulder the girl grabbed a pocket knife that had the picture of a mermaid on it and cut Olivia's hand

"I told you to leave her alone!" Yelled Bullet

"She freaked cut me like I'm going to kill her!" She cried

Bullet stopped the van got out a pulled Olivia out of the van then got back into the driver's side and drove off.