

The sudden change confused everyone, but those who're sensitive to the changes in the surrounding instantly figured out what's going on. However, Kisuke still explained it for those who can't understand, "Please remain calm. All you're seeing right now is just a projection created through magic. However, that doesn't mean that we've changed locations, so please be aware of the obstacles from the 'real world'."

"So you mean Virtual Reality?" asked Issei.

"Yep~. It's technically like that, but you can't interact with any objects here. As I have told everyone earlier, this is just a projection. Dylan-sama, please send another pulse of your Demonic Power to play the recording."

As Kisuke instructed, Dylan started playing the recording and Kisuke also played it at the same time.

Instantly, the world became alive as minute sounds started tickling everyone's ears. A few seconds later, everyone heard footsteps coming along with familiar voices, [Finally done for today! Dang it! Yoruichi refused to hold back anymore! I can't even react to most of her movements! How are we supposed to fight back!?]

[Aika-senpai, you're not alone. I also took a beating... Even Kuroka-neesama got her butt spanked a few times.]

Hearing those familiar voices, Rias reacted, "Koneko!?"

"That voice... Aika Kiryuu?" muttered Issei as he recalled his other missing classmate.

The footsteps reached the door of the living room and opened up. There, they saw three girls enter the room, "Sona..." Dylan and Cordelia muttered.

"Sona-chan..." Serafall also murmured after seeing the one leading the two. Coincidentally, Serafall was standing in the direction that Sona was walking. However, 'Sona' only went through her and reached the couch of the living room.

[Maybe I should also take some martial arts lessons,] uttered Sona as she sat down gracefully.

[Are you sure you'd want to take Yoruichi's lessons?] asked Aika as she also sat down along with Koneko.

Sona became silent for a moment before saying, [...Maybe I will bother Kisuke.]

The three of them then proceeded to talk about random things, from their training and their studies in high school that they didn't neglect.

A few minutes later, a purple-haired little girl in a maid uniform entered the room carrying some beverages and snacks, [Good work for today, everyone.]

[Ah, Medu-chan~! Thanks as always!] Aika stood up and assisted the little girl to distribute the snacks.

Sona picked up a cookie and took out a book from her personal space, [Medusa-san, you're done with your work, right? Join us and relax for a bit.]

Medusa thought for a while before saying, [Hmm... I'm free until an hour before dinner time.] She then sat down beside Sona and the two of them started their own conversation, mostly about magic.

Soon after, the door slam opened and a short girl with unbelievable proportions, sporting twintails entered the room in a hurry before diving into the couch, [*******************] she shouted in an unknown language with delight.

As soon as she entered the room, everybody also started using that language, leaving the audience confused and shocked.

"A language I can't understand?" muttered Grayfia.

Azazel turned his head towards her and said, "So it's not only me?" He then looked at others who were making confused expressions and figured that everyone was having the same problem. As Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils, they should have basic abilities that could understand any language in this world.

Azazel finally looked towards Kisuke but before he could say anything, Kisuke beat him to it, "You won't get anything from me regarding this."

Remembering what kind of place this is, Serafall's expression returned to normal, 'So it's true that they're not in this world...'

The scene continued until Yoruichi and Kuroka entered the room and the girls became even more lively. The scene ended when the little maid exited the room, presumably, to prepare their dinner.

The surroundings were then covered in black. Although it looked dark, everyone who was watching could still see each other clearly. A few seconds later, another world materialized, and this time, it was the streets that looked like it came from a fantasy world where different races walk about wearing practical clothing.

The familiar people in this scene were Kisuke and Sona, who for some reason were shopping for ingredients together. The two of them were enjoying themselves while talking in the unknown language.

Soon after, the scene changed again where Koneko and Kuroka were practicing their strange form of Senjutsu.

The scene changed multiple times and it showed Kisuke and the girls' daily lives in this strange place, and it's obvious for everyone who could see it that they're living busily but also happily.

Although they would bicker sometimes due to their differences, it'd be resolved soon after and mostly with the help of the short-stacked girl. This shows that they're in a very healthy relationship and not just together because the situation asked for it.

"The super stern Sona-chan... Is smiling a lot, isn't she?" Serafall murmured.

"Hmmm... Not sure if she's smiling a lot or not... I didn't really notice any difference." replied Kisuke while he rubbed his chin.

Serafall, along with Dylan and Cordelia, became surprised, before a small smile appeared Serafall's face, "Is that so? Then forget what I just said."

More scenes came up until it reached where Sona entered Kisuke's study to ask a few things about magic. Seeing this, Kisuke felt that he was forgetting something until the 'Kisuke' and 'Sona' in the recording finished their conversation and the latter asked for a good night kiss, 'Ah... I remembered.'

Snapping his finger, Kisuke immediately ended the recording, "Yep~! They're doing fine aren't they~?"

The surroundings returned to normal and Kisuke took back his memory crystal while everyone was giving him various stares.

"...Ki-tan... You..." Serafall murmured with an unbelieving face.

Ignoring her, Kisuke turned to everyone and said, "So that's everything from me today. Since there's nothing else and I still need to do some stuff, I have to say my farewells. See you around~." Kisuke then grabbed Ophis and teleported away, escaping from the scene.

The first one to react after Kisuke left is Saji, "W-whaaaaat!!!???"

Soon after, Issei added, "Holy shit! Kaichou and Kisuke are going out!?"

Cordelia, who was still watching, held her cheek with a small smile, "Ara, I never knew Sona could make such a maidenly face."

"That bastard!" Dylan gritted his teeth as he mumbled.

"I'm following him!" Serafall then declared and teleported away.

While everyone was talking about the recording they'd seen, two particular girls were stuck in place, thinking of the last scene.




Serafall arrived at the hideout and immediately noticed Ophis sitting on the side while Kisuke was behind multiple magic barriers looking at her, "Ki-tan~? You've got a lot of explaining to do~!" Serafall sported a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she took a step forward towards him and cold air started to gather around her, freezing the ground on each of her steps.

"Wait! Sera-chan! I know what that looks like, but calm down first and allow me to say a few words!"

"I'm calm, alright? Why don't you get out of your shell first?" With a wave of her hand, cold air blew towards Kisuke and his first barrier instantly froze before breaking into many pieces.

'Whew~. As expected of a Devil King~!' Kisuke thought as he tried to form a plan in his head.





28th00: Ah, Sera-chan didn't give her blessing for that relationship! She's gone into Onee-sama mode! Phis-chama is sitting on the side, watching this chaos unfold. Her life became incredibly entertaining once Hat came home.