
To the Netherworld

Kisuke and Ophis landed beside Sakura and Cleria and said with a big smile, "And that's taken care of ~," while the giant monster behind him crumbled into nothingness.

"W-what did you do?" Sakura asked while watching the crumbling monster.

"I can't go into detail, all I can say is that I removed the limitation of its regeneration ability," replied Kisuke.

Sakura didn't know how he did it, but she could guess the effect it would have on the monster once he had done that, "I see... By removing its limitation, it wouldn't stop regenerating even if it doesn't need to. At some point, the regeneration ability would fail and the body would collapse on its own."

"Correct. It was a lot easier to do that, rather than destroying it completely," added Kisuke. He then turned to the still stunned Vali, "Shall we go?"

Vali was startled but immediately got hold of himself, "Ah... Right... Let's go."

Mechanically turning around, he created a magic circle that would teleport them to the Realm of the Dead with a blank face.

Kisuke turned back to his mother and said, "I'll be going to the place you're staying at later. Please wait for my return."

Even though Sakura didn't want him to go through with his plans of visiting Hades' Realm, she didn't try to stop him because it seemed Kisuke was hellbent on giving the God of Death a visit, "Be careful," the only thing that comforted her is that her son was a lot stronger than expected. Nevertheless, it's impossible for her not to worry.

As Vali, Kisuke and Ophis teleported away, Everyone from the Gremory team finally recovered from being stunned, "W-what was that!?" Issei shouted.

"I-I don't know..." Rias turned towards Sakura, but she, along with the other robed and masked person, already disappeared, "...What? Since when?" She wanted to ask Sakura, Kisuke's mother, what was that ability that killed the monster.

Without much choice, she turned towards her companion and asked, "Do any of you have any idea on what that was?"

"N-no idea... I didn't understand what he'd done from the start," answered Xenovia.

"His strange form earlier... It's probably not his Balance Breaker." Yuuto muttered for everyone to hear.

"Right. That's what I thought too. That sudden cut and stitches were most probably his unique ability, and the possibility is that 'Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame' is his Balance Breaker. However, I've never heard of such an ability before. But due to its strength, this 'Benihime' is probably a newly emerged Longinus." Rossweisse added after analyzing all the clues in hand.

'But Kannon? Isn't that the Japanese name of the Padmapani? That Sacred Gear is related to the Hindu Faction?' Rossweisse thought but she didn't voice this out as there was no concrete evidence that confirmed this, 'It might just be a coincidence.'

Rias sighed, "Let's stop talking about this. This is going nowhere. Let's just hope that Akeno and Irina-san are really safe."

"Right!" Xenovia reacted, "Where can we find them!?"

"Calm down. I don't think he's going to hurt Akeno who'd worked for him in the past, and Irina-san who's his childhood friend. Kisuke Urahara will probably contact us later regarding them. Let's just wait for the good news." answered Rias.




The moment Vali, Kisuke, and Ophis appeared in the Realm of the Dead, they immediately saw the corpses of Grim Reapers strewn around on the wasteland. From afar, they could hear explosions, screams of pain and the roars of a beast.

With Ophis back on Kisuke's shoulders, they followed Vali, who flew towards the direction of the chaotic battle sounds.

A minute later, after getting out of desolated mountains and crevices, they found a very large castle that didn't match the wasteland that surrounds it. Outside of it are Bikou, Le Fay, Arthur and Fenrir wreaking havoc and killing Grim Reapers one after another.

Immediately noticing their arrival, all of them pushed back the Grim Reapers and made a space for them, "Hey, Vali!... And Ophis? Who's that guy she's riding on?" Bikou waved his hands at them.

"Bikou-sama, you already forgot him? You already met him once," added Le Fay.

"Hmmm?" Bikou stared harder at Kisuke, "Wait... He's indeed familiar..." But once they got closer, Bikou's eyes widened, "Ah!!! It's Kuroka's kidnapper!"

"Bikou-sama!" Le Fay shouted at him.

Kisuke, Ophis and Vali landed beside them and Le Fay immediately introduced herself, "It's nice to meet you, Kisuke-sama. I'm Le Fay Pendragon, a part of Vali-sama's team." She then pointed towards Bikou and Arthur, "I'm sure you already know him, but he's Bikou-sama and that is my brother, Arthur Pendragon, also part of Vali-sama's team."

After that, she pointed towards the giant wolf that was keeping the Grim Reapers at bay, "And that over there is Fenrir-chan~."

Kisuke smiled, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Kisuke Urahara, a candy store owner~."

'Just that!?' Vali, Bikou, and Arthur thought. However, Le Fay didn't break her character and just chuckled, "It's really nice to finally meet the legendary candy store owner! I wanted to ask how Kuroka-sama is doing, but this isn't really the place nor the situation for that. If you could, please tell me about her later~."

"You can rest assured that she's fine. I'll tell you more about it later."

"That's great to hear~! But what might be your business in this place?"

"Oh right. I'm here to crack an old skull."

Le Fay tilted her head to the side in confusion and asked, "Crack an old skull? What do you mean?"

Chuckling, Kisuke winked at Le Fay, "It's exactly as it sounds~." Facing Vali, Kisuke continued, "Vali-san, please lead the way."

Vali sighed and pointed towards the entrance of the castle, "Just go through the entrance. I won't be able to enter with you because a certain guy guards it, and he doesn't like seeing me."

"Hmm... Is that so? I guess that's fine. Let's go, Ophis-chan!"

Ophis raised her arm and shouted softly, "Ohh!" The two of them then started making their way through the heaps of corpses towards the entrance of the castle.

While watching them leave, Le Fay asked Vali, "What did he mean by cracking an old skull, Vali-sama?"

Vali smiled wryly and answered, "He meant to crack Hades' skull."

Le Fay, Bikou and Arthur were dumbfounded, "Y-You're joking, right?" asked Bikou.

"No. I think it's possible. After all, he's the guy that thrashed the Hero Faction, including Cao Cao, all by himself without much effort."


"I've recorded their fight so that I can study his moves. We can all watch it later, but for now..." Vali looked towards the charging Grim Reapers, "Let's destroy as many things as possible in this place."




Kisuke and Ophis reached the castle doors and blocking it was a young man with short black hair and pale grey eyes. He was wearing a black combat suit, as well as a black coat, and beside him was a large black dog.

"Stop!" The young man blocked Kisuke's way, and the black dog beside him stood up and growled at him, "Wait... Is that the Dragon God? What are you doing here?"

"Crack some skull," replied Ophis.

"What?" The young man asked.

However, before he could make heads or tails of the situation, Kisuke and Ophis suddenly disappeared in front of him and he suddenly felt their presence behind him, 'Fast!'

The young man and the black dog hurriedly turned around and saw Kisuke and Ophis' retreating back, "Jin! Catch them!"

The black dog pouched with lightning speed towards Kisuke and Ophis at the command of his master. But the moment its paws landed on them, they popped like a balloon with their auras completely disappearing from their radar.

"What was that?" The young man furrowed his brows. A few seconds later, he decided to contact his boss, Azazel, who was currently watching Hades along with two other people, to report the strange incident.





28th00: That was Slashdog, wasn't it? Yeah, I can see why Vali wouldn't wanna mess with him. Phis-chama did the classical Kanna Kamui "Oooooh~!", she is becoming more of a moeblob by the chapter! Onwards, trusty steed! We have a skull to crack!

Goyya: Well, Slashdog is just a doting big brother that Vali didn't want to deal with.